Being a history major does not give you intellect regarding a current war. Nor does your status of being a history major give you inside intel on matters of national security.
All that you can attempt to do is make predictions based on history itself. One can argue that history repeats, the same argument can be made that the results aren't always the same.
Therefore, to answer your question - Education has no relevance in what is or has taken place in Iraq, the belief in, nor the support or lack thereof.
2007-01-12 06:18:06
answer #1
answered by LadySable 6
I'm curious, Has every war always ended with the larger taking over the land of the weaker? And has there ever been a time when one group stepped in to help a weaker group from let's say, another group? My point is, you are right, greed and the show of power has caused many nations the grief of war. But I do see the need to step in sometimes and help out the underdog. I don't think the war is for building a larger USA and I don't think it is about land nor oil. I do see it as being about the future. If you are really a history major, then you should also know that there were countries that understood the need to grow in size in order to bring down a larger foe. Forces were joined for the very reason of becoming larger to impose fear over the weaker and smaller. Face the facts, Iran has said, Israel needs to be demolished. Iraq, hates the US and notice how both countries have this need to expand. Once those countries that want us dead and out of the way, become large enough, what do you really think they will do? What does history tell us about that. Would Hitler have ever just stopped and said, this is enough? Would Communism, had just one day said, okay, we have enough, let's just stop here? Did Hussein ever wake up one day and speak to the Iraqi's and say okay, let's quit all this killing and just get along with the rest of the world? While you and I live and work, someone, somewhere in the world, is thinking of how they can take from us, our freedoms, security, livlyhood, safety and happiness. The quicker we understand this, the quicker we will come to reality.
2007-01-12 06:27:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The main reason that Bush went into Iraq was due to WMD. Saddam had been given time to eliminate them but unfortunately for Iraq and the USA he didn't and warfare was the only solution. We didn't find WMD, however, they surely existed. They were moved to Syria before the invasion so they could be retrieved after the conflict. The WMD were confirmed by Israeli intelligence as well as an Iraqi general. When the USA found no WMD then the story from Washington changed and they claimed that Iraq was invaded to end the evil ways of Saddam and to turn Iraq into a democracy. This, of course, was absolutely a cover up and totally untrue. Bush is a highly manipulative person who cannot stand up to defeat and he will say anything to make himself look good. Unfortunately for him his lies do not work and he makes himself look like an ***. We did not go into Iraq (and lose so many young lives) because we wanted to turn Iraq into a democracy. Total fabrication.
2007-01-12 10:41:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Being able to figure out the truth has nothing to do with "being educated." One can be quite educated and still be very naive. An educated person can still be ignorant. People tend to believe what they want to hear. Some people have an inate trust for authority figures. Some even trust everything they read in text books. Is the war a mess/ Absolutely. Is Bush making it up as he goes along? Yes, in my opinion. When the Congress voted on the rsolution, I was bitterly disappointed in the Democrats going along with Bush . I predicted the vote would come back to bite them in the butts and it has. They caved to the Bush machine fearing they be labled unpatriotic cowards if they voted against what he wanted. They should have demanded more time and not been rushed into it. They were more concerned with their offices being held than with the truth. Educated or not.
2007-01-12 06:11:44
answer #4
answered by student 8 2
There are educated people who believe Bush. So education should not even be an issue. I, of course, only have a high school education, and I don't believe word 1 that comes from his mouth.
Some of the reasons people support him:
1. He is against abortion.
2. He is a born-again Christian.
3. They believe what he says--no matter what--there are still educated people who believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11.
I am still depressed over the 2004 Presidential election. That is why I watch Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. I need something to make me laugh.
2007-01-12 06:09:24
answer #5
answered by fab 2
The Roman Empire was the strongest in the world, then disappeared. From the very beginning of the Iraqi war, I didnt believe that Iraq had WMD's. I think it had to do with the oil resources in Iraq more than any other valid reason.
2007-01-12 06:06:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The regimes in the Middle East have to be changed and fast, if not we will be in a lot of trouble, just look at 9-11. Osama Bin Laden and followers are determined to break US and the financail systems of the Western world. He already indicated that.
All these problems come from way back when former President Carter (asshole) supported all these idiots that went to power in the 1970's and 1980's. We have to pay the price now. Thanks Jimmy Carter...
2007-01-12 06:04:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have a Master's degree, so I guess that makes me educated, at least (the "well" part is debatable....). Anyway, I've always thought the whole Iraq thing was more about "our oil under their sand" than it was about terrorism or 9/11. Otherwise, Osama bin Laden would be hanged by now, in addition to or instead of Sadam....
2007-01-12 06:06:57
answer #8
answered by Poopy 6
Not at all.. The war in Iraq is a big nasty mess. I don't know why we are bitching about Sadam being in power, when its us that put him into power in the first place. I mean we accomplished the objective in 3 weeks. Why are we still there? I say we just put a huge cage over the country, let the Suni's, shiats, and Kurds duke it out themselves, then let them establish a government. We can't control a civil war, that has gone one for HUNDREDS of years...
2007-01-12 06:02:19
answer #9
answered by Bevin M 3
Only a dumb person would believe Bush's reasons for waging war.
Sadly, there appears to be a lot of dumb people in America.
2007-01-12 07:14:57
answer #10
answered by Panama Jack 4