Capricorn, aquarius, pisces, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagitarrius.
2007-01-14 00:52:05
answer #5
answered by karespromise 4
you are an Capricorn
You were born under the sign of Capricorn and are known by others to be the type of person who has your feet planted firmly on the ground. Always practical and cautious in everything you do, you are extremely self-contained and at times this bothers you; you wish it could be otherwise. It takes you quite a while to open up emotionally and express your deeper feelings. You would rather be a little suspicious and take your time in getting to know someone rather than making blunders by being too impulsive.
You need to deliberately think things through and always with a view to safeguarding your material security and financial interests. You see hard work and commitment to your goals and ideals as essential if you are to make this happen. You are resourceful and even if you don’t have financial or emotional support, you’re prepared to go it alone and see your dreams come true. At times a pessimist, you would argue that this is simply being realistic and not expecting too much from life, only what you deserve. Your key life phrase may even be “Expect the worst, but hope for the best”.
You are very traditional in many ways and like to do things in a manner that is comfortable and familiar to you. Others could sometimes see you as a stick in the mud, but this doesn’t bother you. You are not afraid of being alone and would prefer to do things on your own terms rather than compromise to please others.
Your serious demeanour may often be mistaken for an elitist attitude, which makes others feel as if you are looking down on them. This is not correct. You are a good judge of character because you do not get carried away by superficialities and are very aware of the consequences of entering into any friendship or business partnership.
Once others get to know you, they will come to realise that you are a completely trustworthy and dependable individual, who can be counted on to fulfil their interests and needs. Though they may feel you drive a hard bargain, in the end they will appreciate your integrity and the way you follow through on your word. You also have the ability to withstand any trials and tribulations thrown at you, and family and friends are quite amazed to see just how well you weather the storms of life.
You can handle responsibility and are often found to be in some position of trust or authority where your balanced view and traditional methods of handling any situation becomes an asset to those you work for. Your disciplined focus is due to Saturn ruling Capricorn, which endows you with excellent concentration and a capacity for hard and sustained work.
Your totem, the goat, accurately symbolises your journey through life. The rocky, mountainous terrain is easily accessible to this animal in its journey to the top. You may not achieve your ambitions as quickly or easily as others, but in the end you will triumph.
The third sector of the zodiac reflects the principles of intelligence and communication—the way people express themselves. Being born under the third sign of the zodiac brings to the fore these attributes of intellectual expression within you. Gemini is a versatile sign and is found to take interest in many different facets of life. If you could be accused of anything, it would be that your interests are so diverse you’re sometimes superficial, taking a bit of this and a bit of that and not deepening your knowledge of the subject in question. Likewise, many Geminis are quite high-strung and tend to spread themselves very thin, taking on too much and not completing what they begin.
Nevertheless, people love your company and this adaptability in your nature is what makes you interesting to others. You have an incredible breadth of knowledge and are able to talk to almost anyone about many differing views and the experiences you may have had. Communication is your Number One asset.
You have a wonderful love of the written word, as well as the spoken, and will often find yourself putting pen to paper and doodling your thoughts, if only to give you an insight into your own thinking processes. Many journalists, writers, and other advisers are born under the sign of Gemini; their forte with words makes a lasting impression.
The third sign of Gemini also relates to travels and short journeys. As a Gemini you’ll find yourself restless on many occasions and your itchy feet will cause you to travel frequently. These journeys may not always be long, but you are always on the go.
You thirst for new experiences. Even on short journeys and in transit, you are the sort of person who would love to meet new people and share your ideas—even with perfect strangers. You’re fascinated by the way the human mind works and the way people interact generally. Again, you must curb the tendency to frivolous mental activity and excessive thought, because you may be high-strung and your mental efforts could, from time to time, cause you exhaustion.
You can’t handle close-mindedness of any sort. With your inquisitive and restless mind you have an eclectic taste, having dabbled in many different viewpoints and topics. You’re aware of the different types of personalities in life and are, therefore, liberal and free-thinking in your approach.
Geminis seem to grow younger rather than older with age. Your physical appearance will maintain that youthful glow and you will continue to exhibit a fun-loving energy. Along with this youthful exuberance, you exhibit a sharp wit that enhances your communications. This will definitely make you the favourite among your peers.
