Wow! Great question. Basically George just f'd the United States without even the courtesy of a reach around or a little personal lubrication.
2007-01-12 13:04:38
answer #1
answered by Just Chillin' 2
1. The nation was bankrupt due to democrat spending for 8 years under Bill. He cut the military so much, we were on the verge of collapse.
2. In time of war, and terrorism is war, you sometimes have to make sacrifices. If your not willing, then move. No one is keeping your butt here.
3. We still have all these rights, just if you get on the phone and call OBL, expect a visit from guys with three piece suits and dont smile to come visit you. If you worry about over seas calls being monitored, then you have something to hide.
4. What drugs are you smoking?? Mexico would drag the GNP down so low, we would qualify for welfare as a nation.
5. In war, there are ways of getting information without the beatings and true torture like the North Viet Namese did to our guys. If you dont think an American soldiers life is worth pushing the envelope to find out whats up, again, MOVE!!!
6. You are on crack and crank. There you go believing in the Easter Bunny and tooth Fairy again.
7. One vote over 50% is still a win. Just most democrats have sour grapes after the fact cause their candidates sucked.
8. WMD's have been found in the form of gas. Saddam did kill thousands of Kurds with his none existant WMD's so, go tell the survivors that they are lying.
9. Illegals have been coming across the border since the 50's. Next thing you will say is Bush is responsible for katrina, the last eclipse of the sun, and personnaly controls global warming
I think you need an education and to be able to research stuff before you let your hatred eat you up like cancer.
While I dont agree with all Bush has done, we have had worse, Jimmy Carter for one and Bill Clinton. But people forget about the troops killed in Somalia and Bosnia. Imagine that, forget the democrats when they kill troops, but hold the repubs feet to the fire.
Its called a duel standard.
2007-01-12 21:09:58
answer #2
answered by bigmikejones 5
Boy have you been brainwashed!! You and Michal Moore, Cindy Shehan, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton, and even Hugo Chavez Vladimir Putin and Jacques Shiraque, et al and etc. need brain transplants. How ungrateful and obtuse you guys are to not understand that Bush has done a very good job keeping you from being the next terrorist casualty in the U.S. Sometimes war is necessary when you have to fight an evil enemy who has vowed to destroy you, your country and all you hold dear like freedom and democracy. Get over it, and for once do the honorable thing and stand up and support your government which so far since 911 has kept you safe. And by the way, all of the soldiers we have sent to Iraq have gone voluntarily and many of them are on their 8th or 9th tour of voluntary duty. At least they understand the truth about the real evil we are fighting not only for the good of our country but for the whole world. Hate thoughts, hate speech and hate actions are all counter productive. That, not anything Bush has tried to do, will get you killed faster.
2007-01-12 21:20:17
answer #3
answered by mammabecki 4
You have the right to your warped opinion & I have mine. I had 36 people who have jobs because of Gws tax policy How many peolpe have you hired? I allmost lost my company because of Billy s tax policy . I sold the company with 132 people working there That is 36 more under Gw then Bills. We have not been attacked in this country in the last 4 years. Did you serve in the military. I served 22 years.with your weak mind the enemy could be at the front door & you would shake there hand & welcome them for coffeeWhen did we take civilians & publicly cut off there heads.So you lost the elections. how do we know the ONE you won was not rigged. I sure did not vote Democratic. How do I know my vote was counted.Please if you are going to lie, GET YOUR FACT RIGHT// you are so full of your self I am surprised that you have not burst. You are a insult to liberals//
2007-01-12 21:18:30
answer #4
answered by BUTCH 5
you must be one of those compassionate, inclusive, tolerant, anti-violent liberals...i can tell because you have called over half the nation jerks and accused them of supporting a 'monster', you alienated them by saying you're the only one that is correct and everyone else is wrong, you don't tolerate diversity or difference do you and you automatically verbally attack others who are or see things differently....well thats just soooo typical. well, seeing as all 12 of your points are lies its difficult to take you seriously. you start off with an agenda...i hate bush...ok, ok we get it and we know there is nothing anyone can say to make you see past your hatred, your closed minded when it comes to bush. you've bought into the conspiracy theories and used cnn, nbc and that ilk to form your opinions. you think the major news media like them, fox, msnbc and others are giving you the straight news...its all about ratings and $$$. you don't do your own research otherwise you would have found out the truth but of course the truth isn't your goal....your only goal is to promote sites like loosechange and such which of course need a 'donation' from you so they can stay in hiding...strange bush supposedly had no problem killing 3000 + on 9/11 but he hesitates to take the lives of those conspiracy theorists. you're points are just plain silly and you really need to pursue an education and mature a lot more before you start trying to discuss real adult issues...otherwise no one takes you seriously at all.
