Great Question. I understand Your frustration(and Mine) when asking,, in hopes of a response which might spur a Civilized Debate/Discussionand if time permits a brief history like did ya grow up in wyoming,Burma, or friggin Vermont. Parential -religous.-ideals taught to you when young ..moving along>> I was of sound Mind when "THEY" Murdered JFK(maybe its a good time 2 mention,HoldNO AllegianceNorServeAPolitical Party(like,WHY?) NO Memberships,incl:cia,NFL,naacp,MLB, etc>Point Being BOTH PartysAreBought&PayedForEvents of Last6yr.the 911CommissionCover -rewind JFK,WarrenCom bothTOTAL BS.Coverup....if a side need Be Taken I will,move toward hmm.. that side? auhhh err maybe, aaa no. umm THERE IT IS.!! The SIDE of TRUTH showing its Colors, anyone Remember? WAKEUP, America!! Ya Better Snap a SALUTE to Old Glory-Stars and Stripes-The Red White and Blue.. ALL Goverened by The CONSTITUTION of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA. which is The SUPREME RULE. When I took the oath US Army 6yr. I SWORE to PROTECT and to DEFEND, Our Flag, and The U.S. CONSTITUTION!! I dont remember any mention of Duty to, Some Panty-Waist Senator or to some Fat Cross dressing Ambassador, some neoNazi hiding in Uniform, If anyone Thinks types WolfCowWitts,ChaneKnee. if you thinkfor ONE MINUTE theseSelfServingBazzTurdz Give a **** Less about You orThis Country, YOU StupidFools! TheseFaciastPigs want You in a Work Camp or Very Dead !! Do some RESEARCH ! DO Your HOMEWORK ! Study theLinks Below Links.: Loyality to The CONSTITUTION Is Honorable Those that think any Party,takes Precidence over Const/Flag, You Are SADLY Mistaken and/or Confused If anybody thinks its OK to FalsifyVoteCount NOT ACCEPTABLE *Note: All will be Forgiven If: " NEED 2 Tiickets for the Mid-MarchGala Event: 338th Annual Meeting of The Skull and Bones Scociety..,PreferSeating Center Stage to Far Right beween Rows 9 -11 ONLY someMember of The Skull and Bones as,Leader of The FreeWorld.?? I Think Knnnnnot !...
2007-01-13 07:09:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Okay, I'll take a shot at it.
I would concentrate on our intelligence communities. I would revamp the entire intelligence network, piece by piece if I had to, to make sure they cooperate with each other. There would be liasons connecting the intelligence groups and coordinating information to reach the Oval Office in a timely manner. There should be concise reports given each day, organized by order of import and reliability. I would reach out to our Allies intelligence agencies to work with them on a stronger and more reliable basis, eventually creating a worldwide network that worked like a well-oiled machine. Our intelligence communities would also work, without rancor or arrogance, with our local police communities. Homeland Security could be the beating heart that all those intelligence agencies feed into and where they all come together when hard decisions have to be made or information of real import needs to be revealed and acted upon quickly.
Yep, there's some holes there, and I just addressed one facet of fighting terrorism, but it's a start.
2007-01-13 00:26:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
1. Take action against Iran/Syria; I'm being vague because it depends on the real intel about Iran, not what we hear on news. If necessary, I would be willing to invade a nation tat actually supports terrorism.
2. Beef up border security BUT expand INS to make it easier for people to become citizens. The goal is to allow people to become part of our country (ie, taxpaying, voting) while securing one of the best ways for terrorist to enter.
3. Get Israel and countries with a serious interest in this involved.
4. Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Diplomacy. Employ experienced and successful negotiators such as Bill Richardson and give them a chance to work things out.
5. Increase foreign aid; Terrorism comes from poverty and hate. If we can help countries help their citizens, we can reduce both.
6. Increase intelligence services and black ops funding; unless people play by the same rules, we'll have to bend some internationally to defend ourselves.
7. Pull out of Iraq after its stabilized, democracy or not.
2007-01-13 00:24:04
answer #3
answered by MaybePOTUS 2
Terrorism is the only tool those without power have to use against those with power. Therefore, if I was president I would stop using my power upon others so that they would not feel the need to retaliate. Terrorism, unlike what you are led to believe, is not an evil force that appears from nowhere, it is something that is created by US...the people who invade, occupy and intefere with these peoples lives in ways we as the fortunate few cannot ever fully comprehend. 9/11 was not the start of it, nor was the bombings of embassies before that. We started it all off and we allow its continued ploriferation. 9/11 was merely the first time they made a direct attack - a dramatic and appauling one at that - on U.S soil and the shock gave justification to the actions made after that - actions claimed to be in our defense. And it is that that has been proven to have increased our threat from terrorism - by increasing the numbers recruited and the attacks made each day.
I would also stop blatantly lying to the majority of blind US citsens and would start free, open and honest dialogue as a true and free democracy demands.
