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say could you maybe work in a department store during the day and bar or restaurant in the evening/ night? please be very detailed in your answer. thank you.

2007-01-14 02:09:04 · 12 answers · asked by IT girl 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

12 answers

Of course you can, thousands do and have. I worked full-time (40 hrs per week) last two years and managed 24 hours of study per week minimum (with 2 kids).

Planning is most important, know your priorities, find work in the field you are studying for if possible. If you want it, then working can focus you and show you what is most important to you.

2007-01-14 02:23:41 · answer #1 · answered by chillipope 7 · 0 0

i know of ppl who are studying at uni and have more than one job but usually they dont do so well when exams come.

i suggest u stick to one job which is student friendly.
by this i mean that the employer is willing to understand that ure a student and school will come first.
u can tell them when exam times are on so they ll give u less shifts during that time and then work longer shifts during the rest of the year and ask if u can switch to full time during summer.

if ure a student ur studies have to come first and u ll have to make some sacrifices. U have to think b4 u buy everything. do i really need this? is it really neccessary? if so can i get a cheeper version of it.
hopefully it will all be worth it in the end

2007-01-14 02:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by Lara^mt 5 · 0 0

This is a hard question. It's hard enough to go from job to job and work on the weekends. When do you study and find time to pursue your career which is why you are going to school in the first place? Don't work too hard and forget why you are in school. Email me and I will give you a great link to a work at home job that doesn't require much time or money and will last a lifetime. I'd hate to be reported for abuse for advertising. Good Luck! Happy Studies!

2007-01-14 02:57:10 · answer #3 · answered by jenniferjotheos 1 · 0 0

I have a job working 18 hours but I am having to drop it I can't commit to both a job and university. Think of it this way would you rather have cash now and a average wages later or no/little money now and high status and pay later by getting a good degree and having what employers look for.
You should concentrate on your Uni but if you have debt and really need the cash try one job and increase your hours in the summer when you have free time.

2007-01-14 02:14:09 · answer #4 · answered by Lora 2 · 2 0

I have had more than one job while in school. It is really hard and if you want to do well you can't have any fun on the very rare day off all you can do is school work i allways worked retail so that i could build my work schedule around school instead of trying to get classes that worked around wrok. I also did a tutoring job among other things while in school so yes you can it is just really hard

2007-01-14 03:28:59 · answer #5 · answered by Big Daddy R 7 · 0 0

It depends how demanding your course is - how many hours in uni? which year are you in? does it require a lot of coursework/private study time?

I had two jobs while at university - working three evenings a week at one and two days a week at the other. It was fine for the first two years but I cut back in my final year, your study is more important.

2007-01-14 02:23:19 · answer #6 · answered by angelina.rose 4 · 0 0

This depends if your a college or university student! The amount of coursework and exams can be demanding on your time at university more than college. Also depends on your timetable when you have to be in college/uni on when you can work. On a weekend obviously you could do anything you wanted but leave time for yourself to relax a bit. You can have more than one job but the choice is yours depending on your situation and effort you want to put in to your coursework and revision.

2007-01-14 02:22:59 · answer #7 · answered by Lisa G 3 · 0 0

its nice you are hard working.. that not that bad.. usually most scholars do is to study or to be a student during the day.. and take a shift in fast food restaurants or mini offices from afternoon till night.. they usualy take side lines for financial problems.. they try selling sometimes / buy and sell.. aside from that having business on food or even chips is another great idea.. in fact, i tried selling junk foods in school which my classmates like a lot.. i earned enough to..try it..

2007-01-14 02:32:25 · answer #8 · answered by mULan 2 · 0 0

If you're not willing to pay the price for success you will pay the price for failure. The choice is yours. Know that you only need 12 hours to be considered full-time for school. Good luck, and make sure you take care of yourself.

2007-01-14 02:15:31 · answer #9 · answered by boombabybob 3 · 0 0

it's possible, but it takes a chunk out of study time. i'd say no more than 25 hours a week for a student is healthy.

2007-01-14 02:16:41 · answer #10 · answered by ben. 1 · 0 0

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