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Politics is dirty man.....
Republicans say " We've gotta help the Iraqis, we have to stay" Have any of you met a republican that does something from pure compassion and empathy unless they have something to gain from it??
Democrats say " Let them figure out their own mess" What? Am in the twilight zone or what? What happened to "let's love and hug everyone"?

Don't get it and I'm still on the fence ...whachu think?

2007-01-10 19:38:54 · 6 answers · asked by Jmyooooh 4 in Politics & Government Politics

6 answers

I just looked at the link that Mark gave us, and it is really fuels my concern! Also, I recall that when the President went to the region to visit with the Prime Minister of Iraq, it did not go well. I fear falling on the side of "jumping ship".

2007-01-10 19:53:12 · answer #1 · answered by oatie 6 · 0 0

We are not an occupation force and we aren't going to fight a civil war to see who wins the prime ministers job, who doesn't even want it!

If we just keep sending troops in, like we have before, the Iraqi's kill more and their government does less!

If you are a Republican.............Well a millionaire is made off of money earmarked for Iraq every 25 to 50 US Soldiers deaths! That is not a price I am willing to continue to pay!!

2007-01-11 03:55:00 · answer #2 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

Yes you are still on the fence of Iraq as onlooker.Bush and his government inculding his troops are inside Irag country to play their roles and drew some interests.
Yes I agree with you that politic is dirty and tends to corrupt.Politic
permitted all kind of ways for reaching its objectives although it will against with the human rights.by killing so many innocent people and spending more money from tax payers.They told for helping Iraq people but in fact there are so many Iraq people hate Bush'administration..There were so many historical buildings were bombed by american.They made miserable people in many countries such as in Iraq,Afghanistan,Somalia and Palestine.

2007-01-11 04:07:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I think it is one big mess, and it lies at the feet of Dubya. We went into Iraq because we had something to gain: revenge and oil, and rebuilding contracts for Haliburton!
Now it is one ungodly mess, with the country torn asunder by warring factions.
While I want our troops out NOW--before any more Americans are killed, I feel we have some obligation to help restore some sort of peace.
I think that we should try any kind of diplomatic means necessary, and tell Iraq to get their religious bigotry under control because we're leaving.
It does make you wonder...they had "peace" under a sadistic dictator, but cannot achieve it now. Maybe it should become two or three countries...one for Sunnis, one for Kurds, one for Shiites???
Pray for peace!

2007-01-11 03:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 1 1

No. Democrats have learned the painful lessons from Vietnam...the GOP is bringing Vietnam back in 2007.

2007-01-11 04:17:29 · answer #5 · answered by GOP - Going Out of Power 2 · 0 0

Bush is lying -- Associated Press says he is: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_iraq_fact_check

2007-01-11 03:43:53 · answer #6 · answered by Marc Miami 4 · 0 1

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