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6 answers

They eventually fall back to the earth because they will never travel fast enough to go out of the earths atmosphere. Where it comes down all depends on the velocity of the bullet and the angle it was shot at.

2007-01-11 12:50:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They follow a parabolic trajectory, just like anything else you throw into the air. the parabola may be miles across. If you get a real power full gun, in can span continents. (reference the late Sadam's "super gun") If you get a super powerful gun, the bullet can go into orbit

Some debunking:

NASA is funding a serious project to put space cargo into orbit by firing the cargo out guns propelled by linear motors, like maglevs use

2007-01-11 13:23:07 · answer #2 · answered by walter_b_marvin 5 · 0 0

That proper there is the precedence of this entire difficulty. human beings don't have their priorities proper, adn the human rights communities are permitting them to finish that. The truly small minority in Gaza shoots rocket at Israel truly of assisting their human beings. Israel won't be able to sit down abck and enable it ensue so that they wrestle to do something small, yet because of the shortcoming of ability to inform civilian from combatant and teh ferocity in which they reply they finally end up killing the Gazans tenfold compared to Israeli casualties. i do not believe any attack by technique of Israel, offensive or protective. notwithstanding I wholeheartedly believe the blockade, and actual imagine they are being too mushy on the blockade. Israel paying for and promoting with Gaza on ANY factor is a privelage, and if Gaza received't reign interior the rocketeers, Gaza does not deserve the privelage of being given foodstuff and resources from outdoors. this difficulty has been ruled by technique of the senseless see you later that there are more than a number of human beings from both facet that are so blinded by technique of their baselss hate they could't be non violent. many human beings in this website are examples of each facet. interior the right it comes all the way down to, killing on both facet are undesirable, for this reason each and each facet are incorrect.

2016-11-23 13:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What goes up must come down and hopefully you are not standing under that bullet when it does. Many people do this stupid act and it has known to sometimes kill or wound others or even the shooter. It is a stupid thing to do..

2007-01-11 12:53:08 · answer #4 · answered by Teesip 2 · 0 0

What goes up must come down. Only stupid (or Muslim) people shoot guns in the air. Makes you wonder how many people die that way???

2007-01-11 12:51:46 · answer #5 · answered by Sean T 5 · 1 0

They go up and fall down. Now let's review the alphabet, class. A B C D... can you tell me what comes after D, ... no Frank, not purple, ... you put that paste down right now young man!

2007-01-11 13:10:27 · answer #6 · answered by flyingbirdyaws 2 · 0 0

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