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Could some1 tell me how to defeat him?
or tell me his weakness.

2007-01-12 13:41:06 · 1 answers · asked by Angie 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

1 answers

The final battle aganist xemnas is tough. Start the battle by dodging with reaction until it no longer appears. Then carefully hack away at his hp, dodging attacks and using reaction when available to hit him. Try using trinity limit and session with Riku too, and Always keep an eye on your hp.

After his health has been depleted, he'll catch sora and you'll gain control of Riku, run to sora and rescue him, avoding guard attacks from xemnas's double and without dying. After saving Sora, you'll gain control of Sora again. Just keep attacking until he's on his last bar with almost all his health gone.

This is the hardest part. He'll attack you with red lasars. If you miss too many, game over, once more doesn't apply. Siminatlusoly mash triangle and X to hit them back, carefully alternating. Then with damage taken, there'll be a cut scene and just hit Xemnas with a final battle, congrats you've beaten Kingdom Hearts II!

2007-01-12 14:17:43 · answer #1 · answered by Yokihana 7 · 1 0

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