On Christmas eve my horse was going crazy in the turn out and took a turn too fast and too sharp, he tripped himself and fell HARD. He got up, cantered and trotted around like nothing happened and he wasn't even off on it when he totted. I ran in and felt his leg, no bleeding no swelling (yet). It didn't hut him (yet). I took him out and ran water on it for about 20 minutes. I came back the next day and there was swelling I gave him bute for 3 days in a row the swelling went down because of the bute. But when i took him off the bute he was headbobbing lame. So i gave it to him that night and then no more since. Now the past few days i have felt it and he has a sack of swelling around it that feels like water in a plastic bag. I ask my trainer to look at it today and she called the vet and he told her that he could have chipped something on his bone. But wouldn't he be lame on it? Which he isn't! It's on his stifle. Should I ride him or wait fo the vet to come in a week?
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