although the baby will have half the genes from you and half from your wife, your contribution determines his sex (aka - your sperm was the sperm that made him male rather than female)
also, depending on some of your genes, the baby could end up showing more traits of yours than your wife depending on who's genes are dominant
for instance: it is most likely that the child will have more of your traits if you have darker skin, darker hair/eyes, larger features (nose, height, etc) - although if your family has a history of lighter features too (let's say one of your parents were blonde), then the baby doesn't necessarily get your dominant trait, it's just more likely that the baby will get the dominant ones!
2007-01-11 04:28:00
answer #1
answered by K 3
Technically, yes, althougth they may not be expressed. A male's y chromosome is shorter than the female x chromosome. That's why males tend to have more genetic problems than females because female chromosomes have more of a chance to be cancelled out if there is a negative problem with a gene. In the case of a male, the only thing genetics has to work with is what the mom provides as far as those extra few genes. He is your son, he will look like you, but your wife contributed more to his makeup.
2007-01-11 04:26:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Each parent contributes 1/2 of the new child's genes. As to characteristics (who's nose does he have, etc) this is determined by the dominance of the gene in question. I don't know a lot about the dominance vs. recessiveness of genes to add much more than that.
Good luck and best wishes.
2007-01-11 04:25:43
answer #3
answered by kara3967 3
You each donate 1 chromosome..she donated an X chromosome and you donated a Y chromosome.
Technically all children have more of the mother's genes because of the dna associated with mitochondria which are found in every living cell (they each have their own dna strand and this dna comes from mother alone)
As for how he looks that is a toss up as it depends on how the DNA of you and the mom interacted
2007-01-11 04:30:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Nope 1/2 from you and 1/2 from mom
2007-01-11 04:25:33
answer #5
answered by mary3127 5
no.each parent gives 50% of their dna to each child,regardless of gender.u cannot be more related to one parent than the other.looks have to do with dominant genes,not AMOUNT of genes.
2007-01-11 04:29:19
answer #6
answered by kyra k 4
Nope :)
My son looks like his dad, but has a LOT of his brothers features (who looks more like his mom) so sex has nothing to do with it. I'm pregnant again with baby boy #2 and I wonder if he'll end up looking just like his father, or if he'll look like me! You never know with genetics :)
2007-01-11 04:25:31
answer #7
answered by Gig 5
I can't say for sure but my 18 month old looks just like his father not one thing on him looks like me.
2007-01-11 04:26:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no, he will have exactly half of his genes from each person.
2007-01-11 04:24:39
answer #9
answered by Kutekymmee 6
no it doesnt mean anything. he looks more like you . my baby son looks more like his father but has things that i have too
2007-01-11 04:24:39
answer #10
answered by miraclebaby_2006 5