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Seriously, I'm sick of things like. Look at this post by a european:
"we don't hate americans, you are just people sharing the same planet, it's not your fault your leader is a warmongering racist"
And i also love this excuse:
"we don't hate you we just hate your corrupt facist government!!!"
Europe and Canada have a severe anti-american problem
How would Canada like it if we constantly bashed their government. What if we constantly compaliend about their billingual disaster. What if we constantly said "viva la quebec libre!"
Europe-- What if we constantly complained about how Soviet-like and undemocratic the EU entry and elections are. Would europeans begin to hate us(they already do but lets just pretend).
The whole "we hate yoru government" thing is a lame excuse. This insults the intelligence of the american people. They are basically saying, "we don't hate you, the dumb idiots that elected the people to office, we just hate the government".

2007-01-12 12:12:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

Europe has become a Liberal region full of men who sit when they pee. Will they call us warmongers when They get overran again? Muslims are already taking over.

2007-01-12 12:28:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

See, we Europeans had an almost over optimistic view on the US after WW2. It seemed US did everything right. Then there was a time when US did some things, that turned out to fail but, OK, this could happen (Vietnam for example).

But NOW USA (and just forget about a global anti-american and look at the current state) did things that were wrong and everybody knew it in advance:

- Everybody (including the USA) knew that Iraq hat no weapons left, we all knew that Al Quaida hated Saddam Hussein and most important: There would be a civil war afterwards (look at Iraqi History before 1979: They killed every president before...)

But the USA insisted on this war, USA insisted on ignoring the climate catastrophy and both are now leading into long term problems for the whole world:

- The religiuos war forced by the USA will keep the world in a state of war for years now (yes, just look back who paid Mr. Bin Laden back then in Afganistan)

- The clima catastrophy will kill thousands of people (official optimistic view of the EU) for a long time

(both catastrophies are mostly killing americans right now, tahts at least fair)

and all this just to make a stupid cowboy happy? No, not a stupid cowboy but some industries...

and that is what we hate in the world.

And please note: Canada and the EU have bad leaders too. No excuses made. Mrs. Merkel is not better than bush and all the world has all the right to point at her or Mr. Blair the same way they point to Mr. Bush. But as the USA is the biggest remaining power, more people will point to you...

2007-01-12 12:57:02 · answer #2 · answered by da_answer 1 · 0 0

Great post, Flash Virus. I've seen other posts you have made and at least you made your decision based on your experiences instead of trends or staying home in the US and insisting nonAmericans, mostly Commonwealth allies, are all as easy-going as the Monty Python players.

Politics is a recent very convenient excuse for haters. Even their public broadcast channel, the BBC, which is funded by their government's Foreign Office, has admitted their anti-American bias.
"Washington correspondent Justin Webb said that the BBC is so biased against America that "...

Talk about backward cultural propaganda.

I travelled worldwide for 15 years and frankly on a personal level could care less how other countries feel about us, but on a security level, it does concern me. I don't know what benefit Western countries will derive from this hatred. Propaganda is the most powerful thing in the world.

2007-01-12 12:44:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know! I don't hate German's because of Hitler or the Russians because of Stalin!

Much of the world sees us as war-mongers who really don't care about democracy! They think we care about stealing peoples resources, and they have a good argument lately, and even long ago when we were taking chunks of Mexico, wiping out the Indians and even in the Banana business! No other country that I know currently use their military the way we have been. Hell, Reagan was selling weapons to our enemy so he could supply a rebel force illegally! He was convicted, or we were convicted, in the world court!

George Bush and his administration does not represent me, or even most of America! In the 2000 election he lost the popular vote and if we were a true democracy, Bush would not be president!

I would say that the extreme right, the neocons, or Facists, have a lot to do with the decline of the Republican Party! They have had too much influence on Bush (Iraq) causing many Republicans that are not that right-wing to have issues with their own party! It certainly cost them in the 2006 election!

A lot of people have an anti-American problem. That is where we get terrorist! You can't pillage the earth and expect people to like you! Unfortunately, it is was the current government who has had a lot to do with that, so don't scapegoat me with Bush! I didn't vote for him!

"As for now, maybe if we looked at why people are pissed at us, we'd begin to understand. Hell, it doesn't matter whether they're right or wrong; it's what they perceive that motivates them. What you have to address is why they perceive things as they do. Only then will you start to get a clue. And spare me the bullshit about them hating us because of our freedom. We haven't been truly free in a long time. And now we're letting all this demagoguery convince us to give up what little liberty we have left. Big Brother Lives!

"Look at history, man. The Romans began with a republic, just like we did. The freedom and prosperity that followed made them complacent, apathetic. They became fat and happy, and mistakenly figured that government was responsible. Since their government was such a Good Thing, it didn't need watching, so few paid it any attention. Those with a knack for politics took advantage of that to increase their power, and also their stash. Eventually the republic degraded into an empire, and suffered the fate of all empires. They go broke trying to keep control of every place they've conquered.

"We're heading down the same road. Only this time, it's happening faster. It took three, four centuries for Rome to decline and fall. We might do it in three or four decades. Hell, maybe three or four years. Or months! Who the hell knows?"

Col David Hackworth

2007-01-12 12:31:30 · answer #4 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 2

I think if not for America, the Europeans would be speaking German now - at least the ones not sent to the death camps.

We are now dealing with a new generation, one that apparently either has a very short memory or no education at all.

For all practical purposes, the Islamic terrorists have defeated Europe - and America and her true allies are now their only real obstacle to their stated objective of world domination - we must be resolute and determined to defeat this demented ideology - with or without Europe's help.
Either way, we'll receive no gratitude - nor do we expect it.

2007-01-12 12:39:43 · answer #5 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 0

Tit for Tat. Some of you do those very things. Some Canadians
and Europeans are anti American. Now, in all cases is that the
majority or acception?
Some sarcastic Americans on here say they don't care what the world thinks that everybody is jealous of them. Hardly away to win friends and influence people.The same ones would say who needs anybody outside our country. Again is that the majority or the acception. There are many fine open minded Americans on here that try to be fair and see all angles. Acception or majority?
You'd have to interview every citizen of every country to get a percentage of answers to these questions.

2007-01-12 12:29:19 · answer #6 · answered by robert m 7 · 1 1

Since when has the American people been the American Administration?, They are victim of a "Coup de tat" by stealth of a band of thugs

2007-01-12 12:38:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Neither was Saddam.

2007-01-12 12:18:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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