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I'm gonna see this movie for the first time and I'd like to get some back ground info on it. Thanks everyone, have an excellent weekend.

2007-01-12 08:39:24 · 5 answers · asked by davemg21 3 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

5 answers

Here's a clue as to how accurate it might be. The woman who produced it claims to channel Ramtha, a cave man who can tell us all about the universe, since of course prehistoric cave men were far advanced in science than us. However, all he seems to be able to say are things like 'love is powerful' and crap like that.

2007-01-12 11:09:52 · answer #1 · answered by eri 7 · 0 0

That the mysteries of quantum physics are misinterpreted to justify some new age innovations is undesirable sufficient. That the action picture makers use their concepts to make it look as though those innovations are often used certainty crosses the line from uncomplicated mistake into lies. "David Albert, a actuality seeker of physics at Columbia college, is outraged on the final product. He says that he spent 4 hours patiently explaining to the filmmakers why quantum mechanics has not something to do with information or spirituality, purely to work out his statements edited and decrease to the element the place apparently as though he and the spirit warrior are speaking with one voice"

2016-10-19 21:34:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

go on utube and search Quantum Factor. There is a Utube interview with one of the Producer of What the bleep. Go on What the Bleep web site and check it out.
After you see the movie, come and find me on YahooBeta 360 and you and I can discuss the movie. You are about to enter the biggest worm hole of your life, it will make your head spin.

2007-01-12 08:53:32 · answer #3 · answered by Lapis9Lazuli666 3 · 1 0

i think it's amazing. the things they suggest are beautiful. whether it's just theory or proven experiments, the lesson to be learned is the most important factor. they talk a lot about how we are all one, that we all come from the same matter, that all things existent are constituted of the same basic fragments and that we must progress into the future with a sense of unity. the whole movie is really interesting, but that idea alone is just amazing. you'll really like it. xD

2007-01-12 09:37:07 · answer #4 · answered by Om 2 · 0 0

I've seen it several times. It's thought provoking.

2007-01-12 08:47:00 · answer #5 · answered by T G 2 · 0 0

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