Definitely take the high road. Show her the man and gentleman that you are -- apologize sincerely and genuinely for what you did or said. Then don't take the bait to continue it any more.
A guy with class will keep his temper in and walk away from a situation. It takes far more strength of personality and character to do this than to lose it.
Besides, there may just be a dynamite, beautiful, classy girl watching this show of self control and character, who will be impressed and want to get to know you better!
2007-01-12 18:15:37
answer #1
answered by Friend 3
It depends of course...but whats important for any relationship is to communicate. What most people want is to be heard and validated, i.e., I understand what you are saying, so it makes you feel this way when I do this. Not so cheesy of course and say it like you mean it.
So may answer...yes be a gentleman don't dig yourself any deeper, as the hole gets bigger it's harder to get out if you know what i mean!
Good Luck
2007-01-13 02:07:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't be a smart alec and keep this going. If you started it be a gentlemen and apologize for your actions and just let her get over it.
2007-01-13 02:00:52
answer #3
answered by spanish_lady65_2002 1
Yes, if you started it, it would be nice for you to keep your temper in. But she doesn't get to be a raging b itch for a long time without you saying anything back.
2007-01-13 01:53:18
answer #4
answered by Sugarshots 4
Yes you will feel so much better, and above it all I'm sorry
2007-01-13 01:53:28
answer #5
answered by ~Another Day~ 5
smart off to her anyway.
2007-01-13 01:52:51
answer #6
answered by Cyrax 4
express yourself... but don't be abusive...
2007-01-13 01:54:49
answer #7
answered by ★Greed★ 7