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ok so i hang out with the preppy group even though i am a total punk i love hard core gymnastics and i played soccer for six years...all the preppy girls are like never eating and so are really skiny andi feel like an outsider i have chubby legs is it tumbling legs (gymnastics tumbling),soccer legs or am i fat....nobody hads told me i am fat but i think it is because i am so short they dont relize it i asked my mom and she said i could gain a couple pounds....i asked my buttmunch brother and he told me i was the fattest person in the world.......i am embaressed should i be? and am i really fat or.....what? HELP!!!!

2007-01-10 17:11:58 · 11 answers · asked by hottest chick 1 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

11 answers

Don't fall into the "I want to be a coat-hanger" trap,If you are comfortable with yourself,be happy.Too many eating disorders have ruined young lives because of insecurity !!

2007-01-10 17:18:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Question 1) Of course not!
Question 2) Of course not!

You should be more embarrassed about your spelling errors! Fix them!

First off, a total punk would not be athletic in the first place. Secondly, a punk wouldn't hang out with preppy girls. Thirdly, a punk would enjoy being considered an outsider. Your dedication to gymnastics and interest in soccer points to someone that is hardworking and competitive. Punks are lazy and apathetic, so don't choose the box/group or label yourself something you are not! You are an athlete and academic!

Secondly, You should be embarrassed that you are hanging out with ditzy idiots that starve themselves in the name of fasion! 30 years ago, when Marilyn Monroe was the star, a few extra pounds was the idealized body, now it is an unhealthy starving stick figure. Why let other people tell you how you should look - it's completely subjective!

Find some intelligent, hardworking preppy girls that are also into sports, this seems to be your group.

2007-01-10 17:34:53 · answer #2 · answered by Dave ! 3 · 0 1

I am in the exact same boat. I know I'm athletic, and that it's really just my muscles making my thighs big, but somehow I can't get the fact out of my head that my thighs no longer fit into a 0 size jean. You've got to realise that it is healthy! No matter what they do or say, remember this: They'll blow up like a balloon when they turn 30. You'll stay fit because you know how.

Whatever you do- DO NOT STOP EATING! You're an athletic girl and it is absolutely dangerous to not eat well. Your body needs things like sugars and carbs, and lots of them. You can eat a plate of spaghetti and burn it off the next day, and it is totally healthy. In fact, I love to shove it in my friends' skinny faces that I can eat and they can't (or won't). They know I'm teasing, but they still hate it.

As far as having all sorts of personality differences, why not shove that in their faces too? You're hardcore, babe, and that is hot. Appreciate your differences for what they are- don't hate yourself for them.

2007-01-10 18:15:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, I don't really know how old you are, but your still in high school, and they say you stop growing at like 16 or 17, but I didn't stop till I was 23, your probably not fat, your probably just very musclar, cause you are in gymnastics and soccer, trust me those preppy girls would be rude if they had a chance too be. I was the punkest girl in our school, didn't get along with the preppy crowd till I got older, later in school and then we all got along. Don't worry your not fat.

2007-01-10 17:30:41 · answer #4 · answered by amazon 4 · 1 0

You're more than likely not fat, just healthy & athletic--like a young woman should be. The girls you hang out w/ apparently aren't living a healthy lifestyle & they may pay for it later on in life. Don't worry about what people say esp. your 'buttmunch' bro. Be yourself, honest & confident & that draws people in like a magnet!

2007-01-10 17:17:50 · answer #5 · answered by Blanketyblank 3 · 2 0

No, I don't think you are really fat. Do not compare your body to anyone else's. At your age, girls tend to think everyone is fat that isn't just like them.
A little hint I have for you is to be you and be happy with you and don't take them or yourself to seriously. LIfe is TOO SHORT to even consider what anyone thinks about you.

2007-01-10 17:26:41 · answer #6 · answered by tooyoung2bagrannybabe 7 · 1 0

It sounds like you are an athletic girl,so you are not fat. You have muscles,while those stick girls do not. Be pround of your body.

2007-01-10 17:16:00 · answer #7 · answered by lily_shaine 4 · 2 0

Oh for crying out loud, every little brother on the planet calls their sister fat......ignore him! HTH : )

2007-01-10 17:35:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You sound thin. You're brother was obviously joking around or just trying to be a jerk.

2007-01-10 17:15:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you did not mention your height and weight, we can't tell you whether you are fat or not

2007-01-11 19:11:42 · answer #10 · answered by funky-ira 3 · 0 1

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