"Surely two people of the same sex loving eachother is alot less worse then, say, legalised Weaponry in your house."
Is that so? I think that's an ignorant statement. Lets look at how you said it.... you said its legal. So what is the issue then? The right to bear arms is an important part of our nations law. Without it, the Patriots would not have been able to employ minuitemen to help defeat the British. Without it, my family could be killed in the middle of the night by a burgular with an illegal weapon. I have the right to protect my family and my property.
If someone did break in and kill my little girls, or rape them, or kidnap them, and he is caught, damn right he deserves to be put to death. Not by me, but by due process, a jury of 12 peers whom are unbiased to the situation. Why would you protect the rights of a criminal moreso than that of the victim when its a capital case? How do you justify that ethically? An eye for an eye. We dont execute speeders or even drug users. I am not saying our democracy if perfect, but let's not try to define it as unjust.... If you know better why are you posting it here and not as President of France or something. Because its a hack view.
And what the Hell does it have to do with Homosexuals? Being homosexual is a CHOICE. It is not a trait or gene. Its a corruption of the soul and mind, in my opinion. Yet I never tell a gay not to be a gay, just as as out government does not either. The issue is marriage, and its a good issue, as marriage is defined as the union between a man and woman. If you make the CHOICE to be gay, you make the CHOICE to give up that right. Thats the issue with Liberals. They pick and choose what and when to call right and what to call wrong and are totally inconsistent in the views, they just look for it to meet a PRE-DETERMINED set of agendas. Usually anything anti-God. It's disgusting. If you are gay, good for you, EN-JOOOOY!!!! If someone murders a gay, guess what, he will be not only executed but also villified in the public as a person whom commited a hate crime. Yet if he kills me its just murder.... maybe manslaughter if he has a good lawyer. Are you starting to get it yet?
Next time dont compare apples and oranges. I think youre not over the pond I think you have your face underwater and cant see or think clearly.
2007-01-12 04:18:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just speculation, but our roots have much to do with it. All of the original colonists that settled here were devout Protestants (Puritans) and Bible literalists. Even being a Catholic was a capital offense or just not being devout enough. So they never had a problem with hanging someone. Our constitutional protection regarding the right to bear arms aside, this was a frontier from coast to coast, so having a gun for protection was kind of a necessity and a given. That whole tradition and mindset has carried over these past 400 years.
Why the fundamentalist Christians here are so obsessed with homosexuality to the exclusion of all other Bible issues is a mystery that they themselves can't explain. But it's just them making all the noise, not the average American, and they don't speak for the majority of us, although they do have a way of intimidating other people. Logic and actual facts have never been anything they take seriously, so there's no reasoning with them.
2007-01-12 04:33:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are 300 million Americans. Not all states condone the death penalty. Some Americans could care less one way or the other about homosexuals. Making judgements about American society from thousands of miles away is just as treacherous as us making judgements about British society without us being there - its really hard to tell what is going on without being physically present.
As to the legalized weaponry - I've had death threats against me by a psychotic individual - should I just tell him he needs a time out? Its a BIG responsibility to own a firearm, and not everyone in the US does.
2007-01-12 04:23:07
answer #3
answered by Paul H 6
I think it is an issue of extremes. On any given weekday, you would not drink milk from a woman's breast. But if you were in a life and death situation and she had lots of milk, you would drink it, right?
That's the way it is with execution. When a person does stuff that it just extremely vile, he gets Sadaam Hussiened because he has pushed the people to their limit with his acts.
But with gayness, it is not an extreme issue so people can afford to toy with the idea and kinda accept it but also kinda hate it. Most people would not share their space with a gay guy -- but if you were in a ship wreck and the only guy who could help you was a gay guy, you would jump in the dinghy with the gay guy even though his behind was showing. Why? Because at that point, life is more important than gayness. It is really an issue of extremes. If pushed beyond a certain point, society will reckon that gayness does not matter.
One last example: We know that there are gay pple in the military. Now let's say that you have a kid in the army. Would you rather be told that your kid was shot and is dead -- or would you rather be told that your kid was almost shot dead but was saved by a gay soldier?
Nuff said!!
