feminax i think it's called.
2007-01-12 08:53:11
answer #1
answered by Homer Baby 3
Best Tablets For Period Pain
2016-11-16 13:38:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have also suffered for years with this problem probably since your age. Now, at 26 I have discovered it's endometriosis and finally having tests to prepare for surgery. If it's really that bad go to the hospital where they can give you intravenous drugs and also a vaginal ultrasound to see if it could be anything else. I had 10 years of agony and trying to tell my doctor about the pain when I just couldn't take it anymore and went to the hospital and got the ball rolling. I currently take Nolotil ampoules (I don't think you can get them in uk though) I know what you mean when you say some painkillers are pathetic, I scream for morphine! Get some prescription painkillers from your doctor and don't suffer for as long as I did! Good luck x
2007-01-14 11:01:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Check here a very effective sciatica natural treatment http://cure-sciatica.info
Normally, I would not answer a question like this as my expertise is generally in medication but I had severe sciatica while I was pregnant with my 3rd child (after having had twins) and I had sciatica so bad that I was finding it difficult to walk. I tried massage therapy and physical therapy and could not take medication
I went to the chiropractor and the pain was instantly relieved. My hips and lower back were out of alignment because I had carried twins the year before. On occasion a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) can also work but they usually only work on one joint at a time - the chiropractor will do your whole back which works faster. Anyone who does not believe in chiropractors will tell you they are quacks - don't listen.
I don't necessarily believe that chiropractors can cure things like diabetes but they can definitely relieve some types of back pain especially if a pinched nerve is involved which is usually the cause of sciatica.
2014-10-29 03:12:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They Are a combination of codeine which relieves pain, and paracetamol which relieves pain and reduces fever. Feminax Period Pain capsules provide strong relief from period pain, headaches (including tension headaches and migraine), cold and flu symptoms including raised temperature and sore throats, muscular and rheumatic pain, back pain (including sciatica), neuralgia and dental pain.
Oral contraceptive pill
The combined oral contraceptive pill, which is the most widely used type of pill, prevents ovulation (the release of an egg). This may help to decrease period pains because the lining of the uterus remains thin and fewer prostaglandins build up. It is particularly useful if a woman also wants contraception.
Try taking thiamine (vitamin B1) or magnesium supplements these can help reduce period pains.
Evening Primrose Oil Capsules.
Take two everyday with food. Start a week before your due on and continue for 3 days after you have finished.
2007-01-12 09:48:57
answer #5
answered by Mystic Magic 5
Mintec is good for period pains. It is sold at Tesco's. Also, if you know anyone who delivers Avon, have a look in their Wellbeing section and there is a magnet you can get which clips onto the top of the pants, the magnet really helps control the pain.
2007-01-12 09:59:54
answer #6
answered by makehaysunshine 2
You said youmust be able to but it from a chemist. but scrapping that idea.. I'm the same age as you and am in the exact same position of being put on the pill then taken off it again as it pushed my blood pressure up. I suffer from heavy and painful periods and have been put on mefenamic acid. I havent had chance to try it yet but my friend who has pain as bad as you has and is happy with it. Ask your doctor about it.
If you've been on and off the pill you could possibly help me with my question (thanks).
2007-01-13 01:34:57
answer #7
answered by classic_babydoll 2
Mefanamic Acid is what my doctor used to give me.
Feminax is also a good one.
As is the pill - you really ought to ask about that, though it won't be suitable if you are on certain medications. If one pill didn't agree with you, then try another one. There are hundreds out there.
And of course, there's evening Primrose Oil Capsules.
2007-01-13 02:41:57
answer #8
answered by ♀SaintsRLFC♀ 4
sweetie if you are being sick that aint normal are your periods really heavy? maybe if they are you have endometriosis which causes terrible pain but it is really hard to diagnose (can take years) it is no good taking loads of painkillers at your age. I would go back to the doctor and if he/she has no solution then try a different pill brand i have been on a few different types and they are all slightly different and effect you differently maybe you just need to find one that suits you. hotwater bottles warm baths rubbing your tummy eating fresh food with lots of iron in (or a supplement) and drinking lots of water should help, also vitamin b6 evening primrose oil etc. exercise is supposed to help but when you feel like that its the last thing you feel like doing so eat lots chocolate instead! If you are still determined to rely on painkillers ibuprofen is better than paracetamol for aches and pains.
2007-01-12 09:30:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hi Peachy - I know how you feel, since coming off the pill my periods have been SO painful! At its worse, I use Solpedeine, it kicks butt but can be addictive so start with Nurofen or Feminax and if they dont help, try Solpadeine. :O) Gentle hugs, xx
2007-01-12 08:53:30
answer #10
answered by Secret Squirrel 6
Get somthing called Rasberry Leaf Tea..
Buy it from Holland and Barrots £1.39...
Trust me...im 16 and suffer from the same thing
2007-01-12 08:54:24
answer #11
answered by daniel4joyce 2