You'll have a urine test, you'll get started on prenatal vitamins. You'll be asked the 1st day of your last period, this way they know how far along you are, so make sure you know that. You'll get a general due date. Nothing to worry about though. :) Congratulations!!
2007-01-11 04:44:10
answer #1
answered by Lisa R 3
You should discuss w/ your doctor any symptoms you are having such as morning sickness and cramping (which are normal). Also, ask him/her what to expect during the next month until your next appointment. He/she will tell you what is normal and what isn't during the next few weeks of pregnancy.
Your doctor will probably do a pap smear and breast exam, may even test for STD's by taking blood and doing cervical smear. If your breasts are really tender (as mine were) they can postpone the breast exam until later. He/she will also press down on your belly with fingers inside you to feel the uterus. Relax, none of this is painful.
2007-01-11 04:44:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What foods are best to eat, ask about things your body is going through that you don't understand.
You will probably get an internal exam to check the size of your uterus and measure the 'height of fundus' (which is the size of your uterus from your pubic bone to the top externally) Your doctor may check your breasts. Confirm an estimated due date. etc. These appointments are also to check blood pressure and other vitals that will help your doctor monitor your pregnancy, weight gain, fetal development, schedule tests etc.
2007-01-11 04:44:31
answer #3
answered by someone 5
Any questions you have! This is YOUR exam and YOUR appointment. And more imporantly, this is your pregnancy. So only you know what you have questions about.
Make a list of things you want to know: eating, activity, sex...whatever concerns you, ask.
2007-01-11 08:50:39
answer #4
answered by barbiefreak518 3
you will get a pap smear and some urine and blood work as well as your blood pressure checked and weighed.
things to know your medical history and the babies father try to get him to go too. questions to ask. ask what to expect each week. ask him what is he or she gonna do today. voice any concerns you have there is no such thing as a stupid question
2007-01-11 04:42:50
answer #5
answered by kleighs mommy 7
they will do a checkup like your yearly they will try to hear for the heartbeat which at this point you should hear it made me cry so i expect you to be emotional. ask anything that comes to mind. i asked like 30 questions so dont be afraid to ask. that is what they are there for
2007-01-11 04:41:58
answer #6
answered by miraclebaby_2006 5
Sit down and write down any questions or concerns you or your companion may have. It's easier to remember what you wanna ask when you have it written down.
2007-01-11 04:42:05
answer #7
answered by Babyface 4
Sorry, this will be long since it's from a Word Doc...
1st appt questions for your doctor
Each doctor will have his/her own guidelines so even though someone may say something is ok here, your doctor may not agree or vice versa. Some of the things below seem like common sense (and in many cases they are) but these have all been brought up here or on Fertility Friend more than a few times.
Foods to avoid and to eat- Specifically think of your favorites, fish/tuna/sushi/shellfish, alcohol, deli meat, cooking meat (how well done), cheese/soft/hard/cottage/cream, veggies, soft serve ice cream, etc, vegetarianism or if you avoid any other products, vitamins, artificial sweeteners if you use diet products, nuts / peanut butter, honey, herbal teas, licorice.
Suggestions for dealing with morning sickness.
Pre-natals and folic acid if you haven't already discussed them w/your doctor.
Smoking - seems like a no brainer but if you're a heavy smoker it may be an issue
Travel - When to stop, what do for plane travel, do I need compression tights, etc.
Generally most doctors will tell you it’s safe to travel in the first & second trimesters unless you are high risk. Doctors have varying cut-off dates in the 3rd trimester. Many doctors will recommend compression tights for long distances. Be sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
At any time during your pg, should you stop driving? (I can’t imagine why your dr would tell you to stop driving since many women actually drive themselves to the hospital for L&D and pregnancy does not impair your ability to drive but someone asked so if you’re wondering, you may as well ask your dr at your first appt)
Swimming - Public pools, hot tubs (hot baths for that matter)
Sleeping positions – Like foods & medications, different doctors have different opinions on this. Some will tell you that you have to sleep on your side after a certain point in the pregnancy. Some will tell you that as long as you are comfortable, you can sleep on your back, your stomach or either side. Keep in mind that women have been having babies for centuries and no one told them not to sleep on their backs. At some point, it probably will become uncomfortable for you to lay on your back for any length of time, just as it will become virtually impossible to sleep on your stomach. Listen to your body – if a position is uncomfortable, change your position.
Working out/Exercise - Is it ok for you? Heartrate, ab exercises (my dr ok'd them as long as they are comfy but not all drs do), exercises to avoid or to do.
Yeast infections, constipation and hemorrhoids. (treatments recommended). These may not plague you but if they do, better to know before you need help rather than Sunday night at 9pm when you can't reach a doctor or nurse immediately.
Discuss any medications you are on or might consider including anti-depressants, migraine / headache medication, antacids, etc. This goes for OTC medications as well. Allergies (what you can take & when if it makes a difference).
Supplements protect against stretch marks?
Dizziness / wooziness if you experience any
Sex - Can you have it (most likely yes unless you're high risk but it's a question that’s frequently posted on boards)
Beauty treatments - Do you need to avoid hair color treatments (most drs say YES you can color your hair), acne treatments, manis/pedis, various cosmetics, etc (in all likelihood nothing to worry about but if you're wondering, ask).
Mosquito spray / Sunscreen?
How soon can we find out if it’s a boy or girl and what is the most accurate method if you’re interested
Support groups if necessary
Ask about your doctor's thoughts on alternatives if they interest you - Natural vs drug/epidural, episiotomy, forceps/vacuum delivery, c-section vs vaginal birth, alternative medicines, inducement, etc. Alternatives to hospital birth if interested. You may as well find out now if your doctor doesn't feel the same way you do. It's a lot easier to switch doctors at 10 weeks than it is 35.
How often/how many ultrasounds?
Testing that is required or recommended during your pregnancy, what that testing entails and why it is important. Nuchal fold, cystic fibrosis, etc. If you are of “advanced maternal age” (35+) you may also consider a CVS or amnio.
Termination possibilities if something is wrong– How late can we decide?
Is your doctor going to be on vacation during your pregnancy and how is that handled with appointments and delivery (also, is he/she on vacation for your EDD)?
Cord banking & cord donation. If you live in an area that does not have a cord donation program, contact Cryobanks International 800-869-8608 for information on donation (they will pick up & store donations FREE). Please note that if you choose to donate your baby’s cord blood, forms must be RECEIVED prior to the 35th week of pregnancy. If you choose not to bank your baby’s cord blood, this is a wonderful way to help make a difference in someone else’s life.
Hospitals – Where do you want to deliver? Find out if your OB has privileges at that hospital / birthing center. If not, he/she can't deliver you there, no matter how much you'd like him/her to so you need to find a new place to give birth or a new doctor.
2007-01-11 04:40:58
answer #8
answered by sannice25 2