My advice is don't.
OK, first, read about the lives of famous occultists:
Then decide if it's worth persuing. If you want to wind up broke and forgotten, go for it!
If there is any truth to the old saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.", that truth is found in the occult, and Wicca in particular. Silver Ravenwolf has written close to a dozen books on the subject of "The Craft", and claims she has been studying it since about 1969, which is almost as long as I’ve been alive. She has written a book on how to cast money spells, and includes a chapter on how to do so in her Teen Witch book. But the thing is, she doesn't particularly sound all that prosperous herself. Ravenwolf writes,
" For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at stying my own hair from looking at magazine pictures" [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]
OK, she so rich she can't go to the hairdresser. Hey, get me a copy of that Prosperity Spell book!
Silver Ravenwolf seems to have inadvertently discovered that Wicca makes things worse, but won't ever admit it as such.
In Teen Witch she says
"A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell".
Gee Silver, you would think a lot of people would be saying things like "Hey, Silver Ravenwolf, my life has improved tremendously with Wicca!" if Wicca is as great as they claim. Instead it makes lives much worse, and even Silver Ravenwolf admits she hears this a lot!!!
Why? Because sometimes, things are just as you think they are. Most average people will tell you the occult deals with black magic and demons, and demons are evil beings who wish us harm. This is how it is my friend. The occult is evil, and brings bad happenings into a person's life, and Wicca is an occult religion. When you stop trying to rationalize it with inaccurate data and just use common sense you will realize this. Some occultists are of above average intelligence, and I think part of the problem is they have book smarts but not common sense. There are two forces at work in this universe: the counterfeit and the genuine. Wicca’s source of power is not the genuine. There’s just simply no way Wicca (and thus the copycat Neopagan religions) can be created from the black magic writings of “The Great Beast 666", the bizarre sexual practices of Gardner, the spiritual “guidance” of the Watchers (fallen angels) and still be a source of good!
Not all Wiccans are harmless either:;_ylt=AiPNdQz1cyOLeB7iTkvU9R7sy6IX?qid=20060920141547AA0e3fT&show=7#profile-info-79401d523b04ee9784e7438998679c4daa
None of the people who have answered your question can make it work either, Don't delude yourself. It's an incredible waste of time and money, and it's spiritual poison.
2007-01-11 15:09:42
answer #1
answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6
Well, let's start with age. At 12, there are so many paths that will look good to you, you may want to examine all of them for the next few years. That is what this age is all about. Learning about everything that interests you, but making no commitment to them till you are old enough to make a serious commitment to the path.
With all that is out there, all the things you can learn and get a good feeling for, it is hard to commit at the tender age of 12.
You do not "convert" to any other religion. You start practicing and work at it. Which is why 12 is an age to learn, so that when you hit the age of 18, you are ready for some hands on experiences.
I've read some of the answers here. Wicca, yes, Wicca, no, Wicca will answer all your needs, Wicca will make you end up broke.
Again, I go back to "practice". Wicca is spirituality overlaid on the practice of witchcraft. It is an experiential religion, meaning that the practice is hands on, and you get out of it exactly what you put into it.
Not all witches are failures. Where SRW seems to not be able to afford a hairdresser, I can and do. I think it is all dependent on your priorities. What is it that you really want and need. Then you focus on those and work your practice towards that goal.
Wicca by no means is a silver bullet that is going to bring you riches and fame, unless you do the work. You achieve nothing in life unless you work at it. The practice of witchcraft is the empowering of self to achieve those goals, through magics. And Wicca adds the extra advantage of having Deity working together with you to help kick up your practice and help you achieve your goals. It is a bonding, a union, of mortal and immortal, of an added extra source of energy, and it is a mutual respect.
Read more, hon. This is a big step - to decide a spirituality and a practice. Witchcraft is a way of life, not a hobby or a past time. There is more than I have mentioned here and when you turn 18, look for a teacher if you still find this the path you want to follow. None will take you at 12, because that's the way society is, 12 is young and you are still the charge of your parents. But read, learn, don't stick to just the "fluffy" books but expand as you go, and if this is the path for you, much will make itself available to you.
2007-01-12 23:23:40
answer #2
answered by Boudica 4
First of all, if you are concerned about offending God or Jesus then this is probably not the right path for you.
Do a lot of reading about Wicca. Look at Buddhism as well. At your age do not limit your exploration of other religions. Eventually you will find the one that is right for you.
It is not a matter of converting, it is a matter of learning and practicing. The most important things to us is our rede, and we live by it 24/7. That is "Do as thou wilt and in it harm none", and the law of 3, that everything you do, good or bad will come back on you times 3.
Forget everything you see on TV or the movies because that is pure fantasy. It will not make you cool, it can make you an outcast. Do not make rash decisions. Being a witch is more of a lifestyle than a religion, spells are really not much more than prayers.
I can't tell you what Coven life is like because I do not know, that would be Wiccan. I am Pecti-Witan (aka Hedge Witch, not Wiccan) a "solitary" practitioner of "the Old Religion", and have been for many, many years. Try looking up hedge witch and green witchcraft.
Being a "Witch" is nothing like what is portrayed in movies or on Television. There is nothing flashy about it. we are fairly simple people with "abilities" that everyone has, ours are just honed and utilized. Lots of research and practice. There is a lot to learn when you are dealing with herbal, mineral and candle magick.
I read tarot cards, rune stones and utilize a number of other "fortune telling" tools but would NEVER charge anyone for anything I do! Besides, I do not do "readings" or "cast spells" for others on demand. That sounds more like a carnival ruse!
This lifestyle seemed to come naturally to me, as I think this is not my first life (nor the last) as a witch. I have always had a deep respect for nature and have the ability to communicate with animals. When I was very young my parents encouraged me to learn about all religions, so I did. Books are an excellent source, providing you get the right ones, there are some I would avoid. I prefer Scott Cunningham. One question you must ask yourself is are you looking for the structured system of a Coven (Wiccan) or would you prefer the life as a "Solitary"? Buckland has some very good books outlining both. But my favorite book is still "Wicca, a Guide for the Solitary Practitoner". It is a good place to start.
You also have to have a thick skin, because even in this "advanced" civilization there are still those who believe we worship the devil (LMAO), and would rather turn a blind eye to the world around them. Some will even admit that they think we should be burned at the stake! Ignorance knows no bounds. People will comdemn you and accuse you of worshiping Satan!
I am glad you put this under Mythology, because if it is R & S you would get a lot of really rude, ignorant and intolerant people responding. You will probably get some of them anyway. Wiccans/witches seem to be targets for hate.
I hope you find the answers you were looking for.
Addendum: I am not going to treat you like a child because you are old enough to know your own heart and mind. I was about your age when I began my search for my truth. But do take how your parents will react in consideration. My parents were very supportive of my choice since they were the ones who encouraged me to search.
2007-01-11 10:04:03
answer #3
answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6
First, at 12 realize that there's no huge rush, if your parents aren't already witches or Wiccan, or amazingly open to the idea, it's likely that you won't be legally able to really start getting into any of this until you are at least 16, more likely 18.
Second, the difference is that Wicca is a religion, many Wiccans use magick and thus are also witches, but there are agreat many witches in America (at least) who are not Wiccan. [Like, every person in every ball-game is excercizeing, but not every person who excercizes is interacting with a ball.]
Wiccans believe in a Goddess and a God, that there is no hell that the spirits of people go to after they (we) die, and that people can reincarnate....and a bunch of other things that you can find by researching Wicca and Wiccans on the net (and by going to witchvox), etc. Witches believe that there are techniques that are like a cross between an art and a science (a craft) that can be learned, can be taught, and that can ennable the person who uses them to reliably cause the world that is being perceived to change in whatever way that they choose and are willing to believe in.
So, you're going to need to do a lot of research, and then decide which one to devote yourself to.
Once your are legal to make your own decisions or you have the permission of your guardians, you can find Wiccan or Pagan groups near you (witchvox has a voluntary registry of Pagans by region), look for a group whose people you like, and find a teacher.
When you are really ready, the proper teacher for you will show up. That's just one of the ways that it all works.
The "Old Religion"generally refers to the Celtic Religion practised in Europe before 200 AD, although sometimes it refers to Strega.
Most people in mainstream religions will not take you seriously if you should tell them that you have converted to Wicca....which you shouldn't be doing anyway. (Not only is it none of their business, but one of the principles of witchcraft, the most important one, is to "be silent" - - - the more silent you are about your beliefs, the more likely those beliefs are to be serious and devout).
If you cannot find this kind of thing out on the internet at your home, go to the library.
Biggest Brightest Blessings!!!
2007-01-11 18:45:08
answer #4
answered by raxivar 5
Considering you are only 12, you really need to take some time to get to know who you are before deciding what you believe.
Wiccans and witches do not look for converts like christians do.
The old religion refers to paganism and the worship of many gods and goddesses, or it can refer to strictly goddess-worship.
There are plenty of websites on the net about Wicca and Witchcraft.
Wicca is a religion, and while wiccans consider themselves to be witches, not all witches follow the wiccan faith.
Again, considering that you're 12, you should be worrying about school, home, family and getting to know you before looking into things like this. Have you discussed this with your parents?
I don't know of one witch or wiccan worth his/her salt that would want to assist you at this age without parental consent.
2007-01-11 09:45:32
answer #5
answered by Kallan 7
I second the suggestion of "Wicca for Dummies," not because we think you're a dummy, but because it's a great overview of information. By reading it, you're not converting--you're just learning more about this path that draws you.
There's no hurry for you to change your beliefs. If you go to church, keep going to church. If you have a good relationship with your pastor, you might ask him for his opinion of teenagers (you're ALMOST a teenager) exploring other faiths such as this one--if he's hostile about the idea of Wicca, just consider that extra information too, and be aware that he's working on the information he has/believes. God gave you the ability to judge how strongly to follow his advice.
If you DO decide to convert, I strongly strongly *strongly* suggest that you stay a "solitary" Wiccan until you are legally of age. That means you do spells and rituals on your own, instead of joining a group (although you can certainly find online friends). Why? Because no legitimate Wiccan will take you in or train you until you're at least 18, which means the ones who take you in or train you while you're still under age AREN'T LEGITIMATE and should be avoided.
Even if you aren't serious, by answering it seriously, those of us who care are also communicating to others who may be thinking your question, so thank you for asking. Best wishes whatever path you travel.
2007-01-11 12:00:03
answer #6
answered by Vaughn 6
I will second Kallen's answer. If you are serious you should have parental consent. If they will flip out over this then just wait. If this is your true calling it will be here when you are 18 and can make your own decisions. I know this is no help or comfort now. I was just like you at 12. I ordered a book that really did not help me and then had to keep it hidden. Then because I was raised Christian I had the same fears you are asking about. But when I grew up and was ready the God/dess was still waiting for me. If you are determined to go forward there are lots of sites on line but my favorite is it has a lot of information. Be careful there are creeps in every path and do not let yourself be hurt or taken advantage of. Many blessings on your journey.
Blessed be
2007-01-11 14:13:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I was raised Christian. I was even a church sectretary for a while. I have been a witch for about 8 years. I have a daughter your age. (just to let you know where I'm coming from)
Changing your religion is a very serious matter. I think if you are concerned about what God or Jesus thinks, you are not really ready to change your religion. You just think witchy stuff is really cool. That is perfectly okay. I do too. You have plenty of time for exploring other philosophies and religions. You might want to check out That is a Pagan website and they are family friendly. They have lots of interesting stuff to read and kid pages too.
2007-01-11 10:06:34
answer #8
answered by Green Willow 1
First of all buy Wicca for Dummies. That will teach you everything you need to know to get started. Then Google Wicca. That will lead you to actual witches. Perhaps you can find a coven in your town. Will your parents be upset? When you die, you won't go to Hell. Wicca doesn't believe in Hell. Oh before you go to coven see if they practice "skyclad". That means the people are all naked and maybe you don't want that. But there are plenty that keep their clothes on.
2007-01-11 09:41:20
answer #9
answered by Sharyn 5
well since your worried and god and jesus your not gona fit with us (Wiccan). we do have a god but NO jesus. so that answers your questions. ~*~Blessed Be~*~
2007-01-11 13:29:22
answer #10
answered by ~*~AmethystMoonBeams~*~ 5