Bible does not call consensual gay relationships sinful.
2007-01-10 15:17:04
answer #1
answered by ? 6
After reading a few answers I decided I'd put in my two cents worth. Actually, 26 percent of animal species are bi-sexual. The animal kingdom is no different than us, we just seem to be more sensitive to our basic instincts and worry about what others say or think. If we were truly able to be ourselves the world would be far better. The ones that put down or ridicule homosexuality are only afraid to admit that they've had those thoughts. It is as normal as breathing. The only difference between male and female is the x and y chromosome...inherently giving us different genitalia, sometimes it doesn't get fully completed in the rest of the body and mind, hence homosexual tendencies. We are what we are, and nothing is ever going to change that.
2007-01-11 00:32:23
answer #2
answered by doogie2man 2
God never said Homosexuality was wrong.
Jesus never said Homosexuality was wrong either.
You are referring to a certain passages in Leviticus in the bible which was written by Men, translated over time and are assuming that is was translated error free without any bias. In any Bible the words spoken by Jesus are usually in Red, funny how he never said anything about homosexuality.
I’m not Gay but find this discussion always fascinating. People usually respond to the question of Homosexuality based on Logic or Emotion. Most people respond by emotion.
The logical person will say, people are born that way. First, why would someone want to choose to be gay? Really think about that! Do you think someone wakes up one morning and says gee…Today I will be Gay?? Why? That’s like saying gee.. Today I will wake up and cut off my hand to be Handicapped. It don’t make any sense. People are born with their sexual orientation. I have many gay friends and they all have one thing in common they all new very young they liked the same sex.
The people who respond by emotion usually say things like, “Homosexuality is a Sin” Or it’s against the bible, or God made Adam and Eve not Adam or Steve” . They cannot logical explain their position so they need to resort to religion.
So lets go by their emotional response; homosexuality is a sin. Well guess what, having premarital sex (sex before marriage) is a sin and that is clearly stated in the bible but for some reason people go ahead and have premarital sex. To God Sin is Sin! You cannot choose which sin you want to obey and which others you want to criticize? To God you are a hypocrite and you will be judge. You cannot condemn a man for sinning when you are sinning too.
Everyone has their own religious beliefs and values, however we cannot impose those beliefs on others. In the bible it also says that if your eye causes you to lust you should take out your eye? People can argue the values, truths, teachings of the bible over and over. The bottom line is homosexuals have been around since time began and will always be here.
Oh Yah, Im gald there are gay guys, more girls for me :) In fact, I wish everyone was a gay male and I was the Only GUY. That is a true repsonse for a straigth guy !! I think those other guys who dislikes gays so much are a bit curious..LOL
2007-01-10 23:32:33
answer #3
answered by socaliguy 2
I think the question you have to ask here is 'Does God say that homosexuality is wrong?'. I'm not saying that He doesn't (although I myself don't believe that it is a sin in God's eyes). Think about these things first:
Just know that the Bible wasn't shot down from heaven in a celestial lightning bolt, all nicely printed and bound in book form- it had to have some transcribers who did the interpreting and writing. These people undoubtedly put their own 'spin' on things, to to speak, going with the times or even just what they thought. I mean, think of it this way- evolution has 'proven' the creation story wrong, and yet, who's to know what 'seven days' really means, in terms of the writers of Genesis, or of God Himself- seven days might be the deity's version of millenia (which would make sense). Therefore, this is just another small detail that might have been mistranslated or added in- not God's wish.
Another take on it is based on the idea that homosexuality is only spoken in the old testament, generally Leviticus. However, there are a lot of things condemned in Leviticus, things we all do now, happily and with no guilt. Why? Because when Jesus died, he died for all sins, and belief in him frees you from those silly sins, like eating pork and being near menstruating women.
Now, if you still maintain that God says homosexuality is wrong, then you just have to think of it in terms of a species thing. Humans are not, in fact, animals, but creatures with higher thinking and logic and ability to cognitively reason. Animals do all sorts of things that are not right for humans to do- kill one another, practice cannibalism, mothers kill and even eat their young, etc., etc.. It's quite natural. Does that mean that it's okay for humans to do? Of course not. Perhaps that's the answer you're looking for.
But I urge you to rethink homosexuality and its moral nature.
2007-01-10 23:14:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, I don't think that G-d says homosexuality is wrong. I think it's people who say this. For some people, as for some animals, homosexuality is natural. The Biblical ban on homosexuality is found in the list of proscriptions (sexual and other) in the Book of Leviticus. When the proscriptions are repeated in Deuteronomy, the ban against a "man lying with another man as if he were a woman" is NOT repeated! There are many Biblical scholars who still debate this issue -- even very religious rabbis! So -- at least among some religious Jewish scholars, the court is still out.
2007-01-10 23:13:38
answer #5
answered by Bubbeh C 3
Sweetie, all that God stuff is not a direct quote from Him, it's the writings of a whole bunch of old DEAD men who had issues and wanted to control others actions. Nothing more.
2007-01-11 07:08:41
answer #6
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
Homosexuality is not wrong, neither is being straight. We are just how we were made & think about it God created everyone & he makes no mistakes
2007-01-10 23:42:47
answer #7
answered by gitsliveon24 5
Typical question; if the animals do why can't we? Wouldn't that make you as low and unintelligent as them?
If you were to read the scriptures you would also find that God put man above the animals.
Gen 1:26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Now if you want to say that you are no better than and equal to an animal that is your priviledge and your right.
But I do believe that I am a bit higher than animals.
2007-01-10 23:10:28
answer #8
answered by trollwzrd 3
Homosexuality is not really prevelant in animals. They do do bonding without discrimination of sex, however Russian men kiss other Russian men. That doesn't make them homosexuals!
Animal erections come from female homonal discharges that creates a condition know as HEAT.
2007-01-10 23:03:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Animals are not homosexual. They may just be unable to find a female/male willing to mate with them. What's funny is that alot of gay guys I know actually became gay because they couldn't get girls!
Anyway, homosexuality is not natural in any way. Animals must reproduce to survive and any homosexual activity is a fluke of nature. If it was truly natural, you would see so many more animals displaying homosexual tendencies.
2007-01-10 23:03:22
answer #10
answered by Amanda 6