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and what do you think would happen if they came face to face with a black or hispanic street gang like the crips or black gangster disciples dressed in the pointy hats?
imo they would **** themselves n then get slaughtered by the gang.

2007-01-12 02:02:48 · 10 answers · asked by Freestyle 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

10 answers

A liberal organization.

2007-01-12 02:07:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

first of all it bothers me that you would even ask what the kkk is, it makes me wonder how old your are and have you ever been taught anything about the civil rights movement. kkk stands for Klu Klux Klan which was a secret organization of white supremist back in the day, mainly located around the sourthern parts of the United States, that used fear and violence to keep blacks in the south from trying to win their rights to vote, be treated as equals etc. Some of their tactics were burning giant crosses in the yards of victims, bombing and setting fire to black residences, churchs and of course the most imfamous tactics were the murders and lynchings or hangings of innocent blacks that took place for years during their reign of unchecked mob law. They were a secret organization due to the fact that they covered up their faces and bodies in the white robes and pointed white hoods so noone could see who they were when they did their dirty work, but everyone knew that they were made up of judges, lawmakers and politicians as well as uneducated and poor whites who thrived on the culture of their racist beliefs. As far as what would happen if they came across some of the street gangs of today..well the members of the kkk would probably stand back and laugh as well as probably shake the hands of the gang leaders for continuing the work of the kkk..because it all amounts to the same thing..the sensless killing and violence towards people of color. The kkk would not have to do anything..they would just probably sit back, get a box of popcorn and watch the show of blacks and hispanics killing each other over nothing. I say this as an African American woman in her early 40's who has been a victim of many kinds of racism. I know you meant this question to be an insult to whatever your idea of the kkk was, but we as blacks and hispanics are destroying our own communities without the help of anybody else, unfortunatly.

2007-01-12 02:39:52 · answer #2 · answered by MEREDITH M 2 · 0 1

1. I'm not so sure they're a gang anymore. all they seem to do is rant, light crosses and complain. When i think gang i usually think guns, running particular areas of places, intimidation, etc

2. I imagine they'd have a hard time fighting in those sheets. It'd be hard to see out of if they keep the hoods up, and all a person would really need to do is step on the corner of one and the Klansman would pretty much be immobilized.

3. I think they've been taken over by other groups. David Duke tried to "clean" them up a bit, but you can't turn ignorant slobs into an intelligent or even elite fighting force. And there are some conflicts between them and other groups of who is white, are white Jews white, etc.

2007-01-12 04:27:29 · answer #3 · answered by smm 6 · 0 1

the kkk is not a gang like you know. it doesnt make money off the distruction of its own race. now maybe in history thay have harassed or harmed other whites for being catholic, which i am so im not with the kkk, or siding with blacky but in general the kkk cannot be compared to black or hisp "gangs" i wish for the day that all the minority gangs wipe themselves out. the only problem is that they breed and breed jumping one to another. one male might have like 10 or more kids to at least 8 different female and the same goes for females. its insane. and its not just the black and hisps either its the poor in general. you develop gangs to free yourselves from poverty and your all ready to fight whitey if he does something against a fellow bl. or hisps but you sell drugs and kill each other every day. NOW what you need to do is compare colored gangs to skin heads or biker gangs. in which case colored gangs would lose b/c youre only effective when you have the large number and you jump a small number, like 3 or 4 of you against some unsuspecting white guy.

2007-01-12 02:31:51 · answer #4 · answered by maximus 2 · 0 0

A very dark chapter in American history. Loosely organized groups of white men (typically in the South) who randomly attacked and killed black people in particular. It started around 1866 and had pretty much disappeared by the end of the 1960's although the organization itself remains active to this day.

Please review the Wikipedia link for more details.

As for street gangs, they rarely get out to the countryside where the KKK groups usually congregate. And the KKK groups that do visit the city will likely be much too smart to get caught in a gang situation without hefty firepower and overwhelming odds.

2007-01-12 02:16:13 · answer #5 · answered by jims2cents 3 · 0 1

Ku Klux Klan. They are more of a club than a gang. Sure they might get crushed by the crips, but they would return and give payback. Love to see all these people kill each other.

2007-01-12 02:08:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

technically they are a gang.
they have really fell to a downward spiral and instead of violence, just say **** and act like their good.
any crip set would probobly drop them in no time, but on the other hand the kkk doesnt have the same power it did back then and times have changed, but modern day white supremacy gangs like the brotherhood goes head to head with eme.

2007-01-12 18:02:37 · answer #7 · answered by T razz 1 · 0 1

KKK stand for Kweers Kiss Kweers or kick kiss and kindnes to all man kind of the one race the human race as far i know anyway and I,m 46 yr biker going back to college and getin smarter

2007-01-15 14:43:44 · answer #8 · answered by BONEs 2 · 0 0

It is a white supremacist group which believes that people with white skin are superior to the other skin colors. KKK stands for Ku Klux Klan

2007-01-12 02:11:35 · answer #9 · answered by edge 3 · 2 0

They are terrorists.

2007-01-12 02:15:36 · answer #10 · answered by Skeff 6 · 1 2

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