Why not join a gym ? This way you can get in shape which will make you more confident and give you more energy. At the same time you can meet new people at the gym both male and female. Its all around good.
2007-01-12 08:16:58
answer #1
answered by JustMe 6
You should go to the gym, guys get results so easy when they work out everyday that I hate them, cause I should have the body of every man's dreams after all the working out but I dont. Improving your bodywill improve your confidence in yourself and attract more girls. The gym is a good place to meet girls too and it also keeps you distracted and focused in something else other than eating and gaining weight. Make some new friends, get a part time job, change your life style, if you are bored of it.
2007-01-12 16:21:05
answer #2
answered by theaccentgirl 3
For one thing, get off of here and go do something you love to do, or go do something new. Break out of the routine - for example, if you normally play basketball and watch sportscenter, try going to a jazz club instead, or go do kareoke at a club. Do something to wake up your senses. Eat sushi. But most importantly, go meet people! People aren't as scary as they seem to be from the outside. Go somewhere where people are there to meet others so it wouldn't feel like you're breaking in on an established groups territory. Go tell that girl exactly how you feel. What do you have to lose? From the way you sound, absolutely nothing! In a way, your situation is exciting because you have nothing to cling onto, nothing holding you back. You can just let it ride, dude!!! Have fun!!
2007-01-12 16:20:14
answer #3
answered by someguy 3
If you cant relate to your friends start seeking out new ones, you can change your life but its hard, you have to convince yourself that you are a good and worthy person, do little things each day just for you. Dont loose weight fast then it will come back do it slow and right maybe talk to a dr for suggestions. as for a woman not now you need to love yourself before you can love another
2007-01-12 16:21:11
answer #4
answered by loveamouse7767 2
go to the gym. take a spin class or a run. you'll cut the boredom, burn off your excess weight and can meet a girl who is into fitness as well. good luck.
2007-01-12 16:17:38
answer #5
answered by Elle 3
even if she hangs out with ur enemies just go up to her and see if u guys can hang out together sometime just as friends nothing else. u don't want to freak her by asking her out just yet.
2007-01-12 16:18:10
answer #6
answered by Angel 4
Talk to the girl, joina gym, and start sme positive self talk to boost your confidence. only you can change the way you feel about yourself, so get to it ASAP and your life will change!
2007-01-12 16:16:56
answer #7
answered by Liz 4
you need to find something to do with your life........a hobby, go back to school or maybe go to the gym. something new and exciting. and forget this girl start looking for someone new
2007-01-12 16:17:33
answer #8
answered by allys mom 2
i have one suggestion.... let go of the 7 year crush
2007-01-12 16:16:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
find something creative to do just don't shave your eyebrows
2007-01-12 16:17:41
answer #10
answered by problemsolver9.0 2