No credible lending agency will loan you money. You might with any two of the three missing, but not all three. There is a chance that you can get a student loan, but it won't usually buy a car. Get someone knowledgeable to help you shop for a car. Get a part-time job and save as much as you can. Then get a cheap car to get you by. You need friends and help. You cannot do this alone. You might have to give up on school for awhile.
2007-01-12 08:19:50
answer #1
answered by Jack 7
On TV (usually late at night), I see ads for car loans. Loans that don't require a job or proof of income or anything. Also go the car lot (a small one) and pick out a car (a modestly priced one) and try to buy it. The reason I say this is, I recently bought a new truck. It was slightly more than I budgeted for so the salesman offered credit. Through them, not the bank. Of course the interest was the max but at least you'll have car.
2007-01-12 08:00:43
answer #2
answered by Sharyn 5
Steve D is full of crap. Ignore his answer.
You can't get a loan without a job or any assets. You have nothing for the bank to provid you a loan against. Either get a part time job that you can work after school (and have a family member watch your kid), or move in with someone and the two of you work out your work situation, etc. You need a job. How can you raise a kid with no job? How will you provide for your child? Food, clothing, shelter, education. You should have thought about all of this before you let some dude get all up in you and leave his deposit. I swear, kids these days just dont' use their common sense. Quit school, and get a full time job. Go back to school after your child is old enough to go to school. That way you can work during the hours that he is in class. Good luck...
2007-01-12 07:54:03
answer #3
answered by asim 2
Place an add on freecycle and on craigslist and see if anybody has a used car that runs that they're willing to give to you. You're better off with a clunker that didn't cost you a dime (even if you have to learn a few things about keeping it running) than with a nice car and a debt you can't pay back (it's called permadebt) and you're headin straight for it honey, and my advice is whatever you do, stay out of debt.
You'll thank me for this advice 10 years from now
Even getting a very cheap beater of a car for a few hundred bucks is better than getting into debt.
2007-01-12 08:44:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
do what i did ride the bus to work and save your money. your not going to be able to get a loan if you don't have a job.
2007-01-12 07:54:43
answer #5
answered by CRYSTAL 3
This is actual earnings.
You should try this to make extra money:
100% free,only have to be 13,work from home,paid by check monthly,
make as much as you want,it all depends on the time you put in.
I joined in September,and have made over $2200.Email me with any questions please.
I post on here,because I make $1 off every referral,plus 20% of what my referral makes,and
an additional $25 for every 25 people I refer.You also get 20% of the referrals referral.
email me with any questions,or I would be glad to email you a copy of my check!!!
So it cost no-one anything,but time.
2007-01-12 07:49:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous