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There are so many people that don't give a hoot about your well-being, especially on freeways. The most important thing for these Americans to consider, is who do I have to shove out of my way in order to get where they need to go as fast as they can get there?

American children start out really young having to have every toy on the market.

There have been fights that broke out, in stores, because of new toys that "every kid must have".

Women have to have the best make-up and really expensive clothes.

Men must have the best new car and hair weave their money can afford.

Why are American's so self centered? All it is is "Me, me, me!" and "I, I, I!" I have to put "me" first!


2007-01-13 03:17:54 · 20 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

20 answers

Welcome to the wonderful world of easy credit, narcissism and consumerism.

2007-01-13 03:27:41 · answer #1 · answered by Dane 6 · 1 0

Americans are not the only ones who fit this description. In fact, they do so even less than many other countries.

Americans on freeways: apparently you have never driven in another country. Try driving in Lima, Peru or Mexico City, or London, England, or just about anywhere, for that matter, then tell me how bad American freeways are.

American women and children: are you kidding? Kids everywhere have all the toys, and they all wear brand-name clothes, and make-up on women in other countries is legendary.

American men: at least those new cars have pollution controls. All countries with a decent economy have streets full of new cars. I don't know about hair weaves, I've never met a man with one. Doesn't mean they aren't there.

Americans aren't as self-centered as a lot of others, so blow off.

2007-01-13 03:56:10 · answer #2 · answered by Webber 5 · 0 0

Why do I get the sense that you may have never set foot on American soil?
Don't embrace the image of America presented by Media.
The stuff you are looking at is a "product"

excerpt from link
America's biggest export is no longer the fruit of its fields or the output of its factories, but the mass-produced products of its popular culture – movies, TV programs, music, books and computer software.
Entertainment around the world is dominated by American-made products. It's "The Young and the Restless" in New Delhi, Garth Brooks blaring from a Dublin apartment, or the eager line of people waiting outside a Nairobi movie theater to see "As Good As It Gets." It's Bart Simpson in Seoul, Madonna in Sao Paulo, "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" on Warsaw TV.


I think that is what is behind a lot of the "anti-American" sentiment.
Getting foreign policy confused with exports or something .

A large percentage of Americans don't live in the manner depicted by the product.

note: aberrant behavior on the part of Americans you described
result of Advertising utilizing techniques pioneered by Nazi Propaganda apparatus way back in the 30's and 40's.
Activates some primal instinct.

read Buddhist website....saw phrase.."hungry ghost realm".....they live in the hungry ghost realm.
I suspect most people do, to some degree.
But, some more than others.

2007-01-13 03:38:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You sound really jealous.

Not all Americans are as you describe. There are millions of children who grow up in poverty, women who never wear make up, men who ride the bus. You are assuming that all Americans are wealthy, and that is simply not true.

Perhaps you need to take a little time away from the media's depiction of the "average American" and actually see the country and it's people for what it really is - an eclectic mix of extremes, with a vast middle ground

2007-01-13 03:24:14 · answer #4 · answered by Vix 4 · 3 1

I wish I could tell you. My guess is if you are not self centered it is hard to get anywhere if you live in the U.S. I grew up in a small town and after doing some time in the military I went to a big city and found a good job. If you did not stab people in the back you did not get anywhere so for survival I guess folks just become self centered and then teach it to there kids. I on the other hand was offered a job out side of the U.S. and honesty and integrity actually means something overseas. My career has thrived and am looking at retirement by the age of 34. I knew I always had good ideas but someone always found a way to shoot them down in the U.S. and then use them later on for them selves and it seemed management forgot all about me trying to implement those same ideas. I headed overseas and by being honest have accumulated a lot of great business contacts and easily moved up the corporate ladder. I never had to stab any one in the back and never had to lie to my employees. Now I have made mistakes and have admitted to them rather then push the blame off on someone ells but for some reason integrity actually gets you ahead overseas. Of course you still have to make someone a lot of money to get promoted but if you are good at your job you do not have to worry about someone screwing you over and taking the credit half as much as it happens in the U.S.

Now the way of life overseas is much better as well. You can actually go out to a pub or restaurant and have a good conversation with multiple view points. You can learn why others see something one way and give the reasons you see things different with out someone getting pissed off. You don’t hear the “Your and idiot” when someone dose not agree with you. Instead you get a weird look some times but a question like “Why do you think that?” or something similar. You can learn a lot if you just realize you do not know it all and you can learn from other people. It makes for a lot better conversations as well. As for the Women overseas my view point is the best thing an American guy can do is marry a woman overseas. And the best thing an American women can do is marry an American guy because no one ells will put up with there crap. It is not just the fact that on average the women overseas are much more beautiful it is the fact that they are much more intelligent as well. You find a beautiful women in the U.S. chances are they just rely on there looks to get by but overseas you will find a women as beautiful or more beautiful and they will be very intelligent as well.

They guys overseas seem to be a bit more responsible with there money. Men will always want a fast car but overseas you do not see as many guys buying a fast car when they can’t afford it. Some of my best friends in the world are from outside of the Untied States and as you can guess I met my future wife (Wednesday we will get married) and she is very beautiful and very intelligent. Before I met her I thought I was great at deciding what to invest in but she blows me away when it comes to making your money work for you. We will end up retiring in her country here in a couple of years. Her and some of our other friends that are women always looked up to American women and thought they were something they wanted to strive to be. Then a few months ago they were able to meet a few of them and get to know them a little bit. Needles to say they were shocked and could not believe they looked up to them all there lives.

As for how they see the American guy they say 50% are not good and 50% are good but usually if you meet them out and about in town away from other Americans and trying to learn the culture that is the guy they will go up to and talk with because they usually end up being the 50% that are good. That is a quote too.

2007-01-13 07:36:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Americans Are Centered! That is a fact...the only one you interpreted correctly.
Aside from the inane and petty you cited, I personally found your
"Men must have the best new car and hair weave their money can afford." to be distasteful and just this side of racist!
Your childish attempts to justify failed Marxism will not play well here.
For your own sake, forego feigning intellect, go to a real school and get an education.

2007-01-13 03:39:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Being self-based isn't having the intelligence to get previous your self. many human beings get annoyed with people who're continually complaining they don't have sufficient and are unhappy. in certainty, they don't have the intelligence or the the place with all to understand their very own plight much less handle it and make it greater advantageous. that's a alluring international accessible and to have an interest and inquisitive approximately it makes existence a joyous journey. concentration on one's self is rather self-restricting.

2016-10-19 22:27:20 · answer #7 · answered by woodworth 4 · 0 0

Ever since the settlers got her, things have been about RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM.
Read up on it. It is very much a clash with the Eastern notions that family, community and country supercede the self.

2007-01-13 03:25:50 · answer #8 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 1 0

The same crap happens in other countries, don't try to put all that crap on just Americans. I was in the Navy and I found that other countries had the same attitude. If you don't believe me you can go back to the paradise you came from.

2007-01-13 03:30:15 · answer #9 · answered by HAGAR!!! 6 · 0 1

Soul and spirit obliterating communism seems a better fit for one that chooses to tribe all people.

America probably isn't for you.

2007-01-13 03:33:21 · answer #10 · answered by Addicted To Adverbs 1 · 0 1

somebody sounds a little jealous of the best country in the world

2007-01-13 03:22:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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