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I am a sophmore and i got a 45 more critical reading, 42 for mathematics, and 46 for wiriting skiils. my selection index is 133 while my percentile is 39. how can you compare this to the SAT score? is this a good score?

2007-01-13 08:04:42 · 3 answers · asked by COOL KID 2 in Education & Reference Standards & Testing

3 answers

lol?......uhm im only a freshman and i got 225...98th percentile..
well... psat and the new sat are both out of multiples of240
psat is ranked out of 240 and sat is out of 2400...so you just got 1330 out of 2400...thats like community college...

2007-01-13 08:13:26 · answer #1 · answered by Ronnie P 4 · 0 1

This is not a good score. It is pretty much comparable to a 1330 on the SAT Reasoning Test. Being in the 39th percentile means that 61% of testers scored higher than you. An "average" score is around a 150. Practice your SAT reasoning skills until you can surpass the 160's.

(By the way, students who scored a 225 would be in the 99th percentile, not the 98th.)

2007-01-14 17:33:41 · answer #2 · answered by ethereality 4 · 0 0

You should know by your percentile. 39 percentil isn't good, it's below average. It means you did better than 39 % of people who take the test, but it also means 60% of people who take the test did better than you. Any percentile 75 or above would be a really good score.

2007-01-13 16:21:18 · answer #3 · answered by Jordan D 6 · 0 0

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