Well, as long as u have a nail bed that's all that matters! Meaning your nails don't have to be long in order to get fake nails, because they cut them off anyways before they put on the fake ones!! I would say 1/2 an in. would be good.. but I've done shorter nails!!! See I am a Cosmetology student... If u go get your nails done at a salon then u can jus get the full acrylic nails set... but who ever does your nails is probably going to convince u to get the solar nail, and those look nicer, but they are not going to be better for your nail! Fake nails don't damage your nails, and I really suggest them if u are a biter! It will help your nails grow, believe me!!
2007-01-12 04:06:08
answer #1
answered by Star 2
I bit my nails forEVER! Recently I stopped and here are some things that might help:
1) Don't get fake nails put on if you can help it. Your nails are already weak, brittle and uneven from biting. The chemicals and glues used for fake nails (from the salon) can take off layers of your nail...very painful and will take some time to repair. Drugstore fake nails often aren't even worth the trouble. They are difficult to size correctly for your nail (unless you have professional trimmers or salon equipment), the adhesives are ineffective, and they easily break and snag on things. Also with fake nails, they usually end up being much longer than you'll be comfortable with at first. You might have a hard time washing dishes, dressing, or if you have any hobbies that you use your hands for.
2) Try taking a multivitamin, especially one rich in folic acid. Prenatal vitamins are great for this, your hair and nails will grow very well.
3) Keep your nails painted. Sometimes they'll look so nice you won't want to bite them, other times you'll get a nasty surprise when you get a bunch of nail polish flakes in your mouth. If painted nails aren't really your style, you can always use a clear gloss (it tastes just as bad, trust me) or use a nail strengthening product. Sally Hansen has a lot of different types available depending on what your needs are.
If you start using a strengthening product and/or vitamins, you should see a difference in your nails within about a week to two weeks. Even if you don't see a marked change, by this time you'll likely have already mostly broken this habit. They say it takes 21 days to make or break any habit, so hopefully you can stick with it :)
2007-01-12 12:14:29
answer #2
answered by ladyfish 3
I was a biter for 21 yrs. I now have acrylic nails and haven't had any problems yet. Fungus is a common complaint.I hear silk is better but I think it is a matter of preference. The downside to fake nails is the upkeep. Your nails don't have to be too long for fake nails. Just to the tip of your fingers would be good.
2007-01-12 12:08:05
answer #3
answered by Global warming ain't cool 6
I did the same thing when I stopped biting my nails. I had silk wraps put on which are the most expensive...my real nails were tiny, and they still were able to put them on. My real nails grew really long under the fke ones...however, when they removed the fake ones the real nails had deep ridges in them, and all of them broke because they were paper thin..all because of the fake nails. So I stopped using fake ones and just kept my real ones filed nice and polished, so I wouldn't be tempted to bite. I haven't bitten my nails in over a year and my real ones look great
2007-01-12 12:12:03
answer #4
answered by GD-Fan 6
Don't bother with fake nail tips, you'll just bite them off! Have them put a coating of acrylic (maybe with french white at the tips), followed by gel, and let your nails grow out that way. Keep getting fills every 2 - 3 weeks. Your nails will look so nice, and be strong, and you won't want to bite them. They're too hard to bite.
2007-01-12 12:08:48
answer #5
answered by Vivian D 4
If you want fake nails get acrylic.. there's no particular length for your real nails. Refills usually cost $15. It's better to get your nails wrapped- they just put acrylic over your real nails- so you don't have to use fake ones, so let them grow a little.
2007-01-12 13:29:45
answer #6
answered by LydBaBy21 2
Don 't put on fake nails they are a hassle & expensive, go to a beauty supply store and buy some "biter stop" it is a clear nail polish that tastes absolutely horrid and i guarantee you will stop biting your nails.
2007-01-12 12:11:20
answer #7
answered by jillybean 3
I tried bitter tasting substances. No good.
I suggest a small scissors and/or a nail file.
Tend to any untidy nails immediately.
Forget about false nails.
2007-01-12 12:07:08
answer #8
answered by Sciman 6