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I just need to know what is the difference between poverty and low income in Canada?

2007-01-12 13:21:45 · 2 answers · asked by torirowe 2 in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

2 answers

Statistics Canada uses the technical term "Low Income Cut-offs" (LICOs) for what is popularly known as the poverty line. These vary by family size and size of the community of residence:

For a discussion of the issue see:

For a conservative criticism see:

For a criticism from the Left see:

2007-01-16 04:26:13 · answer #1 · answered by CanProf 7 · 0 0

WOW it truly is fairly LOW earnings, for 6 people to attempt to stay to inform the tale. Is that a GROSS be sure ( earlier earnings taxes ) or a information superhighway earnings ( after taxes were taken out of the pay cheque ) ? that would make a distinction, and with 4 youthful little ones, you would get some baby reward funds, to off -set the charges of elevating them. yet ordinarily, 30 thousand a year is tremendous for one or 2 adults to stay to inform the tale, yet 4 youthful little ones ? puzzling to do . you'd be residing in a small lower priced house position and procuring each thing on the thrift shops, no longer some thing new. ignore about driving a vehicle and ever possessing a house. you'd be ingesting a variety of of inexpensive nutrition, and ingesting a variety of of chilly water which includes your foodstuff. answer ? Get a more suitable constructive coaching and or a commerce certificate so that you're making more suitable money. the once a year popular earnings in Canada, for ONE human being is $40 4,000 a year, the relatives popular earnings is $eighty, 000 so that you'll be able to locate how a ways lower than the earnings line you'd be at 30k. JIm B. Toronto.

2016-10-30 23:16:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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