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I am astounded with the utter reversal of so many american values, like before we was a brave country that was known to the bad asses as one they admired for its integrity and they did not desire a fight with. Now we are despised as cowards with pre-emptive strike speaches trying to threaten other nations and go about like unchristian busy bodies telling everyone how they have to deal contracts for oil and securities with our industry. We are like a bad player and if we get to many enemies we shall have serious troubles when the underdogs arise with new sources of assistance since it is not by violence against Iraq households we shall make any freindship or deal any culture exchange with a whole lot of people all over this world. We are stupid, here is america our home and it is good, why are we about war everywhere and not healing our own social conflicts and bringing peace into our own lands.

2007-01-13 08:34:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

18 answers

There is old adage that a empire only lasts 500 years and America has been in decline for years, the illegals regrettable are sucking us dry, poor political decisions make for long time enemies and problems, the volunteer army was and is a mistake, the war on drugs another failure. I hate leaving my Children to face it. There won't be a Civil War unless the Muslims rise up and begin fighting. A very sad day!

God Bless You and Our Southern People.

2007-01-15 17:11:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The (s)election of 2000, was converted into a joke, rather than the constitutional crisis it was, why? The media was in compliance, early. Since then, the media, at large, has shown itself to function, increasingly, as a means for the administration to indoctrinate the public, at large. What does the government want us to think and how are they enabled to succeed?

We find ourselves in a position, I feel, is similar to pre-Civil War America, as well as, pre-World War II Germany. An issue in the Civil War was slavery; two sides and no common ground. We perceive ourselves to be so divided, culturally. The fare offered by the protectors of the First Amendment continues to be "stay the course" in that regard. We are attracted to and distracted by the divisive, fear-filled, hate-filled pseudo-issues of the moment.

Secondly, we were each affected by the events of 911, but which of our government's reactions have been legal, related, justified and beneficial to the nation's security? For clarity, by national security I mean the people's security, not the security of corporate interests. I believe the facts show that this administration functions as a criminal enterprise, I imagine some disagree; but, I can not understand how such opposition can still exists.

The goal is not to unite and inform us, so, we have to do the grassroots organizing and researching, individually and collectively. There are other sources for information. There are satellite channels, such as Free Speech TV and Link TV, which offer independent news and documentaries. These days, we have to dig for the truth to find it, it isn't wise to trust the "cliff notes" and "talking points", it never has been. Visit linktv.org, or democracynow.org; the Internet is an indispensable tool, we must be vigilant in protecting open access for all.

2007-01-21 08:32:48 · answer #2 · answered by S. B. 6 · 0 0

Reminds me of a guy I grew up with, he was weird and mean. he got to being a policemen in Greer. South Carolina.a lot of young boys accidentally got hung in there jail cells while he was a policemen there.I was at the emergency room .and saw him beating a man on a stretcher who was all bloody and just laying there.so I got up and told him.to stop ,and he knew that I mean what I say.he stopped but when he went out the door he told me he was going to GET me. I knew he would probably kill me the next time I saw him if he had a chance.what I am saying is that once a person has power which the Feds do. over the whole world. then they use it.Theres a lot of evil people in our government.people that have been there for many years.. that we don't know of.and they influence our leaders.It of course is time for people to take back our government and demand some morals and justice and some humanity for Gods sake. and not all this killing.of innocents.half a million Innocent people dead so far in Iraq.for example.our tax money should be used to help the people.not half of it for the military.and so much just given away .when theres people in real need here.Peace

2007-01-13 09:59:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We have peaceful revolutions all the time. They are called "elections". The Democrats overthrew the Republicans in 2006. In 1994 the Republicans overthrew the Democrats. There are 300 million Americans - we do not all share the same values, so saying "American values" is very misleading - American atheists or American Christian fundamentalists? We are NOT despised all over the world, but right now our GOVERNMENT is very unpopular in certain parts of the world. Its weird, but Iran wants American tourists, but doesn't like the American government! Some of the people in Iraq like us because the American army actually protects certain neighborhoods from the militias and death squads. The Iraqis want us to leave, but not before civil order is restored. We are NOT stupid - Americans swept the Nobel Prizes for science this year. You make many complex problems seem simple, and they aren't.

