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Call me old fashioned, but what happened to respecting the office of president? We have every right to debate and to disagree, but I have seen some of the most disrespectful things done since Bush has been in office. I know many will disagree with me, but I honestly believe that he cares for America and does what he believes is best. Right or wrong, it's HIS job and he's doing the best he can with information we don't have. Everyday he is bombarded with the latest little country that's threatening America... Is it really necessary to call him names?

2007-01-11 07:04:40 · 34 answers · asked by mommyismyname 3 in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

We should respect the office, not necessarily the man. I voted for Mr. Bush both times and while I do not agree with every policy I also do not regret my decision. In many cases statements against the President show the frustration many feel, but the absolute slander against this man is disturbing. I do believe you can express discontent without utter disrespect. I did it quite often when Clinton was in office, but was always mindful of the fact that he was elected by a majority of the people and the leader of my country. In my mind the problem is not dissension for the man and his policies, but rather the slander and in some cases outright lies presented. Many people in this country have forgotten that just because they believe something is true you still require evidence to convict. Speculation presented as fact is just dishonest and lacks integrity or regard for due process of law. Do not let these people bother you. Your opinions are valid and carry just as much as theirs. Plus they have the burden of having to accept clueless people like Bonna over there who seems to believe that all terrorism began with Mr. Bush and will end when he is gone. Remember that the fanatics only have traction if other people believe and accept their offensive rhetoric and position, otherwise they are relegated to their rightful place as disenchanted malcontents. The sad fact is that you just will not find honesty in political debate any more and the situation will get worse as time passes.

2007-01-11 07:21:44 · answer #1 · answered by Bryan 7 · 1 2

I feel Bush has taken a lot more flake than other Presidents I've been alive to see. I also think he's had tougher administration since WWII. With 9-11 I'm not sure any president would have had positive response. I think we're in a time where media is involved in so much of our lives the presidents actions are watched more closely than ever. Clinton took a lot of criticism too. Over all it comes down to freedom of speech. People have the right too. As long as they respect the country and the office, they can say what they want about him.

2007-01-11 07:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am 100% with you on this! What ever happened to simple disagreement, or hating the policy, not the man? In our history, there used to be debates on many issues and yet we walked away from a spirited debate still respecting one another.

I blame the media. It has only been since the expansion of television and more recently, cable and sattelite TV, that fuel has been added to the fire and anyone with an opposing view is targeted for hatred. I disagreed with many policies initiated by President Carter but have the utmost respect for him as a man. Those who disagree with Bush have become vile and say some of the worst things about him simply because they believe differently from him.

2007-01-11 07:13:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Respecting the office of the president went out the door a long time ago.

It's not an old fashioned/new fangled thing sweetheart. People have been very critical of presidents and insulting to them since the beginning of our country. They called Lincoln a hairy ape or some such thing. It's nothing new. It's called freedom of speech.

If you don't like it, then don't elect idiots.

Your crew had no problem spending MY tax dollars invading the last presidents PERSONAL life when it had not a damn thing to do with national security or the job he was doing. How's that for a lack of respect?

As for this president? I have more respect for a steaming nut and corn-laden brown log that comes out of my a.ss then I do for George W. Bush and one of my bowel movements would do a better job of running the country too.


2007-01-11 07:20:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Old fashion? I think throughout the history of the US there has been people disrespecting the president. I agree that the arguments and complains should be kept to a reasonable civil manner, but who really cares if people want to call Bush a monkey or something.

2007-01-11 07:17:07 · answer #5 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 1 1

I completely agree! I believe that he as earned respect. I believe that is a big problem with our society. We have a lack of respect for authority figures in general wither it be our President or teachers at our local schools.

This is supposed to be a democracy. The majority of the country agrees he should be in control, therefore we should respect him. If someone doesn't agree then they should make sure they vote at the next election.

I also feel we lay too much responsibility on our President. If people are not happy with with decisions being made, they should bare in mind that our Congress and Senate are really who is in control. They should then vote according to their views.

2007-01-11 07:21:18 · answer #6 · answered by Kyme 2 · 1 0

I respect the position of the president. Do I agree with his disastrous policies - no. This is a government for the people and by the people, and it's our duty as Americans to stand up and be heard and take action when our elected officials make decisions that are not in the people's best interest - just like we did in November.

2007-01-11 07:21:14 · answer #7 · answered by foobarred 3 · 1 1

I respect the office of the President. I do not respect the man who currently resides there. I cannot in good conscience, as an American who loves her country, support this President. That is my right as an American to feel this way if I choose, and to also speak it out loud if I choose, period. If I met the man tomorrow I would accord him the respect due the office. But if he asked me for my opinion on the job he is doing, I would have to tell him the truth, and that I would also do respectfully. It wouldn't consist of name calling, it would consist of the reasons I believe his Presidency is a black mark on this country's history. No one can take that right away from me, it is part of our heritage and duty to speak out about what we see as wrong.

2007-01-11 07:12:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No it's not necessary, but liberals think that, by bashing him and degrading him for what he believes in his heart is right for America, they'll accomplish alot. On the contrary, it just makes matters worse, dividing this country instead of uniting it and working WITH the president instead of against him. Have you heard any liberal coming up with any better ideas for succeeding in Iraq? No. Instead, they just continue their onslaught of slander against him, like that's really going to help him, right? The name-calling reminds me of immature children in grade school who can't accept those 'different' from them - it just hurts them - doesn't create unity - just division - accomplishes nothing. If the demos worked together with the president instead of downplaying his convictions and doing his best, I think issues would be resolved easier and faster - not at the pace they're going now. I have alot of respect for Bush 'cause I know he's doing what he deems is best for our security and freedom as well as the same for Iraq. I'm not afraid to say I support him - :D Remember the old saying, "United, we stand; divided, we fall". The office of the presidency isn't an easy task and, no matter what party is in the WH, not every American is going to be happy with the job the president does - regardless what the issue, not everyone will be satisfied with the decisions made.

2007-01-11 07:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You are correct. The people that are calling the President names and acting like three years old's are known as Liberals. It's all they know how to do and it's what they run on. It's no wonder they keep getting booted out of power. No one wants a kindergartner in office.

2007-01-11 07:14:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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