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I'm 3 days away from my due date and I"m curious about all these things i read such as:
Membrane stripping, dilation etc.
My midwife hasn't spoken to me about any of these things so I'm real confused; for I don't think I'm allowed to get my membrane stripped *shrugs*

I'm also get cramps 13-20 minutes apart. They aren't to the point i can't bare it but do you think they are braxton hix contractions or is it wishful thinking to be in very early stages of labour?

I'm sorry if i sound stupid but this is my first pregnancy and I haven't been told about any of the stuff I have read on this forum or the net. ( stripping membrane, induction, dilation etc)

so i thank you all in advance for being patient and for helping xoxox

2007-01-12 16:08:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

10 answers

it really sounds like your midwife isnt doing her job. you should be well aware of all these things. you dont even know what dialation is?? call your midwife RIGHT NOW and have her explain these things to you. You also really need to tell her about your contractions, because you are essentially due right now.

2007-01-12 16:13:12 · answer #1 · answered by Rebecca O 4 · 1 0

I really can't answer your questions completely. Your midwife should be telling you about what to expect, especially since this is your first pregnancy.

I will tell you that you can go to www.babycenter.com and speak to other woman there. You can sign up for a weekly newsletter that tells you what to expect each week of pregnancy, what your baby is doing, things that can change, things that can happen etc. You can even sign up for their forums so that you can chat live like msn with other expecting mothers that are about the same gestation as you are.

I can tell you that braxton hicks in the last stages of pregnancy can feel like contractions. Contractions are consistant. They take a patern. For example contractions are time from the start of one contraction to the start of another and will be the same amount of time apart for some time. Contractions can start at 20 mins apart and typically work there way down to every 2 or 3 mins apart. You will not be having real labor if your contractions are 15 mins apart for 3 and then 25 mins apart for others. They will be 20 mins apart and gradually work down to 5 mins apart, then 3 mins then 2 mins etc. Dont wait for them to be 2 mins apart.

As for having your membranes stripped, they usually do this to prepare you for labor. If you are due and you aren't really showing any signs that labor may begin soon. Your midwife may do this to get you "going". During labor your cervix dialates and effaces "thins out". When it is 100% effaced and 10cm dialated and your baby is at a -2 station you are ready to deliver the baby.

I hope this is helpful. I would check out www.babycenter.com sounds like you can really use the extra talk and advice from other pregnant women!

2007-01-13 00:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by Lina looking for love from a chi 2 · 0 0

hi-you only get the membranes stripped if your labor isnt progressing on it's own or if you are past your due date.
only a very small percent of women get the membranes stripped.
same thing with induction--you wont be induced unless you go past your date--or there is something wrong that baby needs to come early.
have you had a cervix exam? they should tell you if you are dialated or not--but depending on your doctor/midwife--some just dont.
I am 10 days away from my due date & I had a cervix exam on Thurs -I was 3-4 cm dialated and 60% thinned-my doc told me I wont make it to my next weeks appt.
he also told me to go to the hosp when contractions are 5-6 minutes apart or my water breaks.
did your midwife give you any kind of instructions? do you see her daily? weekly?
it could be that she just doesnt see you going into labor soon that is why she didnt 'fill you in'?
I know what you are going through though because my doctor never told me anything either, lol--I know what I know because the nurse that was in the room with us was asking him the questions so she can put whatever on my chart.

the labor contractions you are looking for dont feel like period cramps. the period like cramps are the braxton hicks.
the ones you want start as pain in your lower back, comes around front to your lower ab--then they go up-it feels like someone is squeezing out your insides & your entire belly from rib cage down gets hard.
everyone says you will definately know them when they start.

good luck!!

2007-01-13 01:19:03 · answer #3 · answered by Shellberry 5 · 0 0

First of all you need to know that you are not dumb you are just uninformed there is a difference you know, and questions concerning pregnancy should be asked, but I am a bit concerned that your midwife has not explained a lot of this to you.

It sounds as though you are in labor and as I speak you may be having more violent labor pains. I would call the midwife and let her know.

I know at a time like this it is hard not to worry, but don't everything will be fine.

2007-01-13 09:08:29 · answer #4 · answered by trhwsh 5 · 0 0

I wouldn't worry about the first things you mentioned but the cramps probably are braxton hicks, one way of been more certain is that braxton hicks tend to last longer, mine lasted for a couple of minutes whereas labour pains don't last as long. Braxton hicks are also less regular. Don't worry you'll know when it's the real thing.

2007-01-13 00:17:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is the difference between Braxton Hicks and true labor. If you lay down, rest and drink lots of water and the cramping goes away...it's Braxton Hicks. If nothing works, it's true labor. While everyone is different, my first labor pain knocked the wind out of me and I was driving. I hope this is the real deal for you (noone wants to be overdue!!!) and you are holding your angel soon!!! God Bless!!!

2007-01-13 00:14:28 · answer #6 · answered by Silver B 3 · 0 0

What u are feeling is normal. I am confused as to why your mid-wife has not told you some things.. she should answer any questions that you are curious about.. Cramps are not unusual weeks or days before the baby arrives. Some women have labor that does not last days False labor they call it. Trust me u will know when your baby is ready to say Hi to the outside world.. Let us know when your blessed event arrives..

2007-01-13 00:38:25 · answer #7 · answered by B T 2 · 0 0

I am not an expert but I have read and been told that if contractions can be timed the they are real contractions and not braxton hicks. If your contractions keep getting closer then most definitely call you doctor-good luck!

2007-01-13 00:14:10 · answer #8 · answered by Sakora 5 · 0 0


2007-01-13 00:20:30 · answer #9 · answered by VeeCheer 2 · 0 0

The things you mentioned are what people do when they need to induce labor. Just hang in there, it'll happen.

2007-01-13 00:11:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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