2007-01-12 23:37:24
answer #4
answered by Bill C 1
I would conference with every national leader I could and come up with a concescious with what needed to be done about terrorism. Terrorism is not just a US problem, but a world wide problem. I woudl try to do this within the context of the UN, but if the UN continued to drag its feet, I woudl propose an outside organization where world leaders could meet. I recognize that the US is the most advanced military machine present, but it needs the assistance of all of the people of the world if terrorism is to be defeated. I would have tied the invasion of Iraq to the clearly televised speached which Saddam made during his reign supporting the Palistinian Suicide Bombers and pledging $10,000 to the family of any Palistinian Suicide Bomber as being a clear statement of government support of terroristic activity. I woudl try not to take such a front seat in every conflict, but more of a supporting role as needed. We are a country of 300 million people in a world of 6 billion. The USA represents 1/20th or 5% of the total world popluation. I woudl be confortable with taking the lead in about 10% of the world's issues, but the other 95% of the world's population needs to do its share. I woudl aggressively defend the boarders of the United States in cooperation with our neighbors. I woudl also unleash the lasers of Star Wars on the problem selectively. This would vaporize a terrorist where he stands upon being identified. Their is a great deal that I woudl do which is similar to today's administration, but a great deal which would be done differently as well.
2007-01-12 23:42:26
answer #5
answered by daddyspanksalot 5
Okay here it is straight and narrow, search and destroy, hire snipers and take out the opposition where necessary. No more pussy footing around bubba, just nuke em all if necessary?
Is that what you want to hear? But really as I said before do what Washington did go in the battle field, like Caesar, or Alexander that way I would know where Bin Laden is and take him out myself. Jefferson too I would definately freeze them out. Embargo On. Business at a standstill would be okay for us, but not for the rest of those people with no toilets eh? ha ha And I feel sorry for the next president what a mess he has to clean up and defend this country as well. Oh Brother what a pitiful position.
2007-01-12 23:50:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You can't leave George Bush out of it because he's the standard, he's the president that first dealt with it in a real way, and you either agree with what he did or you don't.
I agree with what he did, so my answer is that I would do as Bush was doing. I would make war against terror. I would fight any who supported terrorism, helped terrorism, tolerated terrorism operating within their borders.
I would set my troops back up in Baghdad like Bush had them. I would root out their networks, I would destroy their recruitment, I would turn them into a bunch of angry individuals and small groups committing to uncoordinated and desperate attacks against anyone they could find.
I would impose Democracy upon the oppressed, and I would wage a winning hearts and minds campaign just like Bush did where I provided food, helped to bring jobs, helped to find people homes if they were displaced.
Only, unlike Obama, I would actually help anyone who helped us. I might even grant them legal status in the United States for helping us instead of granting legal status to people who bomb running tracks.
I would send troops into Iraq and take down ISIS. I would send troops to Syria, Afghanistan.
The problem though is that Democrats command 95% of news media, so a lot in the U.S. would come to hate me even though I'm improving and making things safer. After me a Democrat president would win and undo everything that our nation had fought and died for, and terror would grow back up to strength just like it has with Obama, and worse would happen when the Democrat allowed other ISIS' to come about in the nations who corrupt governments I imposed Democracy upon.
2014-11-25 13:39:24
answer #7
answered by yamnnjr 6
first off, I would give Iraq an ultimatum, straighten up and fly right within a week or say bye bye to your country being on the map. Unfortunately doing by their example may be the only way fo them to get the point. I imagine this desperate act would be enough to make any other terrorists re-think their way of life.
Our message, "we will not take it anymore' needs to be heard or we shall always have these thugs to deal with. what better place to send that message since we are already there?
2007-01-13 09:01:57
answer #8
answered by tcbtoday123 5
2 options
1-get MANY MANY MANY other countries on my side BEFORE invading and occupying "terrorist" countries so that I am no the only one doing something about it
2-don't f*** around and completely obliterate the entire region. Eliminate EVERYONE. Enough trying to impose our ways of politics on countries that don't even have freaking toothpaste or where women can't show their faces. Are we serious?! If we completely obliterate 7 or 8 nations, the world will be mad at us for 60-70 years, but they will forget about it and all will go back to normal minus terrorists plus BILLIONS OF GALLONS OF OIL FOR US!!! It's getting expensive to fill my SUV!! Kidding aside, you can't fight a war by abiding to rules like not killing on religious holidays or not killing in graveyards. We need about 35 Hiroshimas, maybe a nagasaki or two. These nations have no desire to form a democracy and have no interest in working with the US. They will forever be enemies. Nuke'em
2007-01-12 23:50:33
answer #9
answered by Word is bon 1
I would actually do what President Bush said he was going to do but didn't.
"We will make no distinction between the terrorist and those who support or harbor them" For those educated in government schools that means, a state of war exist between us and the terrorist and any nation that supports or harbors them. Which includes Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.
I'd ask Congress for a declaration of war against Syria and Iran. I would give Iran 12 hours to surrender or be destroyed. If they refused to surrender we would unleash a massive nuclear strike on all Iranian military assets, civilian infrastructure, and command and control facilities and personnel.
Syria would get no warning the invasion of Syria would begin with cruise missle strikes against air bases and command and control facilties. The Syrian President would be captured and unceremoniously executed on the spot.
Lebanon would have 18 hrs to turn over Hezbolla terrorist for execution or we would invade their terrority capture and execute the terrorist ourselves.
Any where else there were terrorist they would be hunted down and killed.
I would make sure there was no doubt that harboring or supporting terrorist would be an ill bargain.
2007-01-12 23:42:03
answer #10
answered by Roadkill 6