Because it is a lousy idea. They've already tried spiking the number of troops in the past, and Iraq has just gotten worse and worse. And now, most of our allies are removing their remaining troops, so we'll have to cover the WHOLE country. Basically, it's just going to be more of the same, but it buys Bush an excuse to get out of office without having to deal with Iraq anymore. He said it would take "2 to 3 years" for us to see results with this plan, which is damn convenient timeframe, don't you think?
2007-01-12 10:04:29
answer #1
answered by truth be told 3
Election 08! Just like how the Dems that were for a troop surge started changing their tune. Christopher Dodd and Harry Reid are two examples.
2007-01-12 10:01:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Truth be told is correct. We're sending more troops, our "allies" (the so-called "Coalition fo the Willing"- remember THAT phrase?) are removing trooops. Who's right? Bush, or everyone else in the world?
2007-01-12 10:08:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Election of course.
2007-01-12 10:16:09
answer #4
answered by taq 2
Because its not a good idea.
2007-01-12 10:03:19
answer #5
answered by BRITS OUT 2