2007-01-12 21:13:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, yes, yes! You've got it!!! Stupid git he is! And he would never have won Florida - without his brother... Prats, both of them. Ruddy prats! And then, all the idiotic things he's said..
1. I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe... I believe what I believe is right.
2. We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.
3. And so, in my State of the---my State of the Union---or state--- my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation---I asked Americans to give four thousand years---four thousand hours over the next---the rest of your life---of service to America.
4. I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.
5. When I was coming up it was a dangerous world, and you knew who the "they" were. It was us versus them, and it was clear who them was.
6. Rarely is the question asked, "Is our children learning?"
7. This foreign policy stuff is frustrating.
8. This misunderestimated me.
9. I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question.
10. I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
11. I understand small business growth. I was one.
12. We ought to make the pie higher.
13. The senator has got to understand, if he's going to have---he can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road.
14. If you don't stand for anything, you don't stand for anything!
15. Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.
16. A surplus means there'll be money left over. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a surplus.
17. Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
18. One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected.
19. It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.
20. More and more of our imports are coming from overseas.
21. I want each and every American to know for certain that I'm responsible for the decisions I make, and each of you are as well.
22. Any time we've got any kind of inkling that somebody is thinking about doing something to an American and something to our homeland, you've just got to know we're moving on it, to protect the United Nations Constitution, and at the same time, we're protecting you.
23. There's an old saying in Tennessee---I know it's in Texas, prbably in Tennessee---that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me---you can't get fooled again.
24. Actually, I---this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about---when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me.
25. I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to Califonia. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California.
26. It is not Reganesque to support a tax plan that is Clinton in nature.
27. If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and priniciples, come and join this campaign.
28. This is Preservation Month. I appreciate presveration. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve.
29. I would have said yes to abortion if only it was right. I mean, yeah it's right. Well no, it's not right. That's why I said no to it.
30. The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive's branch's job to interpret law.
31. If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm fot it.
32. I think the American people---I hope the American---I don't think, let me---I hope the American people trust me.
33. I've coined new words, like "misunderstanding" and "Hispanically".
34. I believe the results of focusing our attention and energy on teaching children to read . . . will make America what we want it to be: a literate country and a hopefuller country.
35. I admit it, I am not one of the great linguists. (Said on January 23, 2001)
---> Now, who wants a dumb president, full of ummm's and uhhh's?? You tell me.
2007-01-12 21:44:09
answer #6
answered by the Optimist 2
Get a clue clueless
Find actual facts door knob instead of trumped up info developed from stupid conspiracy theorist in the media.
Look at the history of past presidents -- there were far worse that did more harm than President Bush has yet to touch on.
Remember next time you go repeating trumped up media crap === that you are following along with the rest of the mooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cows.
2007-01-12 21:16:57
answer #7
answered by JB 4
I think the very small amount of people who support Bush do so because they are either 1. looking for something for themselves or 2. completely stupid or 3. Are looking for something for themselves and are completely stupid.
I have listened very hard to these number 2 types and I see they need a clue. Clue: It doesn't help US to understand YOU when all you do is scream BLABLABLABLABLA!!
2007-01-13 20:44:15
answer #8
answered by Heather 2
Your points are:
4-Really wrong
5-Severely wrong
6-insanely wrong
7-criminally wrong
8-(You forgot #8 dummy)
9-truely wrong
10-hidiously wrong
12-right on the first 6 words and then totally wrong on the rest.
In retrospect, you are wrong on 11 out of 12 points, and your characterization of President Bush as a monster is stupidly wrong, I love my Country, I love my freedoms, I do not support evil and the only thing that I see ruined was your education, because you spent your allowance on all that model airplane glue you put into bags and pulled over your head.
And I'm not a jerk so you're REPORTED!!
2007-01-12 21:06:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
In answer to your question(s): "Why do people Support Bush? What in the hell Did he do to help america?", I support Bush because he has the right idea. Now if only those liberal Dems would let him do his job!!!!
The rest of your comments indicate a severe lack of intelligence, so in your words "he ruined My country." then leave.
2007-01-12 21:06:21
answer #10
answered by Newt 4
Someone's off their medication?...Right?
I'd go point by point with you,but it's obvious you've made up your mind in some twisted way.
You are right about #4 and #10 # 12 is total hogwash.
2007-01-12 21:10:43
answer #11
answered by AngelsFan 6