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3 answers

so far the 2 answers are right on how to see it in Proud mode.

in normal mode theres more then just beating sephiroth and clearing the worlds. you have to obtain 100% completion. meaning every gummi route has to have every level unlocked and cleared. every character must have completed interactions (including defeating sephiroth and speaking to tifa afterwards). 100% of the synthesis shop (meaning both levels on every item). every world must be cleared (including atlantica and the 100 acre wood). you need to find and open every treasure chest as well.

basically take the 30 hours to beat it on proud mode rather then the 100's of hours to 100% normal mode.

2007-01-13 11:43:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a secret ending video at the end of the game on the following conditions:

Complete all the worlds and Jiminy Journals in Standard Mode.
Complete all of the worlds in Proud Mode.

2007-01-13 18:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Either beat normal mode with all levels beaten, collect everything, and defeat sephiroth(or something like that); or just beat hard mode. Wait until after the credits and then you should be presented with an awesome movie of a sneak peak of KH3.

2007-01-13 18:53:47 · answer #3 · answered by neoswordmaster777 3 · 2 0

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