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What is your favorite scale to model in, and why?

2007-01-13 07:48:15 · 4 answers · asked by Mike M. 7 in Games & Recreation Hobbies & Crafts

4 answers


I like all of them. However I perfer HO Scale the best for running my model train set for size and convenience, However for displays I like the O scale for showing off the details

By the way, Chuckles there are a Lot of old farts as well as young ones too in the world that collect Model trains of all scales sizes and we are proud of it. Start your own. So please don't insult the guy for asking this. I think think is a good question

Thank you for asking this. Hope to hear from all you model trainers out there. Be proud of your train sets.

2007-01-13 13:44:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I grew up loving trains and had HO. My ex had considered one in all those large Lionel's. i appreciate Z scale. you're able to do alot with them in a small position and under no circumstances problem about having to position it up till now dinner! LOL Zscale would acceptable be rather creatively simulating as you want to be waiting to make the right sizes for the houses and upload-ons and that's form of more suitable strong than doing N or HO.

2016-10-31 00:31:31 · answer #2 · answered by ridinger 4 · 0 0

I grew up loving trains and had HO. My ex had one of those big Lionel's. I love Z scale. You can do alot with them in a small place and not worry about having to put it up before dinner! LOL

Zscale can be really creatively simulating as you need to be able to make the appropriate sizes for the buildings and accessories and it is a bit harder than doing N or HO.

2007-01-13 13:56:34 · answer #3 · answered by Mudder/ Gi 3 · 0 0

im not hatin' but everybody who answers this question is going to be an old fart...

2007-01-13 08:05:40 · answer #4 · answered by Chuckles 2 · 0 4

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