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just wondering. what's going on in your life?

2007-01-12 11:28:58 · 4 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Family & Relationships Friends

4 answers

great thanks for asking
i am 9 months pregnant and due really soon its a boy!!

How r u

2007-01-12 11:32:16 · answer #1 · answered by kittens1377 2 · 0 0

I'm good. Full. I just ate a lot and I'm about to pop. lol. I'm drinking freshly squeezed orange juice to help my immune system become stronger b/c like, 3 weeks ago, I hung out with this guy that I like at a get together party. I got super drunk b/c I took like 7 or 8 shots of goldslugger and I drank en entire glass of Smirnoff liquor with a little bit of pineapple juice. It messed me up and I got up from my seat and went walked to the guy and kissed him a couple of times. I got a cold the next day along with the hangover from hell. It took me a while to figure out where the cold came from and then it hit me, Chuy had a cold!!!! lol. I got it from him. After he gave it to me, he was completely cured. It was funny b/c he denied having contaged me. lmao. I'll get him though. Drink Orange Juice or OJ will get you.

It's hot here too. I live in Florida and it's winter AND it's hot! Damn global warmning!!!!!

2007-01-12 12:05:40 · answer #2 · answered by Seyva23 4 · 0 0

I am sad....my daughter is leaving in a few days, moving to another state and starting a new job and going back to school. I will miss her...she is sweetie. I am happy for her, but I know I will miss her.

2007-01-12 11:51:13 · answer #3 · answered by Kipper 6 · 0 0

great! :D

2007-01-12 11:38:52 · answer #4 · answered by camicat 2 · 0 0

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