For all you know he or she was falsely accused, or maybe they were their relationship with their highschool sweetheart became illegal upon his/her 18th birthday. Whatever the case they've paid their debt to society and there isn't anything you can do short of becoming a criminal yourself. Making a big deal out of their past is unlikely to make your child any more safe but exposes everyone involved to hurt.
2007-01-12 11:27:48
answer #1
answered by Armus 4
2016-06-12 03:22:37
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I dont know how to get rid of him but let me give you some strong advice. DONT DO ANYTHING TO THREATEN HIM. You will only end up getting yourself in trouble. Im not defending him but i do know that regardless of what he has done in the past if you do anything to threaten or harm him your butt will be the one in jail.
Other than that get this one. I recently did some research and found out that there is close to 30 registered sex offenders within my zip code alone. Probably an area of around 3 square miles at the most. Now exacltly the nature of their crime im not certain. Maybe they were just flashing people, or maybe it was something much worse. 30 in my neighborhood...doesnt that sound excessive?
2007-01-12 11:25:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Legally there is nothing you can do. The law states he can't live within a certain distance from schools and such. Unless he gets caught again or decides to move you have no legal grounds to make him move. Also it doesn't hurt to look up what his offense was. They make you register even if you are 18 and your girlfriend is 16.
Your best bet is too talk to your children. Tell them to stay away from him and that house. Give them whistles so that if they are in trouble they can blow them. Start a neighborhood watch in your area.
2007-01-12 11:29:56
answer #4
answered by butterflykisses427 5
I'm sorry, but I was sexually abused as a child and it has caused hell in my life. My self esteem was injured, my relationships have been awful due to fear and uncomfortableness with men, I hated and had trouble forgiving the person that did this to me. I am finally happily married to a wonderful man who completely understands and is very, kind, loving, gentle and supportive. I have had to go to counseling for this and went through many relationships with abusive men because I thought this was how men were supposed to treat women. Part of it was a parenting problem with my father when I was little and he had us in places where children do not belong and my mother did not know this, but part of it was that I was threatened with death if I told and I was scared to get help for a long time. From the time I was 3 until I was 14 I was abused and finally I got big enough I wouldn't keep my mouth shut anymore! The only problem was, I might have not have been getting sexually/emotionally/mentally and physically abused by that person anymore, but now I was at an age where dating was in the near future. My mom and step-dad did not allow me to date until I was 16. From that time until 3 years ago (i am 33 now), I not only attracted men that had similar traits as my preditor, but who were abusive in general. I would find a guy who treated me good for a month or two and then come to find out when we got closer to each other and spent more time together I would care about that person but slowly allow them to get control of me, abuse me mentally and emotionally first until I was broken down so much that I was getting physically/sexually abused by the men I dated. It took alot of counseling to make me realize my life had to dramatically change, I had to forgive my preditor so I could move on, and I had to realize that I deserved better and forgive and love myself for what had happened so I could find a good husband! This is a horrible thing for anyone to go through and you will never forget it and it always haunts you! IT IS A HUGE FREAKING DEAL AND NOBODY WHO MOLESTS A CHILD OR IN ANYWAY SEXUALLY ABUSES, TAKES DIRTY PHOTOS OF, TOUCHES A CHILD INAPPROPRIATELY FOR THEIR PLEASURE SHOULD EVER, EVER, EVER BE RELEASED FROM JAIL LET ALONE BE ABLE TO BE AROUND KIDS AGAIN!!!! PEOPLE ONLY CHANGE IF THEY SINCERELY WANT TO, GET REHABILITATED AND IN MY BELIEF HAVE THE FEAR OF GOD PUT IN THEM! They should all be sent to an island where they have no food or water or shelter and be made to survive by their own efforts! This would make people think twice before being perverts and also control the sex offender population in our town!
2014-06-25 04:56:53
answer #5
answered by snakegurl69 1
I feel very badly for you. Unless he is too close to a school, or playground, then nothing legally can be done You must not take the law into your own hands. Your kids need you there, not in jail because of this pervert. To check for others that might be in your neighborhood, go to I am sure you will be shocked at the results. Best of luck to you.
2007-01-14 15:59:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Let him know you're the neighborhood chairperson of the Unwelcome Wagon and then burn a cross on his front lawn. If he doesn't move out immediately there's always lynching. If he isn't doing anything illegal then there is not a thing you can do about it. None of us has to like it. But the simple fact is there is also nothing you can do about it if no crime has been committed. If you are seriously concerned, why not ask the local police what tips they might offer? Or you could change the zoning laws in your town. That might work. Or it might be illegal. I do not have a solution. Consult an attorney who specializes in Civil Law or Constitutional Law. Asking us will get you opinions, not answers to your dilemma.
2007-01-12 11:34:06
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I think you need to get together with the other neighbors and have a discussion. You cannot do anything illegal to get this guy out. This means you can't play loud music at his house or vandalise it and such. You are permitted to post big signs in your yard with this guys face on them saying what he is and you want him out. No foul or threatening language however. When he drives down the road you can stare at him until he is out of site. Make him feel very unwanted. Make a bunch of noise that this sicko lives here.
First I think you need to stress to your children that they are not to talk to this man, accept anything from him, go near his residence, or anything that involves him or the people around him(police excluded).
Good luck. And don't feel bad about, he made his bed.
2007-01-12 11:29:37
answer #8
answered by Ben B 3
I have a few child molesters that live in my neighborhood, one lives right up the block from me...your neighborhood should send out a notice that there is some sex offender living there, he won't do anything knowing that everyone knows, and if he does do something, he won't be able to live there anymore.
2007-01-12 11:27:06
answer #9
answered by monkiesnrabbitsloodaloop 2
There was a Sex Offender in an area I once lived in..
We got the alert via a Smartphone App. Although he was legally allowed to live there..
We the neighborhood gathered and followed him everywhere he went, we stalked him.
We called 911 and yes we made false claims. I believe my next door neighbor claimed she would make about 50+ calls a day.. Eventually one of the neighbors kids threw an egg at him, he got pissed and yelled at the child.. Long story short he was arrested and sent back to jail where he belonged.. That was 4 years ago, he was charged with Assault of a minor and between that and the 100's of calls we made to the police..Instead of addressing the issue with us, they just arrested him and forced him to move..
He actually did nothing wrong, but we felt he was a danger and could of grabbed one of our children.
The next morning we got a Order of Restraint, and he was never seen again..
You want to get rid of a Sex offender.. I recommend doing it that way.. Call the cops and follow him 24/7
2014-02-24 05:26:17
answer #10
answered by zaphodspeaks 2
I completely understand where your coming from as a victim myself and now a mother ,But please do not take the law into your own hands cause you will not be able to protect your children from behind bars,I would start a petition, spread the word to the rest of the community, and start a neighborhood watch group and let this be known to him so he knows he is not welcome there and that he will be watched at all times, good luck
2007-01-13 04:57:13
answer #11
answered by Tara 5