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right or wrong or none of anyones business? but the choice of one onwens business is their own choice. even if its someone close to me I would miss them and its sad. judt please answer this I had someone close to me do it. and I now want a clue about it take care all and if anyone just neededs someone to linen to them no problem im here

2007-01-11 06:29:56 · 2 answers · asked by Umphery's Mc Joe'S 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

2 answers

As a survivor of this totally idiotic act, I see how wrong it would have been to rob my children of a mother and leave them to be looked after by family that really don't want the responsibility. It's a selfish thing to do and even though some people don't believe in God, it is a sin that you can't apologize for. Some people handle things differently than others, some are stronger than others but there's help and if you want things to get better for you, you can make them better. I'm glad to still be here to say that to someone who has thought about it or knows someone who did it.

2007-01-11 06:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by lovelee1 6 · 1 0

Life should be considered a gift,suicide is the easy way out.I only believe in assisted suicide for medical purposes.

2007-01-11 07:02:42 · answer #2 · answered by Celebrity girl 7 · 1 1

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