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6 answers

THE CAREER:- is a challenging career where the role of a company secretary is all pervasive and manifold. He is the nerve centre of the capital financing of a company. He is expected to make quick decisions and seek co-operation of all those who man the senior administration of the company.

ITS PROSPECTS:- Include a wide field of employment opportunities like Company Secretary, Secretary-***-Chief Administrator, Legal Advisor, etc. in Industry, Commerce, Business House, Insurance Companies, Government and Private Offices. Besides, self employment as a company secretary dealing in incorporation of a company, Shares issue work, Tax practise, Secretarial Consultancy, Legal work etc. The salary is very high and promotion prospects include senior executive positions, like Managing Directors, Executive Directors.

ABOUT IT:- Any commerce graduate can take direct admission to the course. Graduates from other than commerce have to appear for additional papers of commerce. The examination is a two tier system. ]ntermediatetwo group four papers each, Final two groups three papers each covering papers in company law, Accounts, Taxation, Industrial labour laws etc. On completion of the final examination the candidate has to undergo training for six months each with a practising company secretary and a public limited company. He is then eligible to be an associate of Institutes of Company Secretary. A degree in law is an added advantage.

OFFERED BY:- This institute of Company Secretaries of India ICSI House, 22, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI-3. They offer oral and postal coaching.

2007-01-13 06:29:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know exactly but there are many opportunities for company secretaries. This is one of the most hard course. If u do it it will create more beneficial to u. best of luck & for availabilities search the sites for it.

2007-01-12 20:46:30 · answer #2 · answered by ASH 1 · 0 0

With a bouyant capital market and many IPOs in the pipeline the opportunities for the company secretaries will definetely be very good going forward.

2007-01-12 21:26:20 · answer #3 · answered by Raghav 4 · 0 0

As the reliance on technology continues to expand in offices, the role of the office professional has greatly evolved. Office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries and administrative assistants to assume responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff. Many secretaries and administrative assistants now provide training and orientation for new staff, conduct research on the Internet, and operate and troubleshoot new office technologies. In spite of these changes, however, the core responsibilities for secretaries and administrative assistants have remained much the same: Performing and coordinating an office's administrative activities and storing, retrieving, and integrating information for dissemination to staff and clients.

Secretaries and administrative assistants are responsible for a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization efficiently. They serve as information and communication managers for an office; plan and schedule meetings and appointments; organize and maintain paper and electronic files; manage projects; conduct research; and disseminate information by using the telephone, mail services, Web sites, and e-mail. They also may handle travel and guest arrangements.

For more information about this occupation click on this link: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos151.htm

2007-01-13 04:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by steve 4 · 0 1

I think you are South Indian. Am I right. If you are commerce graduate, and fluent with English. You will not have much difficulty to clear Company Secretary Course.

Any company with more than Rs. 100 crore capital, must have compulsorily full time C.S.

More you can get on ICSI.COM/IN/ORG

2007-01-12 21:22:14 · answer #5 · answered by skn 1 · 0 1

You can sit on the photo copier at the X-mas party!

2007-01-12 20:45:38 · answer #6 · answered by Mad Dog Johnson 4 · 0 1

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