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2007-01-10 15:58:19 · 128 answers · asked by nima sang t 1 in Games & Recreation Hobbies & Crafts

128 answers

There is a website that is perfect for beginners... http://www.knittinghelp.com it has videos and the forum is great for any question you might have.
If you want to start on your own following the videos, get some chunky or worsted weight yarn and needles size 6mm. :)

2007-01-10 17:04:57 · answer #1 · answered by maguilart 2 · 8 0

Check a learning to knit book out of the library to start. Buy some yarn and needles. You can copy off the basic instructions on the copy machine. Learn how to cast on- then learn how to knit and purl. A scarf would be a good first project. You may find instructions on how to knit on the Internet. I know you can find free patterns. Have fun. I made my first sweater when i was 17. That was the first thing i made. Once you learn how to do this then you need to learn how to increase and how to decrease. If you can find someone to give you a few lessons that would be a big help. Then you can learn many different patterns. Even knit an Afghan! Have fun.

2007-01-14 10:54:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there. I love to knit and crochet. There is no one in my family that knits and I did not know anyone who did either so I was rather in a mess.
I went and bought a book that said it could teach one how to knit and it had some simple beginning patterns for easy projects. I bought some yarn, a medium weight plain color and started following the directions! Within a few days I was knitting up a storm! I have found that I do like crocheting better as you do not have to count (concentrate!) as much. It is great fun, easy to do and the patterns work up quickly. There is no doubt that it is easier to have someone show you but if you don't have anyone to do that, don't let that stop you!
Grab some wonderful yarn in a yummy color, get a book and sit down with a good light. You will love it!
In my opinion crocheting is more fun and easier than knitting but that will be up to you.
Have fun!
Lady Trinity~

2007-01-12 00:22:59 · answer #3 · answered by Lady Trinity 5 · 0 0

I was wondering the same thing about a year ago. I learned mostly from websites, like lionbrand.com, and I also used the book Knit Wit and Mother of Purl. I recommend going to a craft store, and buying some thick yarn (like Lion Brand's Wool Ease Thick and Quick) and large needles (the gauge for the yarn recommends size 13, but 15 works too) and cast on about 12 stitches. I recommend a varigated yarn, as this could get boring otherwise. Use it to practice the stitches as you learn them, and until you can do each without reading the instructions, and not looking at the knitting. Once you are confident with garter stitch, I recommend making a scarf, then doing the same with stockinette stitch. Don't rush into anything, and be patient. You'll enjoy it, trust me!

2007-01-12 08:16:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

See the link below for background information and some additional links...

I suggest that you speak with people at fabric shops, libraries, and church to learn of someone who is already knitting. You will probably be able to learn a simple knitting stitch is a matter of minutes. Then learning to purl, increase, and decrease stitches are the next steps involved. It is good to find a basic pattern at the fabric department of a store or fabric store that carries yarn. You will want to begin with a small project so that it is not inundating (overwhelming). We did 'cable caps [hats]' in home economics. It required one skein 4 oz. of yarn, a set of knitting needles [I have forgotten which size I used], and a cable pin. The cable pin was used to make the fancy cable stitches along the rim of the cap.

The thing that I found most frustrating about knitting was that when one first begins to work on a project...it doesn't resemble anything...people see what you're doing and ask 'what is it?'...it is very hard to say while it just looks like nothing...two or three rows of stitches...looks like nothing. However, the lesson was that if one keeps applying the technique...the rows of stitches accumulate and begin to resemble whatever it is that one is endeavoring.

Be a Knit Wit !

2007-01-11 12:20:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best way is to learn from someone who knows.

When I started learning I had bought a "Learn to Knit Kit" from a craft store, and I struggled trying to understand what was wanted from the illustrations. After 10 minutes with someone who knew the basic knit and purl stiches, I was set. Once you know the basics, then sites like www.knittinghelp.com are useful to learn different increases and decreases.

If you don't know someone many yarn and craft stores have knitting classes, where you could learn. Also, my local YMCA has a weekly knitting circle.

If you absoluetly can't find someone then use www.knittinghelp.com because they have videos, which help you better visualize what you have to do.

Good luck!

2007-01-14 01:10:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey girl! I just learned to knit a few months ago. I taught myself from a Klutz knitting book. It has very specific instructions. If teaching yourself isn't your style then go to a craft store and look at their flyers. They usually have classes. Or do a yahoo search on how to knit and you can get free instructions!!! I hope you stick with knitting. You can make all kinds of things I'm working on scraves for my family. When you do learn to knit. Buy Vogue Knitting magazine. They have so many awesome patterns. Good luck! O and P.S. go to freepatterns.com and get a free account. They have some cute patterns on that site.

2007-01-12 04:03:38 · answer #7 · answered by Hannah 3 · 0 0

I wondered the same thing a few weeks ago. I don't know what kind of knitting you wanted to get into, but for me, I found something truly amazing.

Instead of knitting with needles, you can do it with looms! They're called "Knifty Knitters" and they are sold at Wal-mart and craft stores (and online at sites like www.provocraft.com). They make a loom for anything and everything you'd want to make, but most popular are the hat and scarf ones.

It's so simple, and so quick. I can make a hat in less than 2 hours and a scarf in just a day or two. All you do is wrap the yarn around the pegs, and then use the hook to pull the bottom strings over the top one. THIS MAKES NO SENSE NOW, but detailed (and illustrated!) instructions are included with the looms.

It's so much less complicated, and it's really quick. I highly recommend them!

2007-01-11 15:40:45 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I first started knitting in September, and I have to say that the internet has been THE BEST SOURCE of how-to's and instructions that I have found to date. I have 2 favorite websties that show how to knit ON VIDEO (sooo nice!);
http://www.knittinghelp.com/ and http://www.knittingatknoon.com/demos.html

So break out the needles and the "stash" (of yarn, of course!), and be totally ok with making mistakes!
Remember: this is FOR FUN, don't sweat the small stuff! And a word to the wise..."ripping" is SO a part of knitting!

2007-01-12 03:16:54 · answer #9 · answered by Sophie D S 2 · 0 0

I love to crochet and knit. I learned it from my mom who learned it from my grandma. I was born and raised in Germany and even had crocheting as one of my classes in school. When I first came to the US I worked at a Michaels craft store and ended up teaching two of my co-workers how to knit and crochet. We found that it was easier to learn when you have someone show it to you. The many books that are out there are ok but it is definitely way easier if you can watch someone do it. I would suggest you take a beginners class at your local Michaels store. It's fun and you meet a lot of nice people too. The teacher will be able to help you with any problems you might have.
And even though I like doing both, my favorite is still crocheting.
Have fun and enjoy! :-)

2007-01-12 02:22:53 · answer #10 · answered by Nat 2 · 0 0

the best way to start knitting is to get a beginners knitting kit. You can buy these at Target or almost any other store. These really help start knitting

2007-01-14 13:54:08 · answer #11 · answered by jl 2 · 0 0

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