legend of zelda
throughout the years, zelda has remained a strong name, but final fantasy has dumbed itself down after VI - with the horrible VII and X
in all honesty, i don't think final fantasy can ever win me back, after that mistake they made with the creation of VII (although IV advance was the best version of that game)
zelda though, even though it's always the same story, it's still always a strong game - the only time that i'm aware that they made things easier for the masses was when the wii version of the most recently released game featured a right handed link, rather than the lefty we all know and love
2007-01-11 18:58:06
answer #1
answered by Jim 7
I would have to say the legend of zelda.
I've played both series and zelda is the one who can take the same concepts and make them interesting. The storyline, items, quests, everything is minorly revamped, but still recognizable from previous zelda games.
Final Fantasy, on the other hand, changes everything with each installment. They're battle system. The commands. The summons. All different with few exceptions. Heck even the storylines are different (again with few exceptions) one reason as to why it keeps it's momentum. About the only thing that stays the same, except some of the summons, is the basic storyline. Save the world from utter destruction.
Both get a 10 out of 10 with me, but zelda has got my vote on this one
2007-01-11 19:10:28
answer #2
answered by azel951 2
Zelda is for little ones. it is way too uncomplicated, the images are not very solid, the characters do not even talk, and the storyline is so uncomplicated. trust me, I used to love Zelda....yet then I performed very last fantasy. not something compares to very last fantasy. The characters are very distinct and the tale strains are so complicated and dramatic. those are a collection for genuine recreation enthusiasts. i love very last fantasy!! I used to love Zelda. I performed and beat each and each and every of the Zelda video games, changed into smitten by it, and that i not in any respect idea i might want to discover something better. I even offered and beat the recent Zelda recreation on the Wii, yet not something compares to very last fantasy. i changed into taking section in FF XII and Twilight Princess mutually. particular Zelda changed into exciting, yet FF is way better troublesome and inventive. I beat both video games, yet I really ought to assert that I loved FF XII better. very last fantasy has breathetaking soundtracks too! I nonetheless love Zelda , yet you purely won't be able to guage it with an popular epic journey that very last fantasy provides.
2016-12-02 03:58:03
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Yes I'll give the you can't compare the two crap, How can u possibly put the fantastic ever-original Final Fantasy in the same sentence with the recurring ever-boring legend of zelda, haven't we had enough with Link (who's gay btw), princess zelda, and ganon, I mean 4 cryin out loud when they tried to get sth new in the game they brought Vaati, and kept him a while too, but they didn't get rid of ganon, Nooooooooo, he will stay around to bore us, of course Final Fantasy is better, every story is original, every hero is fantastic (well except for tidus who's also gay, actually he and link might be related), and every game has the IT factor that will keep u playing and never bored, every game has a new set of mini-games, like cards FFVIII and FFIX, the chocobo rasing in FFVII, the blitzball, the spherebreak, u can never get enough of final fantasy, so I hope u'd come 2 ur senses and stop seeing illusions that made u even think of a comparison.
and Jim Horrible VII and X?, I don't know what to say but the sales speak for themselves, FFVII was voted in several occasions in several places the best game of ALL TIME, this means the best game overall, in every category since they invented videogames, and FFX took gaming-graphics and gameplay to a whole new level, it is one of the most profitable game-projects in history, that made a number that LoZ never got close to, so pls at least don't hurt the feeling of the 1 Billion fans of FFVII and call it horrible again.
2007-01-11 20:18:30
answer #4
answered by M.Tayel 2
Legend of Zelda. I never got into Final Fantasy, not a huge RPG fan.
2007-01-11 19:13:07
answer #5
answered by ? 4
i would say Final Fantasy. The best RPG i have ever played in my life. The storyline is fantastic, very touching. Esp Final fantasy VIII (when Squall dont care ablout his life to save Rinoa) and X ( when Tidus kissed Yuna in a lake). You all have to try it if you all havent try.
2007-01-11 19:50:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
finial fantasy!
I just liked the way the story line played out... and the graphics were awesome!
2007-01-11 18:49:16
answer #7
answered by Jenn 2
god.... this is just weighing dissapointments. id have to say that final fantasy has dissapointed me LESS.
four swords adventure just sucked. as did windwaker. but other than that, LoZ pisses excellence.
2007-01-11 18:48:43
answer #8
answered by Mastronaut 3