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He and his family are Yankees from Massachussetts? Do you know this? That GW's grandpa was a Senator of Massachussetts, and backed Hitler? Do you know that their whole entire family has lived off of our tax dollar? IRS? That they were party to starting the IRS? duh? I wonder why? Do you know their allegiances are to Britain and Germany by heritage? And they are not loyal to America? They govern as royales? Just comment I would like to hear them? If you are a Chinese person or what ever and you are born here would you not still have family and relations in your country where your heritage comes from? Like the Afro-Americans? I am a native this is my nation of origin thank you very much. I think it is a joke to watch that fancy short guy mount a horse and try and ride, he is a tender foot. Do you see the stradegy here? Why were both sons placed in a primary extremely important area as governors? Gulf of Mexico? Bush family hs too much power?

2007-01-12 19:19:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

i love the biased comments without humor that are Bush supporters you make me laugh so you served your purpose forked tongue twisters. ha ha

2007-01-12 20:26:52 · update #1

No wonder this country is falling apart you don't respect heritage at all. you don't get it. But then ignorance is bliss in your cases. Thank goodness you won't amount to anything unless ignorance counts. Heritage is everything, why do you think we have history? What is it we hand down to our children? Plug nickels or heritage? UGH!

2007-01-12 20:29:12 · update #2

5 answers

So what are you saying? Dubya is a hillbilly wannabe?

Are you saying he's a Massachusetts Liberal? Sorry, we didn't vote for him and we didn't support any of his fruitcake ideas.

The Conservatives can't just say he's a liberal as a way to get re-elected and continue his insane policies. Even their Religious Right Minions wont fall for that.

2007-01-12 19:33:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well one, what was there, 15 questions there?

Either way, George Bush lived, and governed Texas. That's about as coyboyish as it gets. Not to mention he muffs words, talks with a southern drawl, owns a cattle range, wheres Texas attire and just plays off that persona in general.

But...you really digressed into something deeper. And they weren't placed - they ran, and won. I don't like them as politicians but as men they're ok. And no, the Bush family does not have power. Jeb Bush will be tied to George whenever he runs for a higher office and will be shot down. Geroge will be known as a lameduck President that passes some random midnight bills.

The Bush family is done, unless of course they create a company that actually makes money.

2007-01-12 19:26:31 · answer #2 · answered by The Savage Jaw 3 · 0 1

No. I really have not supported him contained in the years he has been in place of work. I knew he changed into going to be a foul president and he has not disillusioned. He follows contained in the footsteps of Reagan who changed into very undesirable, George Bush Sr who changed into undesirable, and this Bush tops all of them. the most important probability to this u . s . a . has been this administration when you consider that 9/11. He has been a probability to civil liberties, alienating us from our acquaintances contained in the international, going to warfare hostile to a rustic that had no nuclear guns somewhat of chasing Bin encumbered in Afghanistan, forgetting about the undesirable and center class, and dashing to signal a bill to save a mind lifeless lady alive. This guy hasn't ever had any class or decency to do the right element and he not in any respect will.

2016-12-02 04:58:11 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

To answer your main question and not your rants....it's because he's from Texas. Texas is both Southern and Western for the most part. He moved to Texas when he was a little kid which explains the accent that his father doesn't have.

2007-01-12 19:24:37 · answer #4 · answered by zzzzzzzzz27 3 · 1 1

It's called spell-check, you might wanna check into it..
As for you being a Native American, yeah, right. whatever.
So you're only loyal to the Native American cause you pretend to belong to.. Great!

2007-01-12 20:07:05 · answer #5 · answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5 · 0 1

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