10 answers
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Politics & Government
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The "Bolivarian Missions" have entailed the launching of government anti-poverty initiatives, the construction of thousands of free medical clinics for the poor, the institution of educational campaigns that have reportedly made more than one million adult Venezuelans literate and the enactment of food and housing subsidies. There have been marked improvements in the infant mortality rate between 1998 and 2006. The government earmarked 44.6% of the 2007 budget for social investment, with 1999-2007 averaging 12.8% of GDP.
That all seems good to me. And besides he's the president of Venezuela not the United States so why do Americans complain about him??
10:45:02 ·
update #1
Capitalism certainly doesn't work!!!
10:57:07 ·
update #2
because he's cut Venezuela's oil production levels among other things....in general he's a challenge to America's economic hegemony. We will end up sending the CIA if we haven't already.
2007-01-12 10:49:19
answer #1
answered by Pete Schwetty 5
Are you kidding me?
Why do americans care about him? umm may be because he bashes america almost weekly and slanders our names. May be you should be asking why he obsesses over us.
- Chavez said multiple times he wishes to be a permanent dicator
- Recently Venezeula's stock plumetted after after he announced plans to nationalize the nation.
- Capitalism doens't work??? ROFL! What communist soviet union propaganda have you been reading?? How do you think the USA was so sucessful? Great Britian? the growing india?
Yep thats right-- Capitalism
-- Chavez is also a raging anti-semite , do a quick google search adn you wiill see what this wannabe klansman has been saying about the jews (or should I say Zionist Overlords)
--- Stay away from Chavez propaganda. Use Yahoo! Answer search and search for "hugo chavez" and find some posts about him by a guy called Flash Virus. THis will give you teh answers you need.
and yes I am Flash Virus, my acccount was banned from Yahoo! since my views angered one of the mods (yahoo is so biased its not even funny?)
2007-01-12 19:09:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hes a socalist and a communist. Hes anti American and hates any thing American. If there is anything proven in history its that Socalism and Communism never works. This steal from the rich and give to the poor crap never works. Soon his country will be on economic collapse because he spends more than hes making. Many people will starve in his country. Capitalism is the only thing that works.
Not to mention hes secretly helping terrorists and wants to see the downfall of anything American. He needs to be taken out ASAP!
2007-01-12 18:51:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Typical tin horn dictator cut from the same cloth as that fine African Mugabe who has single handedly destroyed his country.
Delusions of grandeur and a love of seeing himself on stage. His display at the UN was rank and downright embarassing for the Venezuelan people.
2007-01-12 19:00:04
answer #4
answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7
He's a commie fool. 'nuff said.
EDIT Capatalism don't work? Haw haw, that's a good one. Wake the hell up, and stop kissing yer college professor's latte. The US became the greatest nation on Earth in the shortest time. Why's that? Because we have a silly centralized socialist European modeled democracy? Haw haw. In fact without our capatalist dollars, all commie nations would be in the toilet in minutes. Screw them, and anyone who thinks socialism is the way to go.
2007-01-12 18:50:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I have backed Chavez in the past, but his behavior since his re-election makes me doubt his commitment to democracy. Why does he want to collapse of all his allied parties into a single party with himself at the lead? Why does he need unlimited terms of office? Why does he need to rule by decree when he has a parliamentary majority already?
2007-01-12 18:52:49
answer #6
answered by Longhaired Freaky Person 4
The Americans that have problems with Chavez do so because they are told to by talk radio and Fox News. They also have a misplaced sense of patriotism in thinking that Chavez's insults about Bush at the UN actually matter.
Now, the reason these sheep are told to hate Chavez is because he might hurt the profits of US corporations.
He was overwhelmingly re-elected, an attempted coup was stopped by the citizens.
2007-01-12 18:51:59
answer #7
answered by bettysdad 5
He's fast becoming another Marxist Dictator. he's subjugating anyone who doesn't agree with his philosophy and he's stealing from companies that have invested heavily in his country. On top of that he looks like a shaved ape.
2007-01-12 18:56:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If he would not stifle criticism nothing at all, but he is slowly consolidating his grip on power until he becomes "El-Presdiente'" for life. He has and is closing opposition newspapers and imprisoning or driving out those that oppose him.
2007-01-12 18:50:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
He's still alive !!!
2007-01-12 18:55:41
answer #10
answered by booboo 7