2007-01-13 09:08:48 · answer #4 · answered by Paul H 6 · 0 1

This is a cultural war between secular progressives and traditionalists. Secular progressives believe that Christians are obstacles to an "enlightened" society. They also tend to believe that drugs should be legalized, homosexual marriage is equal to marriage between a man and a woman, abortion is good for society and is not the killing of a child, euthanasia is also good for society and is not killing an adult, America is the root of evil in the world, America's enemies should be appeased, our borders should be open, countries don't matter and people should be allowed into the US without going through a legal process, government size should be increased to take care of society rather than individuals taking care by personal responsibility and caring for others. Secularists believe that Christians are an obstacle to meeting their agenda, so there is an aggressive effort led by people with big money and powerful groups like the ACLU to reduce or eliminate the influence of Christians in our society. If Christians can be silenced, the SP's have a better chance of attaining their objectives to radically change society. This is a war that certainly could lead to a civil war, but I don't think there will be any bloodshed. It will be more like the cold war. At the end of the cold war, the good guys won. I hope its the same with the cultural war and that America wakes up to a sense of morality again......

2007-01-13 08:38:14 · answer #5 · answered by charles 3 · 1 1

I think that what you are talking about has less to do with the USA divided within itself than with the USA being divided fromt he rest of the world. The politics you are talking about has to do with the US and how it is viewed by other countries, how it treats other countries, and some of the US foreign policy.

For a civil war to be iminent, the people of *this* country would really have to be divided, and when it comes down to it, I just don't think we are all that far apart in our beliefs. The majority of people in this country have high values and high hopes. I prefer to stay optimistic, I know, and I am trying to be a realist. Basically, we all want to be safe, we all want better education for the youth, we all want our lives to be of value, we all want to be able to live the "American dream", and we all want to believe that we really do have the greatest country in the world.

As a country we just need to rethink how to go about this and make some changes in the government (everyone should vote for this reason! It's ridiculous how many people don't vote!). We need to take an active role to achieve what we hope for and not just sit by and complain and listen to other people complain.

Sorry for the ramble. I hope my point was understood at least.

2007-01-13 09:08:10 · answer #6 · answered by sleepyfrog76 2 · 0 0

The way I see it, the main problem with the United States stems directly from our elected officials. It seems that everyone that gets sent to Washington by popular vote, be they a President, Senator, or member of Congress, they always claim to have the interests of the people in their minds and hearts. When they arrive in Washington, it becomes evident that they care far less about the common citizen then they do about lining their own pockets. Big business is actually in control of the country, albeit from behind the scenes; industries like oil, insurance, pharmaceuticals, etc., are the ones that have the most influence over our elected officials by means of campaign contributions, "special favors," and downright bribery. The greed of the rich has become more important in Washington than the quality of life of the common citizen.

2007-01-13 08:57:07 · answer #7 · answered by jbin85226 2 · 0 1

bah, i can't buy it. i do understand where you're coming from, for sure. just don't think it is all that near. it was. we were on the brink in 2001. then something happened that autumn. maybe you saw the papers. curious how everything changed. there was a propaganda field day.

at this point i'm more worried about what time it is. seven minutes to midnight right now seehttp://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070113/ts_afp/usnkoreairannuclear_070113170520 . wednesday the clock gets pushed ahead. how far?

while i really don't know the accuracy of the Doomsday Clock, in my lifetime it's been better than a Timex; let's all hope it keeps right on ticking. but does anybody really know what time it is?

EDIT >>> then there's the fascist like that azhole down there. make no mistake dip wad i am here. not runnin' to canada. not a fataz pizza chit.

2007-01-13 08:54:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know it has been known( well not to uninformed citizens) that we are in the process of a one world government. Do you really think that America is going to have a civil war in amidst of these plans. This has always been a divided country, that is the price that we pay do live freely and practice whatever we choose.
When have we ever really been united as a country?

2007-01-20 11:01:00 · answer #9 · answered by SexiTash 2 · 0 0

A Civil War is impossible because the liberals would all flee to Canada rather than die for their principals. Then again few would be able to fight as most people are too fat in this country and can't get 5 feet from their TV and refrigerator.

2007-01-13 13:10:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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