If they can ask stupid questions,I'll just follow the crowd.I picture them screaming "please dont behead me..,I'll show you whats in my purse.I want to understand you,I dont want anyone to hate me because I am such a wimp."
10 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
They did vote for this war,cant blame the President alone.
13:40:17 ·
update #1
Evan Bygh-democrat
Ted Kennedy-democrat
John Kerry-democrat
Hillary Clinton-democrat
John Murtha-democrat
John Edwards-democrat
want some more names that vote FOR THIS WAR??
13:46:35 ·
update #2
Eddy Rasco-you are a canadian,you dont need to tell me how to be an AMERICAN.
14:06:50 ·
update #3
Cut, run, and raise taxes ... that's their only plan.
2007-01-10 13:34:23
answer #1
answered by ValleyR 7
Make no mistake, the Democrats have had very little say about this war, period. It was Bush and his neocon's idea in the first place. It was sold to the American people by Bush's operatives. Your idea that this is the Democrat's responsibility just shows how out of touch you are. Who's had the majority power for the last 6 years, the Democrats?
Nice try on trying to pass the buck of a Republican engineered, and Republican sold war. The facts, however, speak against your fantasies.
2007-01-10 21:38:09
answer #2
answered by Underground Man 6
We will have to just wait and see won't we. The country was much happier before Bush. Can you say unemployment and death between the ages of 19 and 26. This is occurring on a regular basis. Bring out troops home. If you were in Iraq, would you pull your skirt up and run away.
2007-01-10 21:37:50
answer #3
answered by kayjay 4
Iss, you're getting caught up in the high school he said she said drama. If you want a real answer, then be a grown up American. Truly want answers? Don't taunt, for you seem to love the drama. GROW UP! . People in other countries don't watch 24, were the Americans ALWAYS win. Other countries hate us. I wonder why? Small minded individuals in this country who believe that arabs or russians or south americans are less than human maybe? LOOK AT AT THE BIG PICTURE, I'TS NOT ABOUT YOU, REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, RED, BLUE STATE, BUSH VS KERRY OR WHO EVER. Shhhhhh. It's about America. A country. The UNITED States of America. Please reflect. Anger is cheap. ...................cheap!
2007-01-10 21:51:17
answer #4
answered by EddieRasco 3
They like to run from wars. That's why they opposed this war from the beginning. Now that it is going badly, they still want to run. Nevermind that things would get worse if we leave.
2007-01-10 21:35:55
answer #5
answered by WJ 7
Oh, I forgot the Republican stance on this war. The big Manly people who don't care how many US Troops die, as long as they start a hopeless war on "Terrorism". When it turns out the war was for oil. Yep true men with the intent of Killing anything.
2007-01-10 21:35:55
answer #6
answered by a person 5
Neither democrats or republicans are responsible for this war. The only responsible is the wild and home landless capitalism.
Those people are whom you have to fight against.
2007-01-10 22:08:02
answer #7
answered by robertonereo 4
Of course they are - and while they do - more and more terrorists will sneak in through our porous borders so that we can be attacked on our own land.
Too bad they can't do things in the proper order.
2007-01-10 21:36:28
answer #8
answered by lifesajoy 5
It's starting to look that way.
2007-01-10 21:35:35
answer #9
answered by My Evil Twin 7
no they will roll up their sleeves and CLEAN UP bush's MESS...
you are quite the comedian
2007-01-10 21:34:34
answer #10
answered by KT 7