I have a beautiful but short and stocky Quarter Horse named Lucky. His registered name is RC Too Much Luck. He was born in a huge pile of mud that he couldn't get out of so when his first owner got him out he was lucky to be alive. He likes to eat popsicles chips ice and granola bars and likes to drink pop and tea. He loves to listen to country music while were workin in the round pen or the arena. If a slow song or one he doesn't like comes on while were workin he just stops until I change it. He's stuborn, but I love him!
2007-01-13 05:41:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have 2 horses, there every day names are Silver and Andy but the have a much longer name. Beauleigh Silver Wolf and El Alto Estilosos
2007-01-12 19:49:14
answer #2
answered by MJane21 5
Big Red, Saltillos Peppy 2, TJ, Canyon Glow, Gilbraltor, JJ, Howd Flashy Skip, Dixie, Midnights Black Steel, Lex
2007-01-13 04:25:19
answer #3
answered by TritanBear 6
Sugarfoot - 1/2 appaloosa, 1/2 quarter horse. She is 19 years old and now retired to the pasture where she wanders happily amongst the cows. When I first got her, I named her Sugarfoot because she has one white foot and I thought it looked like it was dipped in sugar. LOL
2007-01-12 15:49:07
answer #4
answered by Camirra 3
I don't have my own horse but there are 2 at my stables that I have a bond with. Their names are Happy and Grace.
2007-01-12 17:28:21
answer #5
answered by Horse crazy 4
Harley Davidson, my father bought me a horse rather than a new motorcycle so I named in Harley to show my appreciation.
Windfrey Joy and Catera are my two mares.
2007-01-13 06:01:56
answer #6
answered by berningme 2
Currently long term leasing an Andalusian mare named Tasia (reg name - Fantasia), also riding a QH mare named Annie (reg name - Country Performer. My old man was a Holsteiner gelding name Manny (reg name - Manistique)
2007-01-12 18:51:00
answer #7
answered by skachicah35 4
My Guess is you are looking for a name? How about: Moonshocker,Twilight,Twilight Delight, Comet, MoonShadow, Star Dancer, Nights Folly, Destiny, Sea Biscuit, (just kidding), Baxter, Zoe, Abby, Nino, Keno, Bre, Skeeter, Chris, Jerry, Stewie, Rex, Ruben, and it goes on.....
2007-01-12 16:01:00
answer #8
answered by Yankees Fan 5
We have a Percheron crossed with Quarter horse and her name is Starbaby but we usually just call her Star I wanted to call her Teeka but my mom had already named her Star
2007-01-12 16:19:03
answer #9
answered by Katprsn 5
BlackJack, Mystic Storm, Princess Jill, Misty, and Pearl
2007-01-13 03:01:38
answer #10
answered by viggochk 3