No, just like straights, there are some people who have long-lasting and meaningful relationships, and there are some who prefer shorter, no or low-strings relationships, etc. If you are one (like me ;) ) who prefers long-lasting, meaningful and loving relationships, you'll have one, as long as you pick a person who values the same type of relationships as you.
2007-01-10 19:43:36
answer #1
answered by guitarherofairy 3
I have had a few relationships... true some have only lasted a few months each... but thats the idea that you get to know someone and then you see thier true self or true colors and you might not like that person. Gay and st8 people go through the same thing.... I had one relationship last 6 years and I am currently in one that I have been with him for 2 years and we are going strong. Yes you can have a long relationship even a life long one as long as its with the right person.
2007-01-11 05:03:51
answer #2
answered by qcdon30 2
I've been in a relationship for five years and my partner and I are in the process of adopting a sibling group of four. We own our own home and two cars. I don't think we would have gotten this far if we were not intending on remaining together. That being said I think that the reason that gays end their relationships easier is that it is easier. Their is no divorce procedure to end the relationship. Divorce requires that the couple take a few extra steps beside just packing up and leaving. Perhaps if we coul get married then those of us who leave relationhips easily would think twice before gettin into them and before getting out
2007-01-15 02:07:57
answer #3
answered by fl_lopez 3
There are long-lasting gay relationships. Just look to singer Melissa Etheridge. Finding love isn't always easy, and that's why a lot of young and out gays make and break up fairly easily. But then again, heterosexuals do the same, and the straight divorce rate is skyrocketing.
2007-01-11 06:50:39
answer #4
answered by roxusan 4
I know many gay couples who have weathered many storms together they are happy and fun to be around some have had longer relationships then others the joining of two people in a relationship is hard no matter their sexuality a relationship is about many things and sometimes they are end the relationship due to the inability to coincide with the others beliefs,maturity,any old reason with split a couple up no matter their sexual orientation
2007-01-11 04:32:37
answer #5
answered by shannara 4
They actually, statistically, last longer than most hetero relationships. my question: if gay marriage is so wrong, and breeders are the only ones to be allowed to be married............ then what does that say about marriage or relationships in general??
the truth is that no one knows what to expect. there is no standard to base any relationship on. get involved with someone.......... you could be surprised.
2007-01-11 03:46:48
answer #6
answered by urbania05 2
I have been with my husband 16 years.
My friends Rick and Bobby have been together 11 years
My friends Frank and Jim have been together 5 years.
My brother-in-law Dan and his lover Joey have been together nine years.
Meanwhile Brittney Spears had 2 marriages.
J Lo has had four.
Anglia Jolie has had three marriages (and broken up three).
2007-01-11 14:19:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I've been married to the same guy for 20 last was 7 years....ask me in another 20 years(with the one I'm with now).
2007-01-11 04:44:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
our relationships are no different than any other relationship. sometimes they fail sometimes they don't
2007-01-11 04:34:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah but thats because of AIDS!!!!
2007-01-11 21:25:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous