when i was 13 weeks the girl doing the ultrasound said that she's not certain but she thought she saw a boy part. when i went in for my 20 week ultrasound she was certain she saw a boy part
2007-01-12 05:18:48
answer #1
answered by momoftwo 7
well I think that is a little to soon I will tell you my Friend ha one at 12 weeks they "told" her they were positive it was a girl and she had to have another one done at 14 weeks and it was clearly a boy. She is now 36 weeks and they are having a BOY for sure. I would not count on it. I would wait till 16 weeks and that is a good time to tell( if baby is positioned right) I had mine at 18 weeks and they say that is the " perfect time" to get a scan. I will tell you that at 12 weeks that is a VERY bad time to tell. It is a maybe thing. I can tell you it is a matter of days around that time if it is developed or not. I will also tell you that you can be seeing something that is SOOOO not a "tiddler" and at that age it is VERY easy to get parts confused when you are not trained to see them. Just wait and get one in a few weeks!!
2007-01-12 05:22:48
answer #2
answered by mommy of 2 4
the foetus is always female at first until between 6-8 weeks when is either a boy or girl for definite, you may have seen something but don't be alarmed if on your 20week scan you don't see it again as this may have been the cord, also they cant always tell and even if they do they can be wrong so ask how sure they are, congratulations and good luck.
2007-01-16 01:30:31
answer #3
answered by prince_ss06 1
As far as I am aware you have to wait until the 16-18 week scan and then you will be able to find out the sex of the baby. If before this then the sonographer will not be able to see anything on the screen as far as the sex goes. I found out with all 3 of my children.
2007-01-12 08:51:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think it maust have been a shadow on scan as i had my 12 week scan and i know the woman who did it,she said you cant see until 20 weeks.However,there genitals are developed by 13 to 14 weeks.
2007-01-12 05:16:07
answer #5
answered by smiler 3
Yes the baby can have it sex organs, but it really depends on fast the baby is deveolping. When I was pregnant we found out we were having a girl at 13 weeks. So maybe you did see boy parts, but it could be too early to tell.
2007-01-12 05:27:31
answer #6
answered by Baby Gap 2
I didn't think it showed up on the ultra sound until 4-5 months! But i'm not sure. All I know is that all fetus' are actually conceived female, (That's why men have nipples) and in a certian week/month of pregnancy if the fetus has the male chromosone it will develop male parts.
2007-01-12 05:18:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
All fetus's start off as girls. Around 4 and 5 months is when the penis (if its a boy) start growing completely out. So if you do find out the sex before then and they tell you its a girl, it might just be a boy because your only 13 weeks. Good Luck!!!
2007-01-12 05:25:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think so. But the little tiddler you see before then could still be a clitorus. All fetuses start off as female, an extra hormone eventually kicks it if it has a Y chromosome turning that clitorus into a penis.
2007-01-12 05:15:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
What was the heartbeat? Low around 130s is normally a boy High around 160-170 is a girl...its an old wives tale but from what ive seen in every pregnancy Ive seen or heard about (sisters, mom, mother in law family friends) its held true.
2007-01-12 05:25:57
answer #10
answered by Samantha M 2
Could have been the cord, but the sex of the baby develops in a matter of hours about six weeks after the time of conception.
2007-01-12 05:15:30
answer #11
answered by snowangel_az 4