Men and women are different and have diffeent roles in life. The Bible shows no partially in Christ Jesus between man men and women.
Galations 3:28-29 says, 28 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise.
2007-01-11 18:28:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I believe in both. The Bible is an interpretation handed down by MEN for thousands of years. I believe there is a higher power, I believe MEN, as usual, misinterpreted. Most of serial killers are MEN, most of wars are due to MEN, all bad things are from MEN!!!!! Women are apparently subdued for a reason, we are more powerful where it counts!!!! (Reasoning, feeling, emotion, etc.!) :)
Man could probably not handle a Woman being in charge and "tweaked" the Bible to say so. Women bear children, are so much more understanding and forgiving and socially responsible. Women were probably in charge at some point and some MAN decided to change it by dictating how the Bible would be written. Do a Google or whatever.....not ALL texts are included in the Bible. MEN picked and chose back a thousand years ago what we "should" read. Enoch was left out, why? Who decided? MEN!!!! Others were left out as well. I have always said I believe in God's word, not MAN's interpretation of it!!!!
2007-01-12 02:16:52
answer #2
answered by bubblingbroo 3
You really need to read the book.
God created male and female. God created Eve using material from Adam.
There are two covenants: One given to Israel and one given to us through Christ.
Do men today have more than one wife? This is from the Greco-Roman culture. Can women own property? Can women vote?
The bible states specific roles for men and women. Do you think that a pagan would check the way he lives to be a Christian?
I could go on but I will suggest your read the New Testament and see what teaching of Jesus is directed only to one sex and not the other.
2007-01-12 02:19:46
answer #3
answered by J. 7
Yes, that is right. The Bible is VERY misogynistic and it does put down women. And guess what? Many women buy into that crap! I know! I was raised going to a baptist church.
Do you know what other religion oppresses women? The Muslim religion. I am thinking Christianity is a tamer, more westernized version.
Eve ate an apple and that is why we have painful births. Doesn't that just sound like some cave people gathering around a campfire and telling folklore? Think about it.
2007-01-12 02:19:44
answer #4
answered by Jamie R 4
Genesis says because Eve ate the forbidden fruit and was the cause of Adam's fall from grace, that Adam obtained dominion over her from God. In Genesis 3:16 it says God made it so that Adam would rule over Eve. Eve was cursed with a painful childbirth. Obviously women still have pain during child birth, and the curse has continued. So it still continues to this day that wives are ruled by their husbands.
I believe in the Bible. Every human should be entitled to human rights, but everyone has their place in the world, and the place of a wife is in submission to her husband's rule (unless he's abusive of course).
2007-01-12 02:22:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Men and women are not equal as God told in Holly kuran, they differ. U see the nature of the two are different so they are different but share a very qualitative status, respection, kind , love, life and others.
Female has a very hight quality in this globe and God gave her that but not equal.
2007-01-12 02:33:35
answer #6
answered by hot sexy boy 1
Before the Bible was written during the time of Egyptian Culture, God was considered to be a woman. called Goddess. When men changed God into a man, religion became male dominant and women began being treated like second class people.
2007-01-12 02:16:43
answer #7
answered by liberty11235 6
Quick correction on the point about god being a woman in Egypt.
Egypt had The God and The Goddess. There is no God without the Goddess and there is no Goddess without the God.
When the Male and the Fe"male" (from which we get "male")...
When the male and the female come together, there you have the person of God... and then it becomes possible for The God and the Goddess to say "let us make man after 'our image' and after 'our likeness' ".
2007-01-12 02:44:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Men and women are equal. That's the end of the story. Period.
2007-01-12 02:22:33
answer #9
answered by Sarah* 7
God made woman for man as a gift to man. He didn't want man to be alone thats why he made woman. He made Adam first because man should learn to stand alone when he has no one to turn to in life.(No one but God)
Men and women are equals but we have certain roles in life as husband and wife. The main role for wife is to take care of home and nurturing the children and husband role is to protect his family and take care of his family needs. when man and woman get married they belong to each other and they become one. no one belongs to anyone unless they are married and join together as ONE.
2007-01-12 02:26:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous