I used to lay in bed with the baby propt up on a pillow and (both children different years now 5 & 7) they both would feed pretty much until they fell asleep, but it somehow never felt like I got any rest, as soon as they felt me pulling away, they would wake up, I think what you are experiencing may be normal.
When they are in our wombs they get their nutrients as needed, but now they are like the survival of the fittest, they are fiending for themselves, and they need your attention. It is up to you how attentive you will be. You must make that choice. There is always formula! The choice is yours.
2007-01-12 07:13:35
answer #1
answered by SYLVIA S 2
I wouldn't count on sleeping any time soon. Have your hubby set up a TV and DVD player in your bedroom and set up camp for the next few days. If your baby sleeps in a bassinet or cradle, set it next to the bed, mine just slept in bed with me at first. Or move the crib in for awhile. The pattern will be: nurse, snooze, change pants, nurse, snooze, change pants. Give up on housework and stuff for now. Snooze a little while he is nursing, just be sure he can't fall off of your lap (hence the bed). You are not going to get really good REM sleep until your body adapts and is able to snatch it inside of a two-hour sleep cycle (it will happen but not for a month or so). This is not indicative of a sleep problem or a feeding problem, he is just learning and mostly enjoying the cuddling. If it continues to be a problem, ask about it at his two week check-up or call the lactation consultant at the hospital. But you would do best to accept the lack of sleep for now and try to get it when you can. Now is a good time to call and ask family and friends for a little help. Even if they can come a keep an eye on the baby for 45 minutes or so between feedings that would be helpful. Remember that babies don't try to be difficult or needy, they just feel. They can only feel hungry or tired or lonely, they don't recognize that you are a person or that you have needs. This will pass and before you know it your 4-yr-old will run by and you will wish for the days when he wanted to be held, now I can only get a good night kiss and whatever hugs I can catch him for during the day.
2007-01-12 15:40:13
answer #2
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
First of all, forget sleep. It's over for you for the next couple of months :-(
Secondly, your milk has not come in yet. What you are currently producing is colostrum, which is very good for your baby. It should take several days for your newborn to develop a feeding pattern. Just remember that the more frequent the feedings, the more milk you will produce, so what your baby is doing is triggering this production.
Do not, however, bottle feed your baby if you want to increase your milk production. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps and ask the daddy, friends and relatives to babysit so that you can have some rest.
It will get better with time. This I know.
2007-01-12 15:27:58
answer #3
answered by Arisleyda 2
It is normal for it to seem like your baby isnt getting enough but as long as you hear a lil gumfh sound he is swallowing but it can be frustrating trust me i have 2 kids they were both 9 pounds min. It is going to seem like he never gets enough especially if he was a big baby but if you are sleep deprived which you will be soon lay down with baby in your bed with him nursing lay on a towel so you dont accidentally leak milk on the bed you will sleep he will eat or if your breasts feel extremly soft and you can only squeeze out a minute amount of milk then you may need to supplement get dad to feed baby so it doesnt cause confusion unless he wont allow dad to feed him. You also want to make sure he is latching on properly if you need help look up the le leche legue to find some local help or contact your doctor. If sleeping while eating is a problem undress baby down to his diaper, turn on a radio, with bright lights since if it is quiet and warm baby will sleep. But do try laying in bed so that he eats while you sleep and if he wakes up hungry you can just pull him back to the breast with out waking yourself up too much. Hope my advice helps and good luck honey
2007-01-12 16:27:32
answer #4
answered by sexy b 3
It's going to take a little while, I'm afraid. I'm sorry you're worn out...I know it doesn't help, but all new moms have been there.
Get as much rest as you can during the time he's sleeping. If he's not getting enough milk, you can try supplementing with formula. Babies digest milk more quickly than formula, so a breastfed baby is hungry more frequently.
Congratulations, and good luck. Remember: the first couple of months are the most difficult for new moms. It will get easier, I promise!
2007-01-12 15:25:38
answer #5
answered by KD 4
The first few days after a baby is born they tend to sleep a lot. After that, they are too busy eating and looking to go to sleep themselves.
Try swaddling him. To swaddle you can go the easy way and get a swaddling blanket from the store, or use a regular blanket and fold it. To start lay the blanket down on large flat surface so it looks like a diamond (corners to you). Fold the top corner down so the point is toward the middle of the blanket. Lay him down so the now top edge is level with his shoulders. Put one arm down by his side and fold that side of the blanket across him, tucking it ubder his butt. Fold the bottom up over his feet and tuck under the side wher you tucked it before. Put his other arm down, and wrap that side over him and around his back. If done right, he'll kind of look like a burrito! Rock him while wrapped like this, or lay him down like this when he's sleepy.
A constant background noise, like a fan, washer, or running water helps too. Newborns are used to being in a very noisy womb. They don't do well in relative quiet right away. But right now, some babies will sleep for hours and some will only sleep for minutes. He'll even out. It's only the third day. Good Luck!
2007-01-12 15:24:11
answer #6
answered by arfiegel 2
I have 4 children, my youngest is 4 months now.
#1 - Is he stopping after 20 minutes, or is he asleep? If he is asleep, try these tips: get up, change his diaper (use a nice cold wipe), loosen his clothes, rub his head briskly, burp him, anything that wakes him up good. Then put him back on the same breast you started on. The "hindmilk" that comes after the "foremilk" milk is thicker and fattier and will fill him up better but he doesn't get to it if you switch breasts mid-feeding. I switch breasts every feeding instead of in the middle of one.
#2 - He is still very young, he may have this habit for a little while. His stomach is not very large yet and he is probably not very good at nursing well. If you lie in bed to feed him (lay on your side, and lay him down facing you, belly to belly) that can allow you some relief and maybe a little catnap while he feeds. I still do that if my little one wakes up in the middle of the night. If you're afraid you'll knock him out of bed, just do it on the floor! At least you'll get some rest.
#3 - I have found that sometimes if I fed my newborns and they seemed full but were still awake, after a burp and about a 10-minute rest they would be willing to go back to the breast and feed about another 10 minutes and then finally fall asleep.
You will just have to find the "thing" that works best for your little guy.
2007-01-12 15:19:59
answer #7
answered by Dee 2
When you breast feed it is hard to tell how much they are eating. I can't remember what the recomended amount is for a new born (as his doctor or look it up but I think it is 4 to 6 oz every 4 hours) but pump your milk and put it a 4 oz or 6 oz to see how much he is eating. If he is eating the right amount he may not be waking for food it might be a security thing for him. If it is let him wait a little while before you pick him up. It will not hurt him. If you pick him up the second he starts crying then he will learn that you will come running everytime and you will never get any sleep. Everytime he crys wait a little longer than the time before. But only do this if you know nothing major wrong.
2007-01-12 16:29:01
answer #8
answered by Cajun mama 2
I breast fed my son, and I remember the constant nursing phase. The proteins in breast milk are processed and broken down easier than formula, so it's normal for him to want to nurse more. It's also a comfort thing for the baby - the breast in the mouth is reassuring and comforting to them. As I recall this phase lasted for about a month - then he went to a more regular interval of about 4-5 hours between feedings.
2007-01-12 15:12:31
answer #9
answered by carpediemamt 3
Newborns often come in and out of snoozing. He will probably be calm and sleep best if he is swaddled in nicely. He probably will start to show more of a sleeping pattern in the next week or so.
Congrats on the new baby!!! Sleep deprivation is a big part of new motherhood - but it really will pass -as will all the newborn moments so try to enjoy them - no matter how tired you are.
2007-01-12 15:13:40
answer #10
answered by larodaz 1