If anyone were to describe the typical Taurus temperament, impulse is certainly not one of the words they would choose to use. Your personality is very much the opposite—careful, prudent and deliberate in virtually all matters, especially the important decisions you assess as being vital to your security and the welfare of those you love.
Once your mind is made up you have amazing tenacity and endurance, coupled with the energy to complete any task and this is perfectly symbolised by the raging bull, which stands still for just a few moments before rushing forth, kicking back dirt in preparation. Yes, you do dig your heels in when your mind is made up, don’t you? This can be a blessing and also a curse for you. Because of your grounded and earthy personality, you are able to commit to your path of action and even when provoked, tempted or ridiculed will endure that. But what if the other person is right? Sometimes you proudly and obstinately adhere to an opinion or course of action in spite of others’ good advice.
You must learn to recognise that constructive criticism from those who love you and have your best interests at heart is beneficial to you, to say the least. It isn’t an insult and should not be regarded as such. If you investigate a little more deeply you’ll see that the reason you hold on to your position or opinion is because you fear change, particularly when it is imposed upon you and leaves little or no room for you to assert any control over your destiny. This tendency in its worst form can and often does lead to complacency and apathy in certain Taureans. Change is the only constant principle in life and it is to this fact that Taurus must adjust, if only to make life and relationships less stressful and more fulfilling overall.
Your patience and perseverance are your most recognisable characteristics. When you agree to help someone or make up your mind to embark upon a project you’ll wait long for what you perceive as the appropriate moment to act and then advantageously persist until that job is complete (this is a lot like the bull preparing for its charge, is it not?). Because Taurus is an earth sign you are natural and unpretentious—even when you choose to pamper yourself or dress up fashionably and look your best, you do it charmingly and with grace. Actually, simplicity appeals to you and you abhor pomp and circumstance for its own sake. This is unusual as you’re ruled by Venus, the most attractive and elegant planet in the zodiac. In fact, you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty and quite enjoy gardening, practical hobbies, as well as socialising and having a night out on the town.
Taurus is a sensate sign and this means you prefer to rely on your feelings rather than your mind in your experience of life. You therefore trust your own intuition about others and are usually correct when that “gut feeling” of yours kicks in. Don’t completely dismiss your rational nature, though, as you do have impeccable reasoning skills and balancing both will make you all that more powerful and successful in life.
As a Leo, your ruling planet is the Sun. In fact the Sun is not a planet, but truly the centre of our Solar system. As above, so below! You too are a centre of dynamic energy and exhibit the qualities of the Sun in full measure. You are warm, bright and self-aware. Therefore, you want to make an impression in everything you do—in work, in love and in your social life as well.
You are known for being a show-off, but this is a misconception. Your dramatic flair is part and parcel of your in-built zest for life, love of people and optimistic attitude. Life to you is like a stage on which to perform and express your talents in full measure. In your upbeat state of mind, others are carried away by your positive mental attitude and this is what endears them to you. You enjoy sharing your joys and successes with those you love and when you do, you do so magnanimously without thought of return.
Your loyalty is also another of your trademarks and you give as good, if not better, than you take. In friendship you give your all and expect the same in return. People know you as a genuine friend who is always ready to give a hand. It seems that even if you can’t help someone with their specific problem, you somehow still manage to exude a warm and reassuring vibration that makes them feel better for being with you.
The downside of Leo is a misplaced pride, a need to “one-up” others and this, in the less evolved Leo, is a warning that whatever pinnacle is reached in life may result in a fall. Humility ought to be cultivated at every step of your path. You will be recognised for your vibrant energy and self-motivated action. You don’t need to big-note yourself to others. People will instantly recognise your abilities and even look up to you. If this adulation begins to go to your head, you must listen to the cautionary advice of a good friend when s/he says, “Step down a notch or two, Leo!”
You are a born leader and others naturally look up to you for guidance and security. At times you are hard on others and demand the excellence from them that you exhibit in your own actions. People gravitate towards you and you will no doubt be capable of reaching the zenith of whatever path you choose in your life.
To gain a deeper understanding of Leo, study your totem, the Lion. The way in which Leo the Lion rules the jungle, yet at the same time nurtures the young cubs is a perfect description of your Leo strength and domination, blended with tenderness and devotion.
2007-01-14 00:57:13
answer #7
answered by The CEO of Yahoo Answers! © 4