2007-01-12 04:29:02
answer #4
answered by JiveSly 4
Typically its not an issue of a general group of logical ideas for the sake of logic.
Judeo-christians that believe in the bible believe that homosexuality is a sin...because it says so in Leviticus, Romans, and I Cointhians.
Judeo-christians tend to be conservative because of the culture that is symptomatic of the church. Its not directly because of the bible...and in some cases can even go against the bible because people tend to be ignorant.
So, because of this general conservative stint....historically the founding fathers were pro-arms. Its not just about guns...but that the citizenry needs to be armed at a level to present a threat to a tyrranical government. And the constitution expresses this very clearly. Its not about hunting, self defense, or hobbyist's. Its about a citizenry that can form a militia that is a threat to a tyrranical govt. It would take 66%+ in the senate and house to repeal this portion of the constitution. Which is highly unlikely in this generation.
And Corporal punishment is often viewed as an Old Testament idea. But, even in the New Testament the govt. is encouraged to enforce the law. Corporal punishment is not about a need for vengence or personal desire to see one die though. Corporal punishment is about the community, the state, the nation believing that justice requires someone to die. This is a country that has strayed far from original roots...but it still has a general demand for justice. And when people rape, murder, and combinations of the two....its hard to think of a proper punishment. And we know that criminals that commit felonies and go to prison dont have a statistical chance of reform. So, many times execution is a choice made by the people.
I myself view the teachings of Jesus as an instruction in love, peace, and understanding. He was alll about healing and relationship. He did call sin - sin...but he also offered forgiveness. The Jesus of Matthew 4 seems to be one of pacifism. So, as for me and my beliefs....I think that America has strayed from its christian roots. But, one can easily see how the conservative Americans and their church culture relies on Old Testament ideas to form their methods of punishment.
If you something to think about.....I would say consider why America is soooo pro-Israel. The answer is because of the bible.
2007-01-12 04:25:12
answer #5
answered by aarondarling 3
i'd ought to decline... the most vocal of direction are those that oppose it, or are intimidated by using what they don't comprehend. that is what you're used to listening to and seeing. notwithstanding there are an excellent huge style that do not consider gay marriages, maximum are "stay and enable stay", so a ways as being gay ordinarily. "to each and each their own" will be yet another cliche. which could keep on with. i'm a republican, married, heterosexual, and that i do no longer consider gay marriages, notwithstanding I totally help civil unions. Homosexuals do no longer have their orientation as a decision (per chance some, yet no longer maximum), so why stigmatize them. they are nevertheless contributing contributors of society, and must be dealt with as such.
2016-10-30 22:18:12
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Again, for about the12th time in the probable million or so times I will be doomed to have to repeat this over my lifetime. Not. all. Americans. think. exactly. alike. Not all Americans are gun nuts. Not all Americans support the death penalty. Not all Americans go crazy over homosexuality.
The only thing repeated questions like this that come from over the pond reassure me of is that people over there can make just as many hasty and ill-informed judgments about an entire nation of 300 million people as Americans can make about countries from all around the world. Please do not stereotype all Americans into one mold. We are a varied and diverse people.
2007-01-12 04:21:58
answer #7
answered by Underground Man 6
It is you. Protecting my family, is a given right,,,, but homosexuality caused the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now God has told us for a man to lay with another man is WRONG, yet liberals are always trying to change the word of God,,, make the word more "Today Friendly". God also commanded the man to rule his house well. Sometimes in ruling you must protect that which you hold sacred. Hence Guns in the home. Now Education only works if you pay attention and want to learn. Homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God. Guns are only dangerous if not used correctly. God never said "Don't keep guns in the household." So if you are confused, I suggest reading the Bible.
2007-01-12 04:20:23
answer #8
answered by Joseph L 4
having a gun never made crime go up and takeing guns from good people did ,thay tryed it . and if you cant figer out how to make a kid the world will still be ok
2007-01-12 04:19:07
answer #9
answered by TEBOE7 3
America people only condone the execution of gays...
The murderers, pedophiles and rapists seem to go in and out of the system, but Gays seem to be nationally hated.
I dunno, I just live here...
2007-01-12 04:16:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous