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This started early Monday morning. I was having some painless contractions and when my son would move I would get this shooting needle like burning pain in my vaginal area. Went to the doctor and they said that I was 70% thinned already and they were concerned about my contractions so they sent me over to the hospital to be evaluated for a few hours. nothing had changed so they sent me home. Around 5 o clock wednesday I was having horrid pains that were putting me into tears. I dont really understand the counting and how many in a hour thing so I just called my midwife because it felt like they werent getting any less stronger. Went to the hospital and they told me i was 100% thinned and 1 cenimeter dialated. Contractions slowed after some meds they gave and they sent me home. Today i went to the bathroom and when i wipe my t.p had a dark pink tint to it. Can someone please help me understand what is going on. I am only 22 and this is my first and Im getting a little scared. Please hel

2007-01-11 10:16:38 · 17 answers · asked by wyattsmom22 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

17 answers

try and rest your in early labor. call your doctor or midwife since your bleeding. more than 6 contractions an hour you need to call the doctor too. start timing them. note the time when thw next starts and ends until the next one starts.

2007-01-11 10:21:47 · answer #1 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 1 0

Sounds like your little baby is coming early! I have four children so know the signs well.
When you start having contractions it is normal to have a pink mucousy stuff come out, that is often called "the show". It is normal and means the baby is getting ready to come. As you are already having pains you are probably getting your early contractions. You will need to be about 10cm dilated for your baby to really be ready to come.

I found I had contractions (which feel either like intense period pain, or intensely aching back and intense vaginal pain) initially about once an hour or so. They will slowly get closer and closer. In Australia it is common practice that when they are about 10 minutes apart you go to the hospital, or if your waters break naturally, or if you are worried, or first baby, or vomiting (sometimes the pain makes you sick).
With my first baby the waters didn't break but I was scared so I went into the hospital to wait. The midwife eventually broke the waters for me (with a thing like a crochet hook) and then my little girl arrived soon after.
With my other three children, the waters broke naturally, it was like a warm gush of fluid - I thought I'd wet the bed with the one, and with the other two it just kept leaking out. You just pop a sanitary pad there, or a towel and pop off to the hospital.
I don't know what country you live in, but if you call the hospital you can tell them you want to come in now as you aren't coping with the pain. They cannot refuse you. Do you have your partner or mum or a sister or friend who can be with you? I'm sad the hospital or your doctor hasn't helped you or given you information or helped you with all this ... if I was there I'd help you.
Don't worry sweetie, when your little baby arrives it will all be worth it - they are the most amazing beautiful little things in the whole world and you will love him.

2007-01-11 10:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

At 100% thinned you would have allready lost your mucus plug. Dialated to 1 is nothing to worry about right now. The pink tint would most likely be because you had doctors down there checking you. The first thing my OBGYN told me whenever she did a check was spotting after a check is normal.

Just keep track of how far apart the contractions are. They won't really keep you in the hospital until your at about 5 cm dialated or having repeating contractions less than 5 minutes apart. By repeating, I mean eery 5 minutes for more than an hour. This is true except in the event of a real emergency, of course.

I would take a few deep breaths and calm down. Do less activity. the less you walk, carry, and do steps, the better. Go on a self-imposed bedrest. Try to make it to at least 36 weeks. After that, your ok. Most birth complications happern before 36 weeks. 36-40 is considered "full term". Drink lots of fluids, get your vitamins, and rest. Lots of rest. The best thing to do is just calm down and stay off your feet.

2007-01-11 10:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by arfiegel 2 · 0 0

Okay since you are already 100% effaced I will start there, this means the baby is down and engaged. It's head is sitting in your pelvic area. It is probably at zero station. This means the only area left for your baby to go is through a small canal and out. They pain is contractions timing them is when one starts look at the clock or a watch and write the time down when you feel another one start look at the time and write it down. If you are have 4 to 6 in an hour, call the doctor or go to the hospital. The pink you saw is bloody show. It is the bursting of the capillaries from effacement.

Keep your midwife on speed dial and stay off your feet. Sit on the couch with your feet up and try not to do much.

Not to scare you but I think deliver will be soon.

2007-01-11 10:32:45 · answer #4 · answered by The Invisible Woman 6 · 0 0

the pinkish stain could be your "show" this is like the plug in your cervix, once that comes away your contractions will get more often and stronger. because you are only 35 weeks make sure that you go to hospital when your contractions are lasting 20 - 30 seconds and coming every 10 minutes, IF YOU START TO BLEED SIGNIFICANTLY MAKE SURE U GO STRAIGHT TO THE MATERNITY WARD . don't worry even if you have to go to the hospital 10 times a day, thats what the midwifes are there for to put your mind at rest, you know your own body better then anybody else, when u are worried call the ward. My son was born at 35 weeks, and he was perfectly healthy. make sure you get plenty of rest, keep your feet up, don't do any heavy lifting . keep smiling and don't get stressed, when u get stressed your baby will feel it . everything will be fine. post a message when your baby is born!
good luck

2007-01-11 10:36:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Invisible Woman's advice is right on.

I will add that I had my son at 36 weeks and he turned out fine. A friend of mine also had her first kid a month early. Her baby had to stay in the hospital for a while, but he turned out fine too. They can do amazing things in hospitals now for preemies. I believe at 35 weeks your baby is considered viable, so try not to worry.

I wlll also add that doctors are not always right. I had a weird symptom at 36 weeks (all-over itching) and the doc said it was nothing. I knew it was something, and sure enough my son was born 3 days later! So trust your instincts. If you are not satisfied with or don't understand their answers, don't leave until you do. If they try to make you leave brefore you're ready, stay in the lobby!

It's up to you to demand the care you deserve. When in doubt, call the hospital. If still in doubt, go to the ER. Don't be afraid that you're being a pain in their butt. It's your body and your baby!

2007-01-11 11:01:00 · answer #6 · answered by crazyjmommy 3 · 0 0

U need to call ur doctor I dilated from like one to 4 cm in less than an hour if u have been doing a lot of walking u may be putting ur self into labor. U are spotting and that may not be good especially if that happens everytime u go to the bathroom. also it could have been ur mucus plug. u will feel ur belly get hard all the way up to the top of ur belly when u are contracting get a watch and if they start coming regular and get closer together and last for more than one hour u need to go in.

2007-01-11 10:26:03 · answer #7 · answered by Leslie Loves Tommy 2 · 0 0

If you wiped and had dark pink on it, that's probably the loss of your mucus plug. When the cervix is effaced, and begins to dilate, you lost the mucus in the cervix that kept the bacteria from entering your uterus and affecting your baby.

It does sound like you will go into labor soon. I had my son at 19, and was frightened myself. Just remember to keep up with your breathing.. slow and steady. Remember when you push to not yell, because it takes the power out of the push. Push hard and quietly, preserve your energy to get that bundle of joy out of you!

Have you thought about pain management? Are you considering an epidural, or some kind of pain reliever. Are you going natural?

Here are a few links to tell you more about labor and pain management during labor. Good luck, hun!

The first 3 links are for what to expect during labor. The 4th is natural pain management, and the 5th describes the epidural for pain relief during labor.

2007-01-11 10:26:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do not hesistate to go back to the hospital if the pain continues. Start timing from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. Write it down. Call and talk to the nurses and doctors as much as you need to to feel comfortable. Have your bag packed and be ready. Just in case. Call someone to come over and be with you if you are alone.

2007-01-11 10:28:05 · answer #9 · answered by 2hpy4wds 2 · 0 0

It sounds like your body is going into labour a little bit early. The blood you saw was what they call a 'show' there is nothing to worry about if you are in labour because you baby will be ok because you are 35 weeks. Just call your midwife again and explain to her that you think you have had a show and what you should do. It can be up it weeks before you are in full labour.

2007-01-11 10:28:13 · answer #10 · answered by regie811 2 · 0 0

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