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On Christmas eve my horse was going crazy in the turn out and took a turn too fast and too sharp, he tripped himself and fell HARD. He got up, cantered and trotted around like nothing happened and he wasn't even off on it when he totted. I ran in and felt his leg, no bleeding no swelling (yet). It didn't hut him (yet). I took him out and ran water on it for about 20 minutes. I came back the next day and there was swelling I gave him bute for 3 days in a row the swelling went down because of the bute. But when i took him off the bute he was headbobbing lame. So i gave it to him that night and then no more since. Now the past few days i have felt it and he has a sack of swelling around it that feels like water in a plastic bag. I ask my trainer to look at it today and she called the vet and he told her that he could have chipped something on his bone. But wouldn't he be lame on it? Which he isn't! It's on his stifle. Should I ride him or wait fo the vet to come in a week?

2007-01-12 15:46:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

6 answers

Wait for the vet to come. My Andalusian had a very similar accident before Thanksgiving. Radiographs showed that she had a bone chip, but she has never been truly lame on that leg. Unfortunately she also had a few older chips in her hock, so we're resting her a bit longer than "typical", but I haven't been on her back since then. I would recommend doing ground work and keeping him moving, as long as he seems comfortable, but until your vet examines him and, possibly, does radiographs to see what's going on in the joint, I would hold off on riding him. You risk further damage if there is a chip or joint injury. It's not worth that risk if it's only a week you have to wait until the vet can examine him.

2007-01-12 18:46:28 · answer #1 · answered by skachicah35 4 · 0 0

It is not a good idea to ride him as this will just cause further damage to the leg. Wait for the vet to come and only ride after you've gotten his approval. Why don't you phone the vet and ask what you can give the horse in the meantime and maybe you should use a cooling gel like Iceman but ask the vet. Give your horse lots of support and love.

2007-01-13 01:23:53 · answer #2 · answered by Horse crazy 4 · 0 0

Wait for the vet no matter what. You could make matters worse if you're riding him on a swollen leg. I would say to keep doing what you've been doing, until the vet comes. It might be good to have him on a lead for a few minutes and walk him around, it might keep him from getting too much stall rest.

2007-01-13 09:33:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No you shouldnt ride him. I had a horse that ot kicked on his femar and it sweled, at first he seemed fine and as the day went by, he got lame and swollen. The vet came out and said it was brocken, and we should consider putting him down, but is was only a possibility that it was broken, so we decided to wait it out. * weeks later the hematoma, had a blow out and puss and blood drained for days, it took him about 4 months to fully recover, but we never thught about riding him while he was injered.

2007-01-13 00:35:51 · answer #4 · answered by angelface 1 · 0 0

I'd wait for the vet...why is it taking a week for your vet to come out? Magnapaste may help take down swelling (applied topically). Until the vet gets there I'd listen to your trainer.

2007-01-13 00:03:12 · answer #5 · answered by Carson 5 · 1 0

Would you want to be worked if you had a hugely swollen leg? I doubt it.

A hematoma is a large bruise, often no visible, but often painful.

Don't ride your horse until he is sound. In the meantime, give him lots of love, and some limited exercise.

2007-01-12 23:53:03 · answer #6 · answered by huckleberry 5 · 2 0

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