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It seems to me that everytime something negative happens to the Americans in the war on terror, a democrat cheers. I am discouraged by the people claiming to "support the troops" and at the same time, talking about how little they've done. Everyday I tell my (Navy sailor) brother how proud of him I am and what a great job they are doing...THAT's supportive! Everyday I call the 800 number given to families of soldiers and get the latest "update". I hear the Captain, the Master Chief, and the Grand Master Chief saying what a GREAT JOB these guys are doing. They talk about the PROGRESS they've made and so on... Why aren't more Americans on America's side in the war???

2007-01-11 08:04:21 · 25 answers · asked by mommyismyname 3 in Politics & Government Politics

For the people claiming they don't know why we're at war...I say educate yourself! I wish there were a way to see what would happen without the men and women defending you and I... The reason we're in another country fighting in this war is because if we weren't there, they'd be here and instead we'd be fighting on American soil...

2007-01-11 08:27:39 · update #1

25 answers

I like the troops and I seriously hope we do win. But how dare you say that I'm not patriotic enough becuase I think the Iraq war was a strategical mistake? Just because I don't agree with Bush doesn't mean I hate the soldiers. They're heroes and should be respected. The people that protest against the war and the people who are worried about the soldiers' well-being and care about their lives. I think the Iraq war was a mistake because it had no exit strategy and there is a civil war. I know that soldiers want to help and some are making progress but the negative things outweight the positive. You can support the troops but that doesn't mean you support the administration or this ill-fated war.

2007-01-11 08:11:45 · answer #1 · answered by cynical 6 · 4 2

I have no party affiliation but I'm sure they are not against winning the war. From the people I know, they are against the fact that half the people have no idea why America is over there in the first place. I mean we were told about terrorism abut then all this stuff about helping the people over there and all I'm thinking is we can't even help the people in this country and we're trying to help a country change it's whole government. Something like that takes years and everyone expects it to happen soon. I think that's why most people don't support the war; it's lasting longer than anyone thought it would and it's using a lot of American money to fund it.

2007-01-11 08:18:42 · answer #2 · answered by angelicasongs 5 · 0 0

The mass overgeneralizations on Y/A are getting so trite.

Of course we want to win the war. We, however, do not think the current strategy will necessarily be effective in winning. I pray that I am wrong on this point. I hope this new strategy works like a charm and all the sectarian violence ends tomorrow. I pray that no other soldier has to die for this war. I thank my friend's brother and my cousin who have both served (and one is going over again at his own wish). I believe the troops are doing a wonderful job with the missions they've been given.

I think the administration is now turning to blaming Iraqis for the state of their country for lack of anywhere else to place blame. While they are partially to blame, they did not topple a dictator with no clear understanding of the sectarian nature of the country and no plan on what to do after the dictator was gone.

2007-01-11 08:19:03 · answer #3 · answered by harrisnish 3 · 1 0

college graduates are Democrats. properly your professors foster the Democratic super government thought because of the fact they be counted on government provides/entitlements and stay in a thought bubble different than for actuality. Engineering scholars and scholars that ought to bypass into the monetary international are normally Republican aka Logical thinkers. i'm questioning this time you university attending Democratic voters could have bit you selves interior the tip. How-----properly at present we've an all volunteer military. Liberals have purely surpassed the repeal of "do no longer ask, do no longer tell" Too undesirable if maximum human beings of the USA servicemen are somewhat unfavorable to having to share quarters with energetic homosexuals. anybody stupid sufficient to connect the energetic provider is purely too stupid to have a say interior the concern precise they are going to ought to do as their instructed. I have been given information----If the army, army, or marines have not got sufficient volunteers we "deliver returned THE DRAFT" You bypass on a lottery, they are going to rip you precise out of university and each-different occupation. you will get to place your existence down on the line collectively as being uncovered to nightly posturing and debauchery

2016-10-07 00:24:14 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Your "under 30's" will answer this with some mealy-mouthed, lack-knowledge drivel, but more seasoned, intelligent folks know that Democrat is a misnomer these days. A democrat is first a patriotic american that is slightly left of center with respect to social issues. JFK was the last democrat in office. Following that, our candidates have either been socialists (Carter) or centrists (Clinton) with leftist ideas never imposed. Your really left socialists like Dukakis, Kerry, Dean should not even call themselves democrats, though "liberal" would be acceptable. To answer your question, though, any American whether republican or democrat wants to win ANY war at all costs--a matter of patriotism. You deal with the fallout of whether or not the war was "moral" afterwards!

2007-01-11 08:20:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

How would winning this "war on terror" (hard to type that without laughing) make President Bush look good? He's already said it won't be over any time in the foreseeable future. He'll probably be worm food by the time it's over - if it's ever over. Meanwhile, he's totally ignoring his own country in favor of Saddam's. Remember that.

2007-01-11 08:16:12 · answer #6 · answered by Bush Invented the Google 6 · 0 1

Only if winning occurs before January 20, 2009.

2007-01-11 08:21:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is no "win" in sight. The only options we have now are pulling out, or being in this stupid war for ages, letting our soldiers die and resources put to waste, by trying to help a country that wants nothing more than our country to sink into the ocean.

2007-01-11 08:16:10 · answer #8 · answered by Stardust 6 · 1 1

I myself do wish we could win the war and troops come home now. but in defense democrats I just think they feel it's time for the troops to come home. They feel the war has no basis and that the people will never live peacefully. I can see the points from all sides.

2007-01-11 08:10:40 · answer #9 · answered by summer love 3 · 2 3

I'm not a Dem. I am not against winning anything (whatever winning in Iraq really means). I am against throwing away lives over someone elses lies.

If a woman lied to her husband and accused someone of assaulting her then the husband kills the guy to later learn that she lied, who is to blame?

It isn't the troops fault that the commander and chief lied to the world and stuck them over there. The troops are innocent pawns of Bush's dishonesty and deception. He put them their claiming 9/11 and nuclear deals in Niger THEN his flunkies exposed a CIA agent because her husband exposed their lie. Why wouldn't I dislike this man?

If Bush told lies OR witheld information contradicting his bogus claims to start a war, WHY should I support the lie?

Then the hard right called me a "traitor' and a "coward" for not wanting to go to war in Iraq over a lie.

2007-01-11 08:10:08 · answer #10 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 4 3

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