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3 answers

I've had a great experience there. You can post comments to the questions (discussions) that you start. It is very interactive. And the people there are very friendly.

I have found four legitimate work at home sites so far, and one of them made me $494+ in October, $700+ in November, and $838.57 in December. They are free to join.

Please click my screen name or avatar for more information and a link for proof of payment and lots of specific details.

I made some nice money at first, but once I found out these sites were legitimate, I started adding referrals and the money got a lot better. For every person you refer, you get 20% of what they earn. And for every person that one of your referrals refer you get 10% on one site and 5% on the other. In time--this could be a great source of income--making money while other people are in a sense, working for you.

If you get 5 referrals who earn $20 a month, that is an extra $20 in your pocket. If you get 100 referrals earning $20 a month, that is an extra $400 you'll earn every month!!!

And by the way--never join a work at home program that wants you to pay up front. If they were making that much money, they wouldn't need to charge you.

Note: There is a third site whose referral program works a bit differently, but they have a really high payout.

2007-01-11 08:43:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have been there i find that most users are there for the money only and the same questions are asked over and over again i have seen the same question 14 times in an hour by different users

2007-01-11 14:11:45 · answer #2 · answered by jimmythejock 2 · 0 1

it is quite good
i liked it
if yo r not registered click on


2007-01-12 03:55:18 · answer #3 · answered by smith 3 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers