The real winner is the one that sends out the email. Anytime you have to give money to receive more, you're in trouble. It's a scam. Recently heard about one where checks are mailed to an individual in the US that must deposit them; they then wire the money (minus a fee) to someone else. Guess what? All the checks eventually bounce, and then who is left holding the bag?
2007-01-13 17:47:21
answer #1
answered by Isthisnametaken2 6
Freelotto has an automatic play service. Entering your credit car means you will be paying about $10 a month to have your numbers played automatically every day. It is not a scam, but you can can log on and play for free every day for the same prizes. There are actually 3 or 4 people that have won on that site, but you are not one of them, and enrolling in F.A.S.T. will not guarantee you will win.
2007-01-14 01:57:22
answer #2
answered by Fred C 7
Do you know the value of $ 1 million. U do not know anything about lotto, then how come you have won the amount. Such e mails are received by several persons and they are duped of large amounts. Do not be greedy and fall prey to such tactics. It has been reported in papers also.
I felt it is my duty to warn you. If you still go ahead and give your credit card number and the code number, they will misuse it and you will have to thank yourself for the jeopardy.
2007-01-15 03:34:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i too get these mails with subjects like: this is not a joke, Congratulations, Winner Announcement. They will just keep on sending you mails until you enter your credit card number. They said me I have won $10 Million!!!!.
2007-01-14 08:00:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Don't do it. The people that sent out the email obviously want your credit card number.
2007-01-14 10:30:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Do not become very suprised to this these are just tricks played on you .you give your credit card number they could possibly take a lot of money.This is very risky young man!!!!!
2007-01-14 23:08:56
answer #6
answered by harindarmohan 1
they r scams because i also recieved many e-mails that i hav won $1 million or i hav won 1 hundred thousand euros
2007-01-14 02:35:06
answer #7
answered by lilly 1
just fooling u stay away u dont get money easy in life u need to work hard to beome rich
2007-01-17 06:34:36
answer #8
answered by Warrior 2
Don't fall prey to these emails, they're hoaxes!
If you receive an email that you do not remember subscribing to, or it is not from family or friends, then DO NOT open it.
2007-01-14 01:44:11
answer #9
answered by kylie.brand 2
It is a scam
2007-01-16 06:55:26
answer #10
answered